• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Just Submitted My Application for this Job - Jeez


Oct 20, 2013
I spent over an hour answering a bunch of questions about myself and personality to see if I "Match the requirements of the position". Such BS. I know I could do the job. But I couldn't answer any of the questions honestly because that would mean I'm an actual human being with feelings and challenges. No, what they want isn't a person but a robot, who has no interest in anything except the job - fuck his family and/or personal interests - and who has no emotions whatsoever. Someone who'd rather work late than go to their kid's little league game or spend time working on their personal relationships. They asked me questions like, "Have you ever been stressed by your job" and "Have you ever been annoyed with any of your co-workers". Really? Who hasn't?

No wonder our society is so fucked up. Who has time to be a husband or a parent, or care for an elderly parent when corporations like this have us all under their control. What do we get in return: high divorce rates, kids that are all fucked up and ageing parents rendered useless and stuck in some old age home to wither away and die. What a sad, pathetic culture if you ask me.
Usually the questionnaires are designed to find out if the person is honest. Just be consistent in your answers and you should pass.
I know I could do the job.
well that's great but it's hardly sufficient is it? i've had some miserable employees who talked up how great they were. they were quite sure they could do the job. but they couldn't.

it's more about consistency than honesty but you can reasonably assume it's easier to be consistent if you are answering honestly.

sounds like you dislike everything about the job you're applying for and you'd be miserable. so why do that? you should explore and/or create opportunities for yourself that better meets you requirements...

sounds like you dislike everything about the job you're applying for and you'd be miserable. so why do that? you should explore and/or create opportunities for yourself that better meets you requirements...

Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion based on my post. Actually the work itself appeals to me very much. I just think they're recruiting criteria are ridiculous and I'd bet most people don't answer those questions honestly. I also think we need a better work/life balance in this country so that we can actually be there for our families as well as the companies we work for.
I spent over an hour answering a bunch of questions about myself and personality to see if I "Match the requirements of the position". Such BS. I know I could do the job. But I couldn't answer any of the questions honestly because that would mean I'm an actual human being with feelings and challenges. No, what they want isn't a person but a robot, who has no interest in anything except the job - fuck his family and/or personal interests - and who has no emotions whatsoever. Someone who'd rather work late than go to their kid's little league game or spend time working on their personal relationships. They asked me questions like, "Have you ever been stressed by your job" and "Have you ever been annoyed with any of your co-workers". Really? Who hasn't?

No wonder our society is so fucked up. Who has time to be a husband or a parent, or care for an elderly parent when corporations like this have us all under their control. What do we get in return: high divorce rates, kids that are all fucked up and ageing parents rendered useless and stuck in some old age home to wither away and die. What a sad, pathetic culture if you ask me.

Asking questions like that is usually to test honesty, they don't expect someone who has never been annoyed at their co-workers or stressed by their job. I thought that that was obvious to everybody, but I guess maybe you're a little on the dim side? They'd know you were answering honestly because being stressed & annoyed sometimes is human nature. Since these questions can demonstrate honesty and therefore integrity, I think they are far better questions than your bizarre proposed ones - "What are your feeling about your child's little league game?" is a totally useless question and a bizarre example. Are you like sixteen years old or something? Because that's how you come across in this post.
Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion based on my post.
maybe you didn't communicate as clearly as you though you did?
Actually the work itself appeals to me very much.
but, obviously, there is more to a job that the actual tasks we perform.
I just think they're recruiting criteria are ridiculous...
well, when you get the interview be sure to tell them :)
I also think we need a better work/life balance in this country so that we can actually be there for our families as well as the companies we work for.
i agree. if it's a factor for you - and it obviously is - perhaps you're applying for the wrong types of jobs?

Asking questions like that is usually to test honesty, they don't expect someone who has never been annoyed at their co-workers or stressed by their job. I thought that that was obvious to everybody, but I guess maybe you're a little on the dim side?

... Are you like sixteen years old or something? Because that's how you come across in this post.

Wow what a asshole-ish thing to say. Thanks for the insults jerkoff. I've been working steady and haven't been in the job market for the last 12 years. And I have researched a bit about what the game is like nowadays and these tests, which happen to be a relatively new phenomena, are in fact not just about finding honest people, but also an attempt on the part of employers to be more selective in a highly competitive job market.

But I guess none of that matters to trolls like you that get there kicks talking shit to people on an Internet forum that they'd never have the balls say to them in person.
Relax dude... ^
Really. How would they know if I'm answering honestly?

They usually ask similar questions (just worded differently) to test for consistency.
Have you ever been annoyed with a co-worker?
10 questions later, Which of the following statements is true? "Sometimes I get annoyed when I'm working" "I'm never annoyed when working".
OP, I'm with you on this one. The online applications for many big corporations are ridiculous.
Yeh I'm with OP on this one too. I really fucking dislike the whole premise of tests.. tests which usually comprise multiple layers of bullshit.. in essence to make up for the fact that a lot of people (in HR and companies) these days simply can't read other people correctly. A face to face interview and discussion will tell you infinitely more than a battery of lame ass tests which can be conducted in isolation.

I say this having recently done two of those tests for big multinational companies. One even had videos of workplace scenarios, and at the end a HR boss talked about how great the company was.. yet all the people in the videos were borderline socially retarded. I couldn't stop laughing as I was doing the test. One of the biggest most prestigious companies, staffed by social idiots. No wonder they have to rely on stupid tests.. none of those people could ever conduct an interview.. probably couldn't even conduct a genuine social interaction to save their lives. In the final stage interview for one of them I really thought I was talking to a young social idiot who was on the leash of the older boomer aged manager who was up himself. About halfway through I realized I didn't want to work there, even though money and CV material would have been fantastic! The smaller companies I interviewed with we spent 2 hours talking, really liked who I was and resonated well.. they knew how to actually interview and, well, talk!

The tests are there to also screen based on two criteria:

1. How far are you prepared to bend over for this job? We're a big company.. we're packin' it.. can you accommodate to the needs of the company *Big Business smile grin*
2. Do you have a basic level of intelligence?

Those are ranked in terms of importance. All this bullshit about "our tests are based on psychological bla bla..". It's fucking nonsense. Some company or psychologist has sold their bullshit to the big companies, and now they all use it thinking it works wonders (and saves time/money on interviews). The fact is you can learn how to do those tests, even as you do them you can figure it out, but it doesn't actually tell you what the person is like or how well they will do the job. You can not judge that from tests where a person is hiding behind a screen. Face to face interview tells you everything..

Bottom line is, the big companies are all about the bottom line. They don't give a fuck about you. No real loyalty, no real culture. That's why those with sense leave after a short while.. get the pay and CV material, then leave. I found this during my interviews.. people who had worked at big companies, then moved to smaller ones once they got more senior because the big companies were just devoid of soul.

Alaisdairm: Consistency - Yeh it said that on one of the tests I did too. But I noticed as I was doing the test that the same style of question, sometimes even the same one, would come up 2 or 3 times.. to test for consistency. At the third time of asking my patience was wearing thin and I was thinking "Is this a joke? Are you OK, or are you a fucking retard.. oh wait, you're a computer/test. Ugh". My mood is going to change and I won't be consistent if you consistency ask the same fucking thing over and over again and treat me like the retard when it's you who's the retard!
What I dislike about online applications is you can be disqualified from hire before you were even met. It is like a way to reduce us down to numbers so businesses dont have to hear "you cant hire me because of a misdemeanor marijuana charge but i am over qualified i have 3 kids please!" because sudden the person is right they are perfect for the job and just human enough to make you change your mind. But when its szuko000 on the application and he checks that "been arrested ever in your life oh by the way we dont care about the disposition just if you were ever in hand cuffs in your life" and if you google me you can see about 10 years ago i was...

I actually had someone at a urinalysis lab tell me "your perfect for the job its a shame we cant hire you because you were caught with marijuana back then even though you can pass a drug test you cant have this job" Its happened a twice where that was the sole reason i couldnt get one. I remain confident that soon it will be over and it wont matter but i knew those police were ruining my life because i have potential and now with the faceless application system its oh so easy to pass people who have been arrested or anything because you just make the program trash all applications that check the box. /rant

If you are worried about the personality quiz beyond the length of time it took and how repetitive they all are then your reading too far into them :)