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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(JWH-250) – Experienced – Collected high dose experiences


Aug 12, 2008
I take out my container of JWH-250. At this point, I dump it onto the tin foil. Easily 50, 100 mg. I just want to smoke as much as possible, as fast as possible. My straw is completely caked with JWH-250 residue, and this will serve as my reservoir when I run out of it.

I smoke continuously, hit after hit, until it becomes too difficult.

Ahhhhhhhh. This is the feeling I crave. I have this intense pounding throughout my body, like how you feel when there is loud, strong, bass music playing. You can feel it tell every cell in your body to pulse in unison. The feeling is indescribable. The most incredible euphoria, with each pulse bringing a new wave of pleasure. And the way I like it, I’m easily humming along at 150 bpm. I am a little hummingbird of euphoria. Beating continuously, unrelentingly, it drowns out all tactile input. This is the state I want to stay in forever.

While this is happening internally, I am laying on my bed watching TV shows. What is on doesn’t particularly matter, and I have probably watched whatever is on 5 times over. It covers the constant noise of a lighter wheel being turned. Endlessly. Hit after hit.

My mind drifts at this point. The lines between what I see and what I imagine begin to blur. I don’t have frank visuals, but my visual input takes a backseat to what I imagine. Countless scenarios, sometimes in reference to what I’m watching. A moment on a show will inspire a question in me, and immediately I’m down the rabbit hole pondering the answer. Observing the interaction between two characters, examining their conflict, wondering why. All these and more, in the blink of an eye. The pulsing throughout my body slows down. Time to redose.

Another hit. Another. More.

Despite being completely immersed in the experience, and unable to function in the real world, I feel as though my mind is running 5 times as fast. It is as if my brain, suddenly unburdened from sensory input, is devoting more resources to continue this inner dialogue. To simply thinking. On one hand, the time dilation this creates is massive. My thoughts are lightning fast, and I can ponder every possibility (for a given scenario/thought train) in the time it takes to watch a half hour program. This rarely happened in practice though, as I would get distracted by another thought.

On the other hand, time seems to blink by. What? I have wasted an entire day watching TV smoking this stuff? The memory loss makes it seem like so little has happened. Yet, I know that I’ve thought so many things, so many possibilities, so many important and inane topics. But if you pressed me, I doubt I could remember a single one.

How late is it? 1:00 am? I need to go to bed to be up for class. Well, just another few hits….

Interestingly, smoking JWH-250 is vaguely stimulating. I would probably have fallen asleep if I stopped dosing, but as long as I continue to redose, the mental stimulation keeps me awake far into the night.

Another hit. Another. More.

I have since quit smoking JWH-250. For about 2 weeks, it was all I would do. I missed class, hardly showered, ate sporadically and unhealthy meals, and was basically lying in bed smoking this stuff nearly continuously. I realized that there was a strong psychological pull for me, and that the compulsion to redose was enormous.

Be safe with these potent, full agonists of CB1. It seems like they have a greater potential for both addiction and negative consequences than marijuana. Enjoy them in strict moderation.
Nice Report! Tried to ingest that Stuff orally some time ago with no effects. I just don't want to smoke some powder 8(
Be careful with such high doses of these cannibinoids, I've no personal experience with them myself as personally I don't believe you can improve on medicine like the genus cannabis species Indica/Sativa's that are popularly available.

I could see it as something to get by an invasive mandate such as a drug test, but I've heard too many accounts of detrimental and lingering health effects to really be that into trying it. Nice report though, thanks for taking the time to submit it.