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KLM Appreciation thread

severely etarded

Bluelight Crew
Jul 5, 2009
holy fuck the yellow ones have MDA! I've tried the other 4 colors and the rest seem to be different ratios, white & green being straight MDMA. The pink feels kinda like when I mixed a white and yeller.

I think this press deserves it's own appreciation thread, like mints :p

I respect the mints are good pills, I haven't tried one but I have no doubts. But these KLM's are BY FAR the best series of pills to hit TX.

The synth feels much cleaner than dragonflies, pumas, etc.

They are BY FAR the best pills I've ever taken. I tripped on a half a yellow and laid in bed playing with glowsticks because I didn't feel like getting up at all. I don't ever remember being anywhere near that fucked off HALF A PILL!

The white ones made my mind race in a deeply meditative and spiritual psychadelic way, much less colorful trip than the yellows.

MDA/MDMA is all rolling. But After trying a white & yellow together, it was so gorgeous and also had the emotional depth and lowered inhibition effects MDA lacks.

I don't know how I'll ever enjoy MDMA or MDA nearly as much on their own after trying them together in these KLM's. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy both on their own, but mixing them is heaven holy fuck.
Ah this post has got me excited! i dont have the klm's but i plan on taking half a bolt and half a defqon next time i roll! might be a while though. it will be my first time taking MDA and first time trying the Defqons. Probably going to be at a big Festival also. Wooooo These Klm's do seem very nice!
^ that sounds like a good time! :p I forgot to add what I meant by "clean synth feeling", but I assume it's cleaner than pumas/dragonflies because I get (REALLY) hungry torward the end of the roll, and don't feel as drained off them the next day either.
i doubt these are as good as the old school pokes, mints come close but i still prefer the og pokes.
i prefer mints over OG pokes, but ive only tried a white diamond pokeball i like them but i didnt get the floored feeling where im almost rolling to hard for my comfort. those things were so fat and only 90 mg of MDMA so a shit ton of filler. but everyone has their own opinion
hahaha you pokers would be schmacked on these KLM's ;)

Just like all pills I assume there's going to be weaker and stronger batches. Either way these are badass, definitely deserve a thread!

I wanna try those lightning bolts :D
about how many mg's do you think are in the strongest klm?
^I've only had pressed pills and capped molly. The molly cap was bomb, 1 cap = floored. It's hard to guesstimate the mg per pill, but if I catch a nice roll on only a half, I would assume they are 100+. High dose indeed for the US. Similar to what the minters claim. I don't doubt that at all though.

What got me is how fucked up I got off a half a yellow - I was having the signature MDA color shifts, extra clenching, and the floory feeling it usually takes at least 1 1/2 high MDMA pills to cause. (MDA floors you in a lower dose, but the other effects take more). Last time I rolled it had only been 2 months, I normally wait 3 but said "fuck it" lol. Last time I rolled I took 8 dragonflies over a 12 hour period or so. *note very bad comedown when re-dosing! NOT recommended to redose

Had to play around with them once I tested them out. The marquis looked the same as the other colors, but the feeling was way off. My girl had a panic attack when she tried a half; it's much more anxious feeling than MDA. I told her to take a half a white, and she did, and then she was fine about 30 mins later. Getting the colorful visuals of MDA while feeling all lovey-dovey, peaceful, spiritual on MDMA is the shit. Did I mention the glow stick lights STAYED tracers in the air, even after turning the LED's off there was massive streaks stuck in the air. Never had that happen on MDMA alone haha.

I am not one to abuse but these pills piqued my curiosity. How often to super clean, dank, MDMA beans go around with super clean, dank MDA?

First one I tried was a half a yellow because it broke in the baggy and I was presuming MDMA after hearing about them, but I was drinking one of those cold starbucks drinks and noticed it looked burnt orange instead of coffee/cream color lol. I asked my girl cuz she was sober at the time if the starbucks was orangey and she laughed and said "no" lol. At that at that point I thought *maybe it was MDA instead. but then I tried a white the next day and my girl tried a white, definitely a different feeling. Much less anxious/"fucked up" feeling and more spiritual/empathy feelings. The lights had a little halo around them on just white but then I took a yellow and the halos turned spikey looking! Did a glowstick show on the white/yellow mix, and wow, never had such intense uncontrollable long-lasting "tracers" even after the LED lightsticks turned off I saw the shadows of the sticks extremely vividly for at least 30 seconds after (on MDMA alone I remember the shadows lasting like 5 seconds tops)

I still want to try a lightning bolt though lol. they sound similar to the yellow KLM. I never tried MDA in my years of rolling, always MDMA, then this year the Mexicans started putting it in their pills lol.

I'm probably not rolling until new years though. Had way too much fun, time for a long break :D
I posted this on the tx discussion board but thought I'd put it here also. I have tested these yellows with a simons and they test as mdma and not mda. Perhaps there are two versions of yellows floating around? Or maybe they are mixed mda & mdma? I'm not sure how a simons would react to a pill with both but assume that since a non-reaction is mda that the test would react positive for mdma if there was any in the pill. Regardless the klms are definitely good pills. I have had pink and blue in the past and now have green and yellow to try for my next roll. One and a half blue got me going pretty good last roll. Very loved up and eye wiggles!
^ I'm pretty sure there's different batches. The batch I found was not the original batch. Little orange specs all over.

They could be a combo. Definitely some MDA in the yellows I tried. Felt like just MDA in the yellow ones I tried though. It wouldn't surprise me if they had a little bit of MDMA though.

I swear the whites I tried felt like the cleanest MDMA feeling. The second night after trying half a yellow I took roughly 3/4 a white and the feeling was similar, however less floored, less colorful, no spikey lights, just halos. Less clenching, and LOADS more empathy. I tried the yellow and white seperate then together. I tried em a few times within a short period. The rest of the colors felt like they had a little caffeine, I also noticed they were harder to break while the white & yellows were crumbling. Not really sure on the MDMA vs MDA on the pink, dark pink. I had already taken the other 3 colors within a short period, so I had HPPD from too many.

Man it was crazy how long the tracers just stayed there when you do a lightshow. Like over 30 seconds they ghost image of the lights would sloooowly fade away. But ya just curious, your yellow & green have noticeable orange specks? The ones I took did. The white were pure solid white and the pink ones didn't have the specks, but the orange/green had orange specks. Green were definitely MDMA, but they did feel like a bit of caffeine at the beginning, where the white comeup was a little smoother.

When the yellow hit me, I just felt like sitting down, lights got bright, colors got extra vivid, but there was an underlying feeling of anxiousness with them. The 3/4 white gave me that rush of empathy the yellow didn't have, made me think about relationships with people & shit. In the yellow I took felt exactly like the MDA dragonflies. no lie. more clenching/visuals, less empathy.

The blue simon's could be a little MDMA in the pill, or they are a different batch perhaps. Interesting, wish I saved a yellow to send into Edata. Sure felt like straight up MDA to me! Then again could be 80/20 mix or some shit. My girl couldn't handle them. she get's weirded out on straight MDA, like the legit dragonflies
They're all amazing. Stock piling these bad boys in case of some sort of drought. Had an amazing weekend at Benassi and had the pleasure of meeting Oceanroller. I made a lot of people happy that night. Can't wait until Morgan Paige, until then peace, love, unity and respect. - Dilated
Haha! Yeah, that was so random running into you Dilated! Was good to meet you too! And agreed, all colors of klm have been outstanding so far. I was on a green and yellow combo at BB and had great night! Can't say I think there is mda in the yellow from my experience but no doubt that they're good pills. Can't wait til next event!
^ did the yellow have orange specks? That's weird cuz the ones I took were definitely not clean MDMA. They had MDA visuals and anxiousness. The empathy wasn't like the other colors I tried. weird.

I mixed half a yellow with half a white, that was great!
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Damn, i really wanna try some of these. i havent heard one single complaint online, like og-pokes and mints--when a pill is good its good. all the low dosed & adulterated beans are hit or miss(no surprise). all this leads me to believe that these are probably reaching 100mg, since most ppl have been satisfied with just 1. it looks like TX is holding onto these pretty tight tho :/ ((quick question, when you guys go to parties/events/raves, do most ppl have thick southern accents? its hard to imagine someone offering me a lightshow with a Dubya accent lol))
some people might but those are just misconceptions. i dont really knw too many people with thick accents n most of them are country dudes that like the country scene n do the country thing n they usually arent the people at raves, tho i do know a few down ass dudes that are from small towns n although they dont look like they'd have an accent they do

but most people in TX (atleast where im at, DFW) dont sound like what people from other parts of the country think/sterotype

n George W. laid that shit on thick, dude was born in Connecticut n Ivy League schooled IMO he exageratted that shit

i mean yea your surrounding influence you but not even his father spoke like him
i figured it was a misconception. barely any chicagoans(even southsiders) sound like the "superfans" from SNL. were not like-->"lets go to daaaaa rafe over dare on da nort-side". i must admit tho, i do have a pretty bad chitown accent according to out-of-towners, but i dont notice it. anyways, this has NOTHING to do with the texas pill scene, so ill see yall on the next one!! thanks for replying
^ Man I'm fucking pissed... The whites felt just like the good old school pisces when they were probably 100-125 mg, I swear the yellows had a fatass dose of MDA, or maybe something very similar like 6APB. Never tried lab-confirmed 6APB but I did try two different dragonflies, and the bigger rock solid ones were definitely MDA, and the yellows felt so similar... I still have HPPD from honeymooning these. Best fucking pills I ever tried! no lie!!