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Kratom Kratom OD heart attack experience?

Apr 20, 2024
Sooo.. I've been using kratom a long time now and never really had any bad experience. I'd do it a day or two put it down forget about it a week or two pick it back up jus try to be smart and not develop dependentcy ..of course I totally have at times indulged heavily for longer to but anyway..

Ive been only using alcohol and kratom lately. I dislike how much powder of normal form kratom I need to consume. So I've been getting extract powder and putting it in everclear to make an extract tincture and jus pouring small amounts into different beverages and it was working quite well until the other night I ended up blacking out and crashing on a bike

I can now a week later still feel my heart when I cough or sneeze. It's concerning me. The mixture of the alcohol and the amount of kratom in my system at the time I'm not sure if I had a heart attack or what but just wanted to see if anyone else might a had a similar incident with a kratom OD and if they're symptoms passed on they're own. I know I should go into the hospital. I have been abstaining from any substance trying to detoxify.. but yeah this blows.. I hope it's just a torn muscle or something.

Any advice or anyone with a similar experiences input would be appreciated thanks 😊
DS -----> OD

Moved to Other drugs sub forum
I’m sorry for not having better information but I’ve been taking Kratom for several years mostly not anymore lately but had nothing to do with Kratom why I stopped more or less.

I just wanted to say something like this you really need to skip this and go see a doctor. Anytime it’s not an anxiety attack you need to see a doctor with heart concerns. It’s just not something to take risks with. Many things if caught early can be fixed.

People slip by for many years with heart conditions they had since birth. I’m not saying that’s what is going on here but it’s just that again the earlier it’s caught the better. Look at David Goggins. Dude kinda annoys me a little bit inspiring nonetheless. He had an undetected hole in his heart or something along those lines. Pretty sure it’s a hole but they didn’t find it until after 20 years in the military and he was in spec ops. A seal at that.

That’s my point. Sometimes things we do can bring underlying problems to light. So I say again, please go see a doctor friend.
Thanks and I totally agree I need to.
I'm gonna. And I'm familiar with Goggins I did not know that about him tho.

I know it's common sense to go in I'm just 2 hours from any civilization otherwise I woulda went in already.
Thanks for your input :)
Thanks and I totally agree I need to.
I'm gonna. And I'm familiar with Goggins I did not know that about him tho.

I know it's common sense to go in I'm just 2 hours from any civilization otherwise I woulda went in already.
Thanks for your input :)
I hope I didn’t come off condescending. I didn’t intend on that.

Yeah man, unfortunately without a work up and medical training I can’t really be of help more than that. It’s just not something to take opinions about online. Please feel free to ask ANY thing here on BL. I’m just concerned.
I’m sorry for not having better information but I’ve been taking Kratom for several years mostly not anymore lately but had nothing to do with Kratom why I stopped more or less.

I just wanted to say something like this you really need to skip this and go see a doctor. Anytime it’s not an anxiety attack you need to see a doctor with heart concerns. It’s just not something to take risks with. Many things if caught early can be fixed.

People slip by for many years with heart conditions they had since birth. I’m not saying that’s what is going on here but it’s just that again the earlier it’s caught the better. Look at David Goggins. Dude kinda annoys me a little bit inspiring nonetheless. He had an undetected hole in his heart or something along those lines. Pretty sure it’s a hole but they didn’t find it until after 20 years in the military and he was in spec ops. A seal at that.

That’s my point. Sometimes things we do can bring underlying problems to light. So I say again, please go see a doctor friend.
Honestly, the advice I would have given.

Go at least get your BP and cholesterol checked.
I have had odd spells of severe breathing problems from large doses of kratom. Apparently it's a documented side effect.

I also have arrhythmias and skipped beats during alcohol withdrawal.

(I use both kratom and alcohol)

I have never suddenly passed out though, and I work out and jog a lot on kratom.

I would definitely go to the doc and at least get an EKG on your heart.
Sooo.. I've been using kratom a long time now and never really had any bad experience. I'd do it a day or two put it down forget about it a week or two pick it back up jus try to be smart and not develop dependentcy ..of course I totally have at times indulged heavily for longer to but anyway..

Ive been only using alcohol and kratom lately. I dislike how much powder of normal form kratom I need to consume. So I've been getting extract powder and putting it in everclear to make an extract tincture and jus pouring small amounts into different beverages and it was working quite well until the other night I ended up blacking out and crashing on a bike

I can now a week later still feel my heart when I cough or sneeze. It's concerning me. The mixture of the alcohol and the amount of kratom in my system at the time I'm not sure if I had a heart attack or what but just wanted to see if anyone else might a had a similar incident with a kratom OD and if they're symptoms passed on they're own. I know I should go into the hospital. I have been abstaining from any substance trying to detoxify.. but yeah this blows.. I hope it's just a torn muscle or something.

Any advice or anyone with a similar experiences input would be appreciated thanks 😊
1st issue is that you are mixing alcohol with an extract of an opiate (which you, as far as I know, don't know the potency or exact dose of when used).

2nd Issue is that you where doing exercise

I understand why people use kratom to aid in exercise, but mixing exercise AND kratom AND alcohol can cause heart issues.

If you are sick of using the powder you could always use powder capsules. They are easier to be consumed, can be consumed in public, and you can make them yourself for pretty cheap too if you get a ,mechanical capsule press.

Spacing out your doses to 1-2 times a week is optimal for recreational use, when I used to use kratom I would do two 4 gram doses every other day.

PS: When I use kratom for exercise, i do toss n wash due to the faster onset of action. I take either 2 grams straight or 1 gram with lemon juice.
Sooo.. I've been using kratom a long time now and never really had any bad experience. I'd do it a day or two put it down forget about it a week or two pick it back up jus try to be smart and not develop dependentcy ..of course I totally have at times indulged heavily for longer to but anyway..

Ive been only using alcohol and kratom lately. I dislike how much powder of normal form kratom I need to consume. So I've been getting extract powder and putting it in everclear to make an extract tincture and jus pouring small amounts into different beverages and it was working quite well until the other night I ended up blacking out and crashing on a bike

I can now a week later still feel my heart when I cough or sneeze. It's concerning me. The mixture of the alcohol and the amount of kratom in my system at the time I'm not sure if I had a heart attack or what but just wanted to see if anyone else might a had a similar incident with a kratom OD and if they're symptoms passed on they're own. I know I should go into the hospital. I have been abstaining from any substance trying to detoxify.. but yeah this blows.. I hope it's just a torn muscle or something.

Any advice or anyone with a similar experiences input would be appreciated thanks 😊


Hoping you are a bit better now, heart related bullshit is never funny.

I use kratom similarly (in powder form): I use it for a few days, than I put it down and forgets about it for weeks/months. Something similar also happened with me, when I "overdone" it, meaning I took like 2-3 grams everyday for like 4-5 days. I'm pretty lightweight went it comes to anything basically, alcohol hits me quick as well, so I knew I was over my limits at that point, but I mostly realized it when I took me dog out for walk, and my chest was heavy as fuck. My heart was luckily not aching or anything, but it felt like as my chest was full with rocks for the next few days. I don't remember doing anything about it, other than drinking a shit tone of water, and not eating much and it luckily went away quickly. But if you can, definitely go and see a doctor about it. My heart is also pretty fucked up, and I'm similarly in and out from the doctor's regarding it for months now.
Hey guys so it's about two weeks after that incident and I'm starting to feel normal again. It was scary AF tho. I'm thinking I ripped somthing or bruised some of the upper ribs or it was just to much toxicity accumulated in the heart..
It was a learning experience tho..

I never did go in and get checked out 😬 my health insurance ran out and I didn't feel like getting charged out the ass for something that might be something else or heal on its own which it seems to be thank goodness :)
Hey guys so it's about two weeks after that incident and I'm starting to feel normal again. It was scary AF tho. I'm thinking I ripped somthing or bruised some of the upper ribs or it was just to much toxicity accumulated in the heart..
It was a learning experience tho..

I never did go in and get checked out 😬 my health insurance ran out and I didn't feel like getting charged out the ass for something that might be something else or heal on its own which it seems to be thank goodness :)
I'm glad you're feeling better. Just definitely keep it in the back of your head as something to keep in mind regarding how you react to certain drugs and situations, and maybe when possible consult a general physician about it. They're not super knowledgeable about kratom, but who knows maybe you'll find a smarter one. A second opinion will never hurt.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Just definitely keep it in the back of your head as something to keep in mind regarding how you react to certain drugs and situations, and maybe when possible consult a general physician about it. They're not super knowledgeable about kratom, but who knows maybe you'll find a smarter one. A second opinion will never hurt.
Yo yeah its honestly kinda hard to confide in anyone or get HELPFUL info when it comes to Kratom ailments.. I'm so appreciative places like this exist.

Talking to anyone who's only ever read about kratom in a negative light and also never done it themselves there's already this unknown opinionated bias type vibe.. that's why after a good amount of google searches yielding only horror story's of ppl who died.. I was like oh yeah blue light and other forum places exist maybe I'll ask there to see if anyone else might of experienced something similar...

Everyone is indeed different.. I scared the shit out of myself with this experience. I thought I wasnt gonna come back from it a week in and yeah anyone reading this be mindful... And in retrospect it was prolly way less the kratom than it was blacking out on booze and crashing a bike..

Also this is what I was doing
Once I noticed myself getting more drunk than buzzed on booze I would take a dose of kratom and somewhat sober right up or be more clear minded and capable..

But when my extract is in everclear..... Prolly more likely to black out which... I did... So when I crashed and fucked myself up had less to go off....

All in all not smart on my part and kinda embarrassing... I was all good til I wasn't

Y'all be safe and smart with y'alls usage :)
Yo yeah its honestly kinda hard to confide in anyone or get HELPFUL info when it comes to Kratom ailments.. I'm so appreciative places like this exist.

Talking to anyone who's only ever read about kratom in a negative light and also never done it themselves there's already this unknown opinionated bias type vibe.. that's why after a good amount of google searches yielding only horror story's of ppl who died.. I was like oh yeah blue light and other forum places exist maybe I'll ask there to see if anyone else might of experienced something similar...

Everyone is indeed different.. I scared the shit out of myself with this experience. I thought I wasnt gonna come back from it a week in and yeah anyone reading this be mindful... And in retrospect it was prolly way less the kratom than it was blacking out on booze and crashing a bike..

Also this is what I was doing
Once I noticed myself getting more drunk than buzzed on booze I would take a dose of kratom and somewhat sober right up or be more clear minded and capable..

But when my extract is in everclear..... Prolly more likely to black out which... I did... So when I crashed and fucked myself up had less to go off....

All in all not smart on my part and kinda embarrassing... I was all good til I wasn't

Y'all be safe and smart with y'alls usage :)
These things happen. Can't remember if I already said this, but ime kratom and alcohol is a terrible combination, both from a mental and physical effects standpoint. Glad you're alright. I've definitely fucked myself up bad being drunk before. I almost impaled myself on a horseshoe post when I fell over once in someone's yard. Still not sure how I survived that one, but I woke up without a bruise and I fell right on that mfer... Youthful constitution or something. Amongst other nightmare stories, which is why I no longer consume alcohol. More trouble than it's worth, for real. Glad you were able to find some info here and are feeling better. Peace 💪❤️
These things happen. Can't remember if I already said this, but ime kratom and alcohol is a terrible combination, both from a mental and physical effects standpoint. Glad you're alright. I've definitely fucked myself up bad being drunk before. I almost impaled myself on a horseshoe post when I fell over once in someone's yard. Still not sure how I survived that one, but I woke up without a bruise and I fell right on that mfer... Youthful constitution or something. Amongst other nightmare stories, which is why I no longer consume alcohol. More trouble than it's worth, for real. Glad you were able to find some info here and are feeling better. Peace 💪❤️
Thanks bud ❤️
And I agree it is a bad combo...
I hate alcohol.... It really is sort of a last resort high for me.... I used drugs all my Life and now I'm trying to be like "normal" and booze is socially acceptable and legal but I definitely DO NOT like it for so Many reasons but if it's that or nothing I guess imma have a few white claws....

But the shitty thing about booze is its so short Lived and you always need more and in the later durations undesirable interactions occur... I need to stop everything entirely and I think I'm doing so awesome until I have some sort of incident or accident and yeah... I just wanna feel happy... And I feel like I need to consume something to feel that way but I currently hate everything I consume so nothing is prolly better... Lol sry 🤣