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Is psiloc(yb)in excreted through the skin/pores?


Apr 30, 2011
Someone is telling me that his pets (dogs/cats) will trip with him when he eats mushrooms, and insists that the psilocin is excreted through pores and can be absorbed by the animal; that all substances excrete through pores.

I thought it sounds kind of silly, I told him he’s just tripping, but now I am curious: is any amount of the alkaloids excreted through the pores?

I know most is excreted through the urine.

No, it's not. However contact highs are a real thing. I've experienced them from others and had people tell me I've given them too many times to believe it's not a thing. Shulgin also has a story in PIHKAL about having a +2 experience on 2C-I just by being around people tripping on it. My ex-wife would get visuals sometimes when I was tripping and she wasn't (and she didn't even know I was tripping - also happened once with a good friend, who also I didn't tell I was tripping. He asked me if I slipped him LSD because he was tripping and the cloud were morphing but he didn't take anything). One time my cat was being weird as FUCK while I was having a peak experience where I thought reality was ending... he was yowling and ramming his shoulder into the floor and walking in circles, and then he started walking into a wall repeatedly. Freaked me out.

It's a mysterious thing, but it's not because it's excreted through the pores and most substances are not excreted through skin pores. I think it's through empathy, perhaps because of mirror neurons (neurons in our brains, and likely other mammals' brains too, that are responsible for us being able to model what we think other people are thinking and pout ourselves in someone else's position). Though I'm hard-pressed to explain how someone gets visuals when they don't even have the idea in their mind that they're with someone having visuals... but I can't deny it happened multiple times.
My old dog (RIP) was defo acting weird and cool once when I came home tripping hard on LSA.
She normally left the room when I smoked weed, but that night sat right next to me, sniffing the smokey air, looking as if she wanted to get high too.
Intrigued by this, I offered he a few specs of Ketamine on my finger which to my surprise she sniffed right up! I had tried it with her before multiple times knowing a tiny bit of k couldn't hurt her, and she had always turned her nose up at it.
I swear I could communicate telepathicly with her that night.

She was such a cool dog. Man I miss her.
Nope. What is happening though since your mind is literally operating on higher plane of existence everything around you will also level up to a small degree or larger depending on unknown factors.

Its a completely unknown field but some small psychic changes happen to a person who has been creating large amounts of psychedelic contacts from daily exposure or something else but some LSD chemists claim they would avoid other LSD chemists cause they will both start tripping hard if they spend to much time together while sober.
The mechanics are of value if you happen to be into science. Then you want to minimize misinformation, and it's nice if your reductionist side doesn't have to gravely doubt your explorer side's sanity, and curse all your habits and lament past choices. In tripping circles there's often a wish expressed for more "integration" to take place, and boiling all integration down to belief structure can result in feeling isolated from the world still. One has to wonder whether cults start this way.

I've had the most peculiar effects while tripping happen with birds, both on dissociatives and psychedelics. Cows notice these things as well, as despondent as they usually are. Even with arthropods there's more going on than is typically acknowledged. It really doesn't take that high level of neurological organization before at least some precursor mechanics of mind get booted up. If a fly lands on my face while tripping, it tends to land right in the middle of the forehead, where the pineal gland resides. This doesn't prove the insect brain transcends Newtonian mechanics as well, but it does suggest there's already a principle of virtual voidness at work, which seeks out resonance in similar ways as bees seek out flowers.

Edit: And Terence McKenna does suggest such mechanics could be mediated through pheromones, at least in his reported connection with butterflies. I don't think chemistry can explain distant birds singing in perfect sync and harmony with music on headphones though. This implies connection through the electromagnetic senses at least, if not through the principle of sheer physical non-locality.
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I have more trouble explaining how the frick I made it snow on MXE. That's where my head starts to hurt. Precipitation generally requires H20 structures to be formed around other, catalyzing molecules. This is how forest fires geophysiologically attract rainfall. Though climate scientists do report notable trouble with modeling rainfall in certain places of the world. So just concluding that MXE causes some sort of mental desync, creating the mere illusion of intention preceding external event, seems like a cop-out. But so is calling it shamanism and be done with it, in my book. It should be possible to postulate a mechanism for it.

Edit: maybe certain frequency of electromagnetic waves substituting for chemical catalyst? Like those experiments with rice on a speaker sheet..

... I should write a book on the science of shamanism shouldn't I?

No I shouldn't. Been done already apparently.

How about "Clinical Shamanism?"

Well, this is it I suppose.

Creator shouldn't look for turnover, just being a gear in the year cycle.
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No and you can't do that with acid either.

Friends used to have this couch at this 'trap' house that they said people would trip from sitting in due to all the 'acid sweat' it had accumulated. What a load of horse crap.
No it doesn't work through some thing as acid sweat no. But an experience can be encoded into material, which is the magic of art.
We could conceivably construct experiments going into eachother's existence holes and resonate like no before.
I believe we would have to do live thousands of lifetimes using alot of psychedelics to truly figure out to use them to hack into reality and live life with cheat codes on.

every trip i will try out a experiment with the mind and reality shulgin got me interested in it after he reported having telekensis during a trip that only happened Once during his entire lifetime.
That's an interesting perspective indeed!

And yes, always looking for excuses to get out more. :)