Is Getting High or Going to Church High a Sin ?


Jan 7, 2000
Seriously is there anything in the bible about that shit being a sin ?
Im the best drug ever.If i die tonight. Who is the world gonna get high off ? it would be a disaster everyone going through withdrawals. a total Armageddon
Well, the bible says a lot of stuff about not getting drunk. And since that was the only drug they knew of at the time, I imagine that it would be frowned upon. It's really sad though, I'd think that E would make church (which for me is just shy of unbearable) a lot more relevant, spiritual, and fun!
By the way, has anybody else ever heard of some Buddhist monks who were given E and said it was almost identical to Enlightenment, or something along those lines? Or am I just spreading rumors again

I dunno what religion you arebut i went to catholic school so......... i know all about the guilty catholics heh not that i practice now. but over indulgence in yer body aka getting high or stuff like masterbation, is a sin. dont ask me all the details because i just know, i dont swing a heavy bible in my hands but thats what i know from catholic school and confession.
the Bible knew of lots of drugs.when the Bible speaks of wine they are talking about grape juice.Alcohol is described as fermented fruit of the vine.In biblical times they only knew water or wine(being juice of fruit.)Think about it.Jesus who considered marriage to be the holiest of ceremonies would NEVER change water into wine so everyone,but him,could be drunk.Wine was so special because the only other choice was water.When the Lord speaks of Moses being a drunk hes uses "fermented fruit of vine".In Gensis 1:29 the Lord says "I
give you ever herb bearing seed on the face of the earth and every plant and every tree with a seed init, they are yours to use" (King James version adds for food).Now lets take the pot plant that would make it exceptable to smoke right?Well no,because to be inhaling smoke would be to trash your body.And your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,and when you except Christ His Spirit enters you .But he doesn't want to reside in an unclean temple.Now because of the verse in Genesis i believe we were meant to have pot. We have THC receptors in our bodies.That means our bodies were designed to use pot. We do not have alcohol,,caffine,or nicotine receptors.So now you may say well alcolhol,coke,herion,ect..comes from plants true,But man has to process those first.Its not in its natural state.You could pick a bud and eat it in your salads if you want.I was brought up in the Catholic church ,now for the past 15 years i have found truth-way too much to get into here_but all the truth i have learned wouldn't have happened without weed.As for all other drugs God warns us-cautions-us about using things that open our mind up-these can be translated to hallugenics(sp),ect.(this can be found throughout the old test. and the letters to the churches from Paul in the new test when he warns about witchcraft ,magic,ect.)When Lucifer was cast to earth he took one third of the angels with him.By opening our minds up we are more accepting to these forces of evil.. We let our guard down by doing these things which is why people see things when they trip.They really are there and we just opened ourself up to the other side.When we open our minds up we get more knowlege.God cautions against this knowledge for our own sake-the more we know the more we battle against good and evil and God is just trying to make it eaiser on us.Before Eve ate from the" Tree of knowledge"there was no sin.After she ate it we had sin.Knowledge can be sin in the sense that the more you know the more you will be expected to become.After all its not a sin if you don't know it is.Do you get it?I wish it didn't come across so complicated.Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood ,but against principalities,against powers,against the rulers of the darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in high places".As for the church question i dont go to "church".I believe in truth and the "organized religions" you know are for followers and i am a leader.I can go into about 30 reasons why the church as you probably know is a lie starting with the sabbath day being changed by the Cath. church to Sunday when God spec. says Sat. and not to change it.That is blaspheme.But i also believe the Cath church is the anti christ and this isn't the forum for it.I wouldn't go before the Lord under the influence of alcohol,or anything ,(pehaps pot becuz of my belief with it)because then our spirit would be clouded and we are warned about me i would feel ashamed coming before Him like that after all Hes shown me.But seek the truth for yourself and remember nobody else kneels with you at the alter at the end of it all but you.
"We have THC receptors in our bodies. That means our bodies were designed to use pot."
Ha ha ha that's awesome!!
Personally, I think ravers with their PLUR are alot closer to heaven (if there is one) then some of the self-righteous, hypocritical, closed-minded people I have met going to church. In my experience, xtc opens your mind where as religion closes it. I think half the rules of religion were made up by church leaders who wanted to stay in power and have no basis what so ever in the Bible. I've read the Bible lots in the past and never found anything against drugs. I say do what feels right for you. Just my opinion.
whoa...that was an excellent post....usually when i see a LONG ass post i just kinda skim through it fast cuz i got like a ZERO for attention span...but that was very interesting....your a very smart girl....thanks
I think Baha'i are allowed to smoke pot and some part of Catholicism are allowed peyote. It's like legal for them cause it's part of their religious beliefs and everything. I think. I kinda skimmed it at
I probably shouldn't get into it here so I'll just say that I am my god so I'm allowed.
I really hope not because a few weeks ago me and friend drop 2 gels each at a church. And by the time church ended we were starting to get the first effects of the acid. But it was really enlightening going to church on acid. I actually paid attention and thought about what the preist was saying. It was phat but I dont know if I will do it again b/c it seems kind of fuked up to me. Hope I dont go to hell.PEACE
Whos knows? I dont! I aint religous(sp?) so smoke on!!! Its all about the Darwins baby!love4ever!!!
Thank you Raverxstasy-i am glad i didn't do minutes worth of typing for nothing.My knowledge i owe to drugs and meeting the right people.PLUR forever!