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Is prazosin and MDMA safe? Are there any interactions?


Aug 21, 2016
I am taking 1mg of prazosin (prazoain hydrochloride equivalent to 1 mg prazosin) every evening.
I am wondering if there are any interactions with this medication and MDMA.
If there are interactions, would it be safer to keep taking the prazosin or stop a few days before?
I am also wondering if there are interactions between prazosin and marijuana, LSD and mushrooms.
I am 23, female and weigh about 45 kilos.
Thank you!

**EDIT: I am not taking this medication for high blood pressure, I am taking it for PTSD related nightmares. I have slightly low blood pressure normally. When I first took this medication my blood pressure dropped but it has now stabilised. This is why I am wondering if it is safe to stop taking it for a time and if so, how long should I stop taking it before hand? Thanks!!
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prazosin is a medication for high blood pressure (albeit a rather outdated one for most cases). so stopping it (causing your blood pressure to rise) and then taking mdma (causing your blood pressure to rise even more) is certainly a bad idea.

my guess would be that the interations with mdma are comparable to the interactions with amphetamine. and as amphetamine is used medically, you'll probably find some info about that in your package insert.
generally, taking a stimulant when you have to take blood pressure medication isn't that good of an idea. i would suspect that the prazosin (having the more direct action on adrenergic receptors) would override some of the peripheral effects of mdma, but there might also be other interaction i cannot think of now...
so, unless you'll find a doctor (or at least the package insert of your prazosin) to tell you the opposite, my advice would be to better be safe than sorry and avoid stimulants.
prazosin is a medication for high blood pressure (albeit a rather outdated one for most cases). so stopping it (causing your blood pressure to rise) and then taking mdma (causing your blood pressure to rise even more) is certainly a bad idea.

my guess would be that the interations with mdma are comparable to the interactions with amphetamine. and as amphetamine is used medically, you'll probably find some info about that in your package insert.
generally, taking a stimulant when you have to take blood pressure medication isn't that good of an idea. i would suspect that the prazosin (having the more direct action on adrenergic receptors) would override some of the peripheral effects of mdma, but there might also be other interaction i cannot think of now...
so, unless you'll find a doctor (or at least the package insert of your prazosin) to tell you the opposite, my advice would be to better be safe than sorry and avoid stimulants.

I am not taking the medication for blood pressure, I am taking it for PTSD related nightmares. I normally have slightly low blood pressure so it was a concern of my doctors that if I were to take prazosin, my blood pressure would fall further. It did but has now stabilised, this is why I am wondering if I could stop the medication and if so, how long I should stop talking it for.

Thank you!
I am not taking the medication for blood pressure, I am taking it for PTSD related nightmares. I normally have slightly low blood pressure so it was a concern of my doctors that if I were to take prazosin, my blood pressure would fall further. It did but has now stabilised, this is why I am wondering if I could stop the medication and if so, how long I should stop talking it for.

Thank you!
in that case i don't see a fundamental problem to stopping the prazosin. but it could be impractical as you should reduce the dosage slowly to zero (and start slowly again) to make sure you don't get the rebound with the opposite effects (or when starting again orthostatic dysregulation and too low blood pressure respectively). i don't know how big the effect is going to be for the lower doses you'll take for ptsd nightmares, but since you said it needed some time to stabilise when you started i'd guess it's not irrelevant...