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Just writing.


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
What are we going to do today? What day it is? What veins will i use?
Years are draining down the sewer as a trail of blood.
If mother suggests to get professional help, it's just love.
Speed pays sleep debts. Death pays speed debts.
Forever lasting artificial emptiness is the result of freezing that's self-caused.
Self-caused by injecting my blue, pumping and raped veins with opioids for years.
My days are mostly looking for medication, but thank god my friend has warmth and other one has beer.
Dope tastes better the more you do and since i didn't own anything i wont lose anything.
Alone and confused i came to this world and the same way i will leave.
What's dripping on walls will spread to the floor, like Virgin Mary's bloody amniotic fluid.
God is dead, we killed him and the nature of men has taken over.
I'm faceless persona, in faceless world.
I can't distinguish humans from fashion stores plastic dolls.
I'm just a soulless body walking without a greater purpose.
Surrounded by degeneracy of morality, death and backstabbing.
The show must keep going.
Is this the last chapter of my story? I really don't care.
I'm born like spring and will die like fall.
Yeah, I mean what's life you know, right shade *head nod* you know it's lemme move in ma chair a bit cuz i wanna get my robe real quick, so where i was, yeah. Life's a bunch of repetitive fragments of what you did, going to a rave tonight yay.. fading into unknown for a few hours bam -- back to the wooden box. Space it's what we need to achieve, to actually see something new, to actually go back to our origin. My opinion at least.
When it's raining, it's time to smoke.
Feelings are being dragged behind me as an extra limb.
I look outside how the drops of water are hitting ground.
Each of them contains an universe inside them.
They will find their place in world.
I wish i could be like them.
I look to street and see someone laying down.
Under my watching eye dead man's lips are getting blue.
Cold, empty and lifeless street.
Will anyone notice?
Colorless pencil gives birth to hidden alleys, that are changing bright drips of my thought to black mud.
Unauthorized hanging around was permitted on your own responsibility by accident.
In strange regions, in dark addresses where shit always seems to happen.
My black leather boots are sinking to swamp, leaving marks behind.
The people that come the same road after me, not many can avoid following my footprints.
That's why in darkness shadows are creeping, waiting for the innocent young men to walk in.
When he's inside, he can't find the way out.
He is left to the darkness.
And the men whose lips are already purple, his veins are full of clotted blood, his hands are cold and he has fallen to eternal sleep.
He has found the way out of the darkness.
He has found warmth and can no longer feel the never ending cold.
He has paid his debts to God.
He was once the young man, who walked down the swamp.
And i was the one, who came after him.
New generation is already playing on the playground.
They think they have found something revolutionary, something new, something cool!
The thing is - The game stays always the same..

Everything that was yours is now mine.
Mine! Mine!
These are mine, those are mine!
That what's left is yours, but take it fast or i'll take it too.
One! Two! Your neck, mine!
In bar i'm sitting, thinking who i will hit to head with hammer tonight.
Hide what you got or say goodbye.
I'm writing these lines for streets, but nobody knows what street.
Call me crazy, tell me something new.
You're scared about it, i'm living with it.
My money is my money, your money is my money.
Get used to it.
Look at yourself now.
Do you see it?
Your veins are pumping.
You're losing your psyche.
You're not one of us, you're one of them.
Scream for those cops now, honey.
Listen to me boy.
Twist the truth boy.
Kiss the ground boy.
They're listening boy.
How does it matter what you say about me?
I wont ever hear it from your mouth.
Only friends are my bag and these lines.
Only friends are my money and syringes.
Mine! Mine!
How's it going?
Can you still take this shit?
Are you with me?
Well fuck, that's what i thought.
Take a beer.
First of all - i know couple of guys.
We need couple of guns.
Second of all, let's empty our bank accounts.
It doesn't matter, since we're not coming back.
Lets buy some cigarettes, some speed from friend i was with in jail.
So fucking much bullets, bulletproof vests wont matter.
Finally we do matter.
What does your future look like? Are you prepared to fill your days with this shit?
We can't see light, we wont see the light.
I'll destroy everything, this world isn't for us.
Chase money, you little fucking whore.
Bullets in your back, you little ugly whore.
It's amazing to have finally way forward in life.
Because you'll have to die now.
Voice inside me is telling it.
We're going home now.