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I've managed to get addicted to Fentanyl. I want to stop but I'm scared.


Dec 16, 2016

I started smoking Fentanyl about 6 months ago due to a really bad back after an accident. I found that it helped completely remove the pain but also made me feel warm and happy.

6 months on and my back is ok now. However I cant stop smoking Fentanyl. After 3 or 4 hours of my last hit i become very nervous and jumpy. I start worrying irrationally and begin to sweat.

I really want to stop but I'm scared. I've read varying reports of withdrawals.

How long will it last if I stopped today? What should I do? Should I go to my doctor? I live in the Uk.

Thank you in advance if you choose to help me.
Hey isedtoslink and welcome to Bluelight. Being that you're in the United Kingdom, you should be able to take advantage of the NHS in treating your addiction. I'm not positive what wait times are like for supportive medications like Buprenorphine/Methadone, but I know that they're available and are integrated into your health system. They should be fairly easy to access if that's what you're after. It's of course, a step you should only take when you're confident that you will not be able to maintain abstinence on your own.

I'm assuming you have a primary care doc assigned to you? The issue with Fentanyl withdrawal compared to Heroin, is that the withdrawal is relatively short and intense. Sure, it's great that it doesn't last as lone, but in reality, the intensity of the withdrawal can quickly incapacitate you and leave you unable to do the things you need to do to manage your symptoms. You can indeed be too sick to even get out of bed. I've been in bed for 4 hours thinking about getting up, but struggling with exactly how I'm going to do it.

If you don't have the presence to take control of your own symptom management, you run the risk of developing more severe and potentially dangerous symptoms like dehydration. Part of my withdrawal plan includes being able to swallow comfort medications and a limited amount of fluids, with electrolytes or just a pinch of table salt. Rectal administration isn't an option for obvious reasons, so I simply must be able to swallow without vomiting. If you can't do this, your situation will get worse quickly.

If you go see your physician, you can get yourself a little arsenal of comfort medications, potentially. You can wow your Doc by not asking for any controlled medications, which I'm sure he'll be expecting. To name a few, Gabapentin (Neurontin) for RLS/Akathisisa, Clonidine (Catapres) for heightened blood pressure/anxiety, Ondansetron (Zofran) an anti-emetic to enable you to swallow your other pills. With these three drugs, you will have a fighting chance at remaining in control of your syndrome.

As far as how long the withdrawal will last, I can only estimate. Opioid withdrawal in general is pretty linear and is actually pretty easy to describe and predict. Withdrawal from a drug like Heroin is going to last for ~72 hours acutely. Not taking into account half-lives or anything of that sort, I've always found Fentanyl to be maybe 70% of the duration of these drugs. Given this information, we can infer that your withdrawal phase might be ~50 hours of serious symptoms. Have you withdrawan from and Opioid dependency previously? If not, you need to educate yourself regarding Post Acute Withdrawl Syndrome (PAWS). I'm not going to sugar coat it. It's the phase after acute withdrawal in which you're not violently ill, but are still afflicted with depression, apathy, anxiety and lethargy. It's a bitch and you need to know that it's a huge factor in eventual relapse for many.

I would definitely hit your Doctor up, in short. Addictions to short(er) acting drugs are very hard to break. The high intensity and frequent peak/trough action of the drugs tend to make people scared, desperate and everything in between.
Thank you for taking the time to answer. You have given me some confidence that I can actually do this. Knowing what I am up against is a massive help.

I have a loving partner who is able to offer support and make sue I am hydrated and/or medicated.

I do not wish to let my doctor know about this because it will go on my permanent health record. I am going to try and quit this drug very shorty on my own.

I have the following meds to help me. Valium 10mg tablets. Xanax (Alprazolam powder) and Tramadol. I only intend to use these to get me over the first couple of days. Do you have any suggestions about these? i.e Xanax over Valium? I don't have to take any of them but I have them to help.

I'm in a similar situation I'm quitting for school I only have 2 weeks open for me to do so . I have Valium and Xanax in my arsenal exactly like you and I've gotta say the few attempts I tried and failed quitting , it seemed high dose of Xanax made things kinda worse if I took too much at once cause you're already weak as hell when sick and being super benzd out made it worse .
The anxiety aspect is taken care of even at low doses high doses aren't necessary thus I realized best way is to spread it out in small doses . Especially during morning and day time Try to take as least as possible save the positive effects for night time which is usually the worst (for me at least) also if you keep it at a low dose spread out you won't have a tolerance quickly . Try to get some buds , bud and benzos and tea music blanket heater documentaries movies shower 3-4 times a day also try to get up and walk even 100 meters outside your house and back you'll feel cold and weak but when you get back you'll feel slightly better being at home rather than if you stayed put in one spot for 2 days or something . Of course all this advice helps and I know it , but actually having the will is 75% of the game to me meds only help so much .
Oh and the tramadol , honestly it's shit be careful with it you can't take more than like 500-600 mgs a day I believe or 800 I forgot the exact amount someone should know here , it's a type of anti depressant/opiate so you don't wanna keep taking that and having double withdrawals take it only when you really really need it and I would at night so you could at least sleep a bit . Keep us posted I will too
Hey man, Good to meet you.

I'm in a similar situation I'm quitting for school I only have 2 weeks open for me to do so.

I'm going to try this week as I have to fly cross continent in January and I can't take this shit on a plane with me.

I'm going to read your answer and reply properly later. But one quick question. How long have you been in this use cycle for ? Are you worried?

peace out
No, you really can't. Go to a doctor and be honest with him. That's one way to solve this. At least temporarily.
Fentanyl is very strong and you'll probably need methadone or something to taper so you can get by these first days of detox.
^he has a bad back....he cannot risk being never allowed to get a painkiller again for the next 40 years because he told his doctor which wouldn't give him pain killers to treat his legit pain that he went and got his own medicine off the street. .

his life is not in danger from WD, his live is in danger if he gets chronic bakc pain one day that no doctor will treat and he ODs from street fent or commints suicide due to the pain