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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Keif' Richards

Keif' Richards

Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Aug 4, 2010
Hey guys. I just want to apologize to everyone for my absence and sporadic posting. I've been going through some life quest stuff and it has been difficult.

I'm,gonna be resuming posting tomorrow amd I just wanted to let everyone know I'm alive and kicking right now. I'm on my phone and this seemed like the simplest way to do it.
Sorry to hear that mate. Happens to us all and totally understandable. Glad you're starting to feel better and have more time for BL tho :)
Good to see you.

Glad you are alive and kicking!

Hope the life quest stuff is going well.
^Same here, man, wish you well and it's good your getting back into the fold
Wishing you well brotha! I've been looking up to your post for a few years now! You have great advise. Be safe man!