
Nov 9, 1999
So I met JeremyD saturday night at Rubber Room. I have to admit that I was a little scared :) Was I wrong !!!!! He is the nicest guy on earth. This guy has a smile stuck to his face, he would not stop dancing and brought the best vibes to the party. Now that I know him, I think, well, I know, that his posts were just a big joke..maybe not the best kind of humour, maybe he just took Bluelight in a much lighter way that we all do..Anyway, this guy will never hurt anybody and is one of the true people who makes our scene what it is. Can't wait for Pitch Black, because now I am sure that we will all have the best time...Jeremy, remember, no e-puddles over there...
I also got to meet Fozzy, wow...Thank you so much for taking care of my friends and myself, taking us to the after, introducing us to your friends and being...fozzy!!!
You guys are the best.
Hey, I am soooooooooooooooooooooo sad now that I did not get to meet Jeremy! Or did I? I don't think I did, Jeremy, if you are out there still, did we meet? Did you get to see me? I was way off my brain, and having way too much fun dancing and swinging my two blue glowsticks in the air, Manie was able to figure out who I was because of the glowsticks! Talk to you soon, Renee
Also, I was able to figure out who you were because you happened to be at the table right next to ours :)
Well after meeting you at rubber, I actually tried to look back to see how you could have possibly pissed people off...and my computer crashed! Must be a sign. You no longer have to introduce yourself as "JeremeyD, Sorry". Had a great time with you Fozzy , mikey and all of your very cool friends. You all rock.
Well thanks for all the kind words. I had a blast meeting all of you. I'm bummed that I didn't get the chance to meet you Renee, but there will definitely be other parties. MainE is one of the coolest people I've ever met at a party. Thanks again for being part of my VERY FIRST e-puddle.
P.S. How awesome was Thomas Michael?
See you all soon....
Jeremy, I am still sad!!! Everyone got to meet you but me...You are probably going to pitchblack to like everyone else, huh? Oh well, rubber is my calling so I will be there on the 29th but what about the next one on Feb. 12th? Will you be at rubber then?
Thomas Michael is one of my favorite DJs (and Stephanie's too)..He was so good at Jujubeats. And we get to hear him again at Pitch Black!! Renee, how come you don't go to raves? You should.
Manie, because I get popped out too easily! I love to sleep and when it gets to 2am I am ready to just get horizontal and snooze! I know, I know, I am really missing out on alot because I just LOVE to dance so much but I promise, one day, I will go to a rave with all you guys and experience it like I used to, thanks for asking, Renee
Renee, do like me and get horizontal before...even after work there's time for a good 6 hr snooze...excitement of going will wake you up. I liked your Rubber very much, but even better if longer...right?
(yikes what am i saying)
hope you will change your mind and come to pitch black
i am afraid thomas michael will may recognize me as a groupie...