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Kratom capsules vs Powder


Dec 21, 2022
Hello all,

I currently consume 45-50 grams per day of White Maeng Da, yes I know, I messed up and want to stop. I have postponed tapering due to excuses, driven by fear. I'm tired of it, I tired of it consuming my mind. I wanted to know if capsules have an equal potency as powder, if taken in same dosage amount? I am hoping to know to have a better idea of how I can taper using capsules, as to my simple mind, it seems easier to gage amounts. Of course if each capsule is equal. Anyone have info on this? Have tried it? Are doing it? Any success stories? Please help brothers and sisters, and them. Thank you all for all you do to lend a hand and for being here as support etc...


I am thinking if it is equal or close, I will simply reduce by 1 tablet every two weeks, and taper over a year or so. Slow and steady, I hope. Like the bugs bunny cartoon, "The tortoise and the hair"! Remember that? Funny shit!! Yes, I am dating myself.
U must try it to know if these capsules are equaly potent as powder. In my case, powder was always stronger but harder to taper down, if you don't make your own capsules (buy empty capsules and fill them with powder u hlave). Also, be careful and i wish u strong will, kratom is very addictive drug.
I've been doing kratom for nearly 4 years. Got on it initially to get off oxycodone (kratom was a lifesaver-- I had no WDs) and continued taking it because I like the energy/mood boost. Yeah, it's addictive but a LOT cheaper than oxys/hydros. Also a lot safer than fake pills.

Anyway, I've nearly always taken the capsules because they're convenient and they are just as good as loose powder if they come from a reputable vendor. The American Kratom Association has a list of approved vendors that is reliable.

I think your tapering plan will work if you have the discipline to stick to it. I take about 60 to 70 grams a day (both green & red vein) and I am going to start tapering myself. I personally don't mind taking kratom for the rest of my life (I'm 64) but I would like to cut down-- simply because my tolerance is so high that I'm only getting a lift from my first dose of the day.

Best wishes on your journey and let us know how it goes!
I've been doing kratom for nearly 4 years. Got on it initially to get off oxycodone (kratom was a lifesaver-- I had no WDs) and continued taking it because I like the energy/mood boost. Yeah, it's addictive but a LOT cheaper than oxys/hydros. Also a lot safer than fake pills.

Anyway, I've nearly always taken the capsules because they're convenient and they are just as good as loose powder if they come from a reputable vendor. The American Kratom Association has a list of approved vendors that is reliable.

I think your tapering plan will work if you have the discipline to stick to it. I take about 60 to 70 grams a day (both green & red vein) and I am going to start tapering myself. I personally don't mind taking kratom for the rest of my life (I'm 64) but I would like to cut down-- simply because my tolerance is so high that I'm only getting a lift from my first dose of the day.

Best wishes on your journey and let us know how it goes!
You are so much like me ( and the same age give or take a year or two ) on how and why we take kratom. I also only take the capsules albeit my doses are lower than yours. I also only get the mood lift and energy in the morning with my first dose so I am thinking of lowering my tolerance as well. I also only take the red and green. We are like 2 peas in a pod. Wanna hook up LOL ?
Tapering off kratom myself so there really is no mood lifts anymore. But it's fast taper and need a break even if it's to be ready (lowered tolerance) for the next kilo. :)
Getting more of a mood lift from reading content all over BL.
Powder is usually better quality in my experience as well, but I've only bought capsules a handful of times, because they are always a rip off in price.... like twice as expensive as powder.

If you want to use caps just by your own empty ones and fill them yourself. If you are taking 50g per day this will translate into a LOT of saved money.

From what I've seen many vendors who sell powder and capsules get their capsules from a 3rd party. It's not always the same kratom as the powder they sell.

Also, if you are taking 50g per day, that's going to be 75-100 capsules depending in what size they are. I have heard anecdotal reports that taking that many gel caps can be very hard on the stomach... but that could also just be the kratom itself. Dunno.

Personally having to eat 50+ caps per day would be incredibly tedious. I hate swallowing large pills, makes me gag. That's just me, tho.
Powder is usually better quality in my experience as well, but I've only bought capsules a handful of times, because they are always a rip off in price.... like twice as expensive as powder....

Personally having to eat 50+ caps per day would be incredibly tedious. I hate swallowing large pills, makes me gag. That's just me, tho.
The capsules I've been getting are from a reputable vendor and I don’t notice any difference in strength-- just a slightly longer wait for the onset of effects. Also, they cost a little more than the powder, but not twice as much.

I got used to eating a lot of caps daily. I generally swallow 4 at a time (with plenty of fluids, of course). For me, they're easier than the grittiness of the powder.

I've been doing kratom for nearly 4 years. Got on it initially to get off oxycodone (kratom was a lifesaver-- I had no WDs) and continued taking it because I like the energy/mood boost. Yeah, it's addictive but a LOT cheaper than oxys/hydros. Also a lot safer than fake pills.

Anyway, I've nearly always taken the capsules because they're convenient and they are just as good as loose powder if they come from a reputable vendor. The American Kratom Association has a list of approved vendors that is reliable.

I think your tapering plan will work if you have the discipline to stick to it. I take about 60 to 70 grams a day (both green & red vein) and I am going to start tapering myself. I personally don't mind taking kratom for the rest of my life (I'm 64) but I would like to cut down-- simply because my tolerance is so high that I'm only getting a lift from my first dose of the day.

Best wishes on your journey and let us know how it goes!
I'm with you on that. Kratom saved my ass withdrawing from tramadol and oxys over 3 years ago. It even helped with my alcoholism. I still take kratom for back pain and mood enhancement. Trick is to shuffle the strains to keep tickling the receptors. Works like a charm for me.
The capsules I've been getting are from a reputable vendor and I don’t notice any difference in strength-- just a slightly longer wait for the onset of effects. Also, they cost a little more than the powder, but not twice as much.

I got used to eating a lot of caps daily. I generally swallow 4 at a time (with plenty of fluids, of course). For me, they're easier than the grittiness of the powder.

LOL. That "toss and wash" takes practice with the powder. 😝
I knew a guy who was doing the "toss & wash" and inhaled some of the powder. Bad news. He said that he thought he was gonna die.
I've almost exclusively used toss n wash for 10 years, and that's happened to me before a couple of times. Extremely unpleasant and basically forces you to both vomit and cough uncontrollably for like 10 minutes. It sucks lol.

It happens when you hesitate while swallowing.

I'm basically a pro at toss n wash now. I prefer to do 1.5g at a time. When done properly you don't taste anything at all, zero grittiness, and you're done with it much faster than I can swallow an equivalent amount of pills.

And gelatin pills (when taking a bunch of them) give me a weird taste that lingers in the back of my throat and stomach after taking them that I dislike.
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Did toss and wash once. Tea (with leaf) ever since.
Shit is disgusting and almost choked the hell outta me.
Y'all scuse me while I try my latest magic potion....