Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Behavioral Treatment


Mar 11, 2016
According to my psychiatrist, more and more hospitals are coming up with these kinds of programs where stabilized patients with issues like depression, bipolar, GAD, etc., receive individual therapy, group therapy and classes on how to live with their illness and better interact with the world around them. Here is a description of one such program:
Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) is appropriate for adult mental health patients with moderate psychiatric symptoms. Group therapy is the primary treatment modality used and the goals include:• Providing opportunities to develop communication skills and participate in socialization experiences
• Establishing an environment in which participants help and support each other
• Introducing structure and discipline into the lives of participants
Key features of this mental health program include:

  • Psychoeducational groups
  • Skills-development groups
  • Process-oriented groups that will provide:
    • Pragmatic ways to change negative thinking, emotions, and behavior
    • Learning and trying new ways of relating to others
    • Tolerating or resolving conflict
    • Looking at how members’ actions affect others and the function of the group
Treatment is three hours each day. The number of treatment days may gradually decrease to support reintegration into home and work activities. Participants are typically in treatment two-to-six weeks. Program hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon.

Has anyone here ever attended an intensive program such as this? I suffer from acute GAD and depression. I am still trying to get it stabilized with medication, but at some point, I am thinking that a program like this might benefit me. Especially the group counseling. I don't have a lot of friends or family around me, and certainly not a lot of people who understand the kinds of things I go through on a daily basis mentally. I have zero idea what it would cost insurance wise. Probably a small fortune.
I think this approach is wonderful. We all need connection and community--what better place than with people that understand what you are going through. I have no idea about the cost but your doctor should be able to point you to a good program and then you may be able to work something out with them. Good luck and if you do go that route, keep us posted.<3
I did one for free through a state funded program. I wasn't able to finish it because I had just lost my license and it was an hour drive.
I liked what I saw from it.
I saved the giant workbook they gave us and have done some on my own.
Do you have insurance?
Yes I have insurance. I am not sure if they would cover an intensive outpatient program like this. I would need to call and find out.

It would also require that I take medical leave from work, which could be arranged. I might be able to arrange a situation where I attend the program in the morning, and then work in the afternoon. Since these programs tend to be only half day programs, I am little bit hesitant to just skip work all together since I don't have family or any friends around me. I need to do something else with my time than just go home and wait for the next day's program.
I'm almost certain insurance would cover some.
Insurance covered my inpatient rehab other than a $200 dedectable.