Infraction appeal

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Dec 4, 2012

I believe a member of staff has issued an infraction mistakenly and entirely misread the intent of my post. I have contacted bluelight.admin@ but it appears to go to the same member of staff, so I am making this public in the hope of a second opinion please.

A user was confused as to why his post had disappeared and a member of staff informed him that no-one had removed the post.


No evidence of a removed post ..... Are you sure you posted it?

FTR, I definitely remember you writing that post previously in EADD, when i was looking through earlier. Judging by your post history, it wasn't mistakenly posted in any other thread... so i would say it's definitely been removed.
I honestly thought I had posted it - It was literally two posts before your reply so you would have seen it when reading my next post about the games. Really wasn't that interesting or important but posted it again anyway :D

To make jest of the situation, i suggested that "One of the mods has it in for him" and is deliberately deleting his posts and trying to "cover it up by making him think he is going insane".

What is interesting, is why the mod try to cover it up and deny all knowledge of the post being removed? What are they trying to hide??

I reckon one of the mods has it in for you, Bear, and is maliciously U/A'ing your posts. They're trying to hide this malpractice by convincing you that you're going insane and that you're imagining making these posts.

This was very clearly not a genuine accusation. It would be absolutely absurd to suggest a moderator secretly hates the user and is deleting his posts deliberately while making him think he's going insane to cover it up.

I have been infracted because the post has been mistaken for a genuine attack on the moderators. There is absolutely no genuine attempt to defame the staff in anyway, there is no negativity towards staff or any users and i have not broken the guidelines in any way.

Could I please have the point repealed,

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After careful review of this situation, within the context of a marked pattern of like-behaviors on this forum, this particular infraction stands. I consider that a final decision.
I appreciate the earnestness with which you wish this action to be repealed, and hope that you are capable of bringing that same unique enthusiasm back to the table with positive flavor in the future.

Thread closed; message me privately if you would like further clarification.
~ Vaya
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