Kratom advice please re general detox plan


Feb 3, 2019
So I tapered down then stopped taking my prescribed 300mg per day dihydrocodine 5 days ago. I started using kratom 2 days ago. Ok so far. Back to work tomorrow.
My question is how hard are kratom withdrawals. Am I likely to expierence any if I taper down and off the kratom over 10 days from starting?
Hey there. How much kratom are you using? I was addicted to kratom for a long time, taking 30+ grams every day, and the withdrawals were awful, the restlessness is worse than with other opiates but the other symptoms are somewhat better. I think using kratom as little as possible for a few days is fine and you probably won't get withdrawals, but 10 days might be pushing it (kratom is, after all, also an opiate, though with a somewhat different binding profile). I'd try to do it for no more than 5 days and see where you're at. DHC withdrawals don't last all that long. You're better off feeling some lingering discomfort/minor withdrawal than getting yourself dependent on something else, so better safe than sorry. If, after 5 days, you're still not able to deal with it, try another day or two, ideally with a skipped day. And keep your doses as low as possible, just try to avoid full-on withdrawal, but don't aim to get high.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with me. I will take your advice. I have been using about 20g per day. Today my third day of using. I will try go tomorrow with out and see how things go. I was not aware it is an opiate. I definitely do not want another opiate addiction. I managed to stop using H 10 years ago. Been o n codine/DHC since. Really want to be free. Have you any advice for restless legs no opiate? I have some epsum bath salts.
Kratom isn't an opiate as it isn't derived from opium but it is a mild opioid agonist and can cause mild opioid dependence. You can taper down longer if you want, but the withdrawals will be mild compared to a full opioid agonist like dihydrocodeine. Really, I would think if you start tapering down before about 2 weeks off the dihydro you'll start experiencing dihydro withdrawal as 2 weeks isn't really long enough to cause opioid dependence/withdrawal(unless maybe if you're taking really high and constant doses). Also it is going to take you about 2 weeks to get past the acute withdrawal symptoms from the dihydro.

I don't think it's a bad idea to use kratom to get past the acute opioid withdrawal then tapering off the kratom after that, so long as you keep your kratom use within reason. I've heard Epsom salt baths are good for rls. I used to just sit in a hot shower until the hot water ran out because I didn't have a bath. Not sure if it works but you can try eating bananas, staying hydrated, going on a short walks and hot baths.
Kratom can cause strong dependence if you use enough for long enough, believe me. But yes, it's a lot safer than "true" opiates. I tend to refer to it as an opiate since functionally, it is, and putting it in the realm of harmless or nearly harmless is an easy mistake to make.

But I definitely agree that only 2 weeks is probably not enough time to produce any significant dependence, although PAWS will wait to manifest, if it does, until the opiate receptors are no longer being filled by exogenous opioids, which includes kratom.

As for the RLS and general malaise, hot showers are definitely the best thing. I never tried Epsom salts but it makes sense that would help. Also, a well-absorbed magnesium supplement (for example, powdered calcium-magnesium to mix into water) does a lot towards helping with muscle tension and restlessness.