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Increasing klonopin dosage, and want to try vyvanse for adhd


Jun 27, 2012
So my starting dose has been 0.5 klonopin twice a day, which i take most days but not all. My psychiatrist surprisingly said that since it's longer acting that we might switch to xanax if i wanted. However people say taking xanax 3 times a week can create brain damage and the GABA receptors will crave it more since it's so short acting, which would probably mean i would experience more issues on the days i don't take it. So after reading reports i decided to go ahead and bump up the klonopin since it's so low, to 1mg twice a day, three times a day would be supreme. Xanax is more preferable to me and since i wouldn't take either as prescribed (daily) to avoid dependence, i was thinking maybe i could ask him to add a PRN of xanax (30qt) for just quick situations/panic attacks which doesn't seem like a big deal.

However now that i had my first visit i need to address my adhd and lack of motivation and focus primarily due to anxiety and depression issues. I have to take a massive dose of adderall that is considered unsafe to get the focus, euphoria, mood lift, and motivation aspect. Anything lower than 60mg adderall xr is pretty useless to me, so i thought of bringing up vyvanse since i hear it does not have the bad reputation that adderall does, and works just as good. I'm not looking to take massive doses except maybe once or twice but just enough for a little euphoria and the motivation to do certain things that i have a hard time doing, school work, etc. But i have no clue if he would be ok with prescribing an amphetamine but i would imagine so because my concentration is terrible due to being on gabapentin 1200mg, and seroquel xr 150, and vyvanse sounds safer and easier to get prescribed than adderall would be

As far as my anxiety i do notice quiet a difference from this small dose of klonopin 0.5 twice a day, but it doesn't provide me the relief that i need but has reduced my day to day anxiety by 20% which isn't a whole lot, but also i don't take it everyday. I know for a fact that he is comfortable with bumping up the klonopin dosage as mentioned in the beginning of the thread, and i think from the way he was talking that he would be comfortable adding a PRN of xanax, either way him just bumping up the klonopin dosage is good enough for me since if i don't take it for two days i will have 4mg of it to take, which isn't as supreme in xanax which immediately lifts any tension off my shoulders, but i could throw in a PRN of the xanax on the days i use the klonopin. I am just more hesitant about the vyvanse. I know adderall is widely prescribed and vyvanse should be easier to get because it's not deemed to be as abusive even though it can be. I would assume that he would not have a problem starting me on vyvanse especially since i cut out one of the medications that he prescribed and vyvanse is considered relatively safe and effective. I feel as if bumping up the klonpin dosage from 0.5 2x daily, to 1 mg 2x daily alone will and should make a difference in anxiety levels by like 50% instead of 20% with the other dose. I'm just really hoping i can try the vyvanse because i need it badly, would you guys think alternating between two days of klonopin probably around 4-5mg twice a week, and whatever amount of vyvanse twice a week would be ok to be prescribed, because otherwise my adhd and such will continue to be an issue and i would be more likely to take the klonopins more than a few times a week. To summarize, if you don't want to read this whole thread:

1) Will going from 0.5 klonopin twice a day to 1mg twice a day make a noticable difference?

2) Is it likely that a PRN of xanax (30quantites) can be thrown in for panic attacks or quick situations (logically it would make sense and its only 30)

3) And lastly is vyvanse considered safer and <snip>Please don't ask questions on what drugs are easily prescribed<snip> than adderall, since my main intentions are not to abuse.

I am on seroquel 150mg xr (bull shit med)
1200 gabapentin a day (bull shit med)
klonopin( 0.5 twice a day about to be be bumped up, great med xd)
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These are things you have to discuss with your pdoc....I have ADHD and am prescribes...gabapentin 600 mg three times a day...klonopin .5 once a day...ritalin 5mg twice a day and thats all I need with the rit's....Risperdal 4mg....zoloft 200mg....and remron 45 mg....So I am on a hefty amount of psych meds but, your doc seem pretty liberal so maybe just bring it up. Have you been diagnosed adhd?
I have not been officially diagnosed as ADHD but i have been told many times that sometimes i exhibit those behaviors. But i will tell him that i was diagnosed when i was a child and if he does tests i'm fine. It really isn't something that destroys my life like anxiety, but because of situations in my life i often get hopeless, and in a state of fear these days which makes me lack severe motivation which the amphetamines help. I don't take my klonopin as prescribed and i wouldn't want to do that if the vyvanse either since i want to avoid dependence (smart of me) Plus i'm not entirely looking to get super high, just a mild mood lift, positive outlook on things, and being able to do things like homework and studying which i find very hard doing since i'm usually too depressed to even concentrate on a lot of things. This way some of my anxiety will be hopefully reduced a few times a week, and my mood will be better a few times a week = being able to be more productive on making my life better.

How are you on klonopin 0.5 once a day, usually they start off that twice a day like me. Does it even work for you? By the way i dont know if you experience this but the gabapentin makes everything foggy and dream like 24/7 never entirely got used to it.
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Dude chill out lol. You worry to much...

You remind me of myself, freaking out about my medications and bring sooo attached...well honestly you aren't going to die if you don't have klonopin or vyvanse. I know it is super easy to just use drugs, but trust me when I say they bring on more anxiety and depression in the long run! I woke up in withdrawal and I was really depressed this morning, but I realized getting drugs is out of my control at the moment and I have to stop being a little bitch or girl about whether or not I have drugs, life goes on whether you want it to or not!

My advice is to use the benzo to help deal with anxiety while going through therapy and learning new copping skills to deal with your anxiety. People just think that getting on benzo will magically change everything, well it doesn't and life is not all about drugs . It sucks because wouldn't we all love to live in our own little utopian world of drugs, but soo sorry that shit ain't true and you will have to deal with life and all the problems associated with living a healthy lifestyle without drugs because man, this world will leave you behind with your dick in your hand. The next thing you know you wake up in withdrawal and regret ever taking drugs in the first place
I agree but as long as your not using too frequently, the pros outweigh the cons. I mean after all with my regime, i have to be sober a few days out of the week when not on klonopin and vyvanse (if i get it prescribed) And yeah i do overly think about my medications etc, it's because i have never actually been to a real understanding psychiatrist before like this one, so i just want to make sure i get the right doses and meds to where i can function better and cope with major problems easier. Unlike many, my intentions are not to finish the botte of klonopin in 4 days (which i could do) same thing with vyvanse. My meds are controlled by someone in my family so i just will save them up for a few days and take them, give a decent gap save up, repeat. I don't find any fun in tolerance or dependence. Just want to finally get some stuff fixed so that i don't feel like i was earlier sitting their and worrying about such and such until i took my tiny dose of klonies

I just want a few more opinions on this post from others, and then i'll reach a consensus. I can't just walk into my appointment without having some stuff planned out in my head and ideas.
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gabapentin makes me euphoric.....that pill is the one I have a hard time not abusing....Um, I was on .5 twice daily until he added the ritalin and then bumped it down to once......I know how it feels to be depressed and want some joy......The ritalin is really for that boost in mood that your talking about...but, I was givin the chance to be on adderall and said nope...I want something less potent.....Just talk to your doc about having inetentive ADHD and see what he say's. I have impulse thats why I'm ADHD and not add but I do get low sometimes and nothing motivates me...I also have BP major depressive disorder-recurrent severe and insomnia.Oh and the klonopins are really PRN but used once daily for any spikes of anxiety do to my OCD.
Gabapentin made me feel numb the first time i took it, but after that i became tolerant to it, i've been prescribed it for almost 6 months and it feels way more spacey than high dose of benzos, and the thing is that the spaciness never has gone away it;s weird. I just really want the vyvanse, it's suppose to be real effective and easier to get then adderall
Vyvanse is a pro-drug, supposed to be less abusable than any other Schedule II AD(H)D medicine on the market. Still though, if a doctor thinks you might be at risk for substance abuse, they won't prescribe it, as vyvanse can certainly be abused. If they think you have a disorder of which adding vyvanse would be contraindicated, they still won't prescribe it. If you think you might have a legitimate mental disorder, be open and honest to a psychiatrist about everything that's going on, and they'll decide what is best for you. We can't tell you what you need. We're not mental health professionals (at least most of us aren't), and even if we were, we would need to see you in person.
Anyone like vyvanse better than adderall?

I have to take too much adderall with no tolerance to get my desired effects. 60mg of instant release an hour of great euphoria, and than the worst feeling following afterwards for hours. And 90mg of the xr for a buzz and mood lift, motivation for some hours, but again that's just too much to take to get those desired effects when everyone else has to take so much less that has no tolerance like me. Besides i think i have a chance of my psychiatrist prescribing the vyvanse over aderall i would believe.

1) Does it provide mood lift and motivation at lower doses, or do you have to take massive amounts?

2) Is their any body high? From adderall i get a very mild body high it's just really a change in perception and mood etc.'

-I just want it for my adhd which isn't too severe, but definitely enough to not motivate me to do many things, and a low mood, i'm not really looking to try massive doses of the vyvanse, just enough for it to "work"
Vyvanse is a pro-drug. Your body turns it into dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine). Adderall is around 75% dextroamphetamine and the remaining 25% is levoamphetamine. Levoamphetamine is not CNS-active, its the dextroamphetamine you want.

Assuming you're going to be taking your medication as directed Vyvanse may probably be better than Adderall, since Dexedrine is considerably better than Adderall.

As far as "massive amounts", no, you don't have to take massive amounts. But then again, if you're taking 60mg of Adderall...that's a lot of Vyvanse.

You need to lower your tolerance to amphetamines to be honest. If you continue to increase your dosage you will eventually not be able to use amphetamines effectively.
I don't have a tolerance to adderall that was when i took it two years ago, once a week 60mg of the ir. It has been nearly a week since i last ever took adderall and it was 90mg of the xr, so i'm hoping the vyvanse works better at lower dosages since people say it is a lot weaker than adderall which is pretty weak to me for even adhd purposes. But i wouldn't want to risk asking for desoxyn since i hear that it is rarely prescribed even to some people with real bad adhd. It seems like nowone reads the part that i keep repeating i DON'T have a tolerance to adderall, oxys, or any other drug. I have never used any street drug for more than 3 days in a row in my life ANY.
Hey, just merged both of your threads since they relate to vyvanse vs adderall :)

I like how you're leaving clear concise questions at the end of your posts, and breaking up your paragraphs. Much easier to read. Good job!
Sigh. I really do want to provide helpful advice, whether or not it seems blunt and to the point. Didn't try to get anyone banned, but I'm not in control of their actions.

OP can still see this thread without logging in I do believe.

Klonopin is going to reduce the effects of the Vyvanse if taken at the same time or around the same time. If you truly think you need Vyvanse, don't bump up your dosage of Klonopin, as you will most likely just be killing any benefit the Vyvanse would have.

Being prescribed Klonopin, Xanax and Vyvanse at the same time seems highly unlikely. Unless your doctor is loose with the script pad, it's probably not going to happen. You don't need two benzos, especially since Klonopin is long acting and has a long half life.

Saying you need the Vyvanse badly though... I'm not you so I don't really know if you truly have ADHD/ADD, but if you tend to abuse prescriptions then getting prescribed a stimulant might not be a good idea. Sure, it will probably help in the beginning, but if you have addictive tendencies and decide to take more than your prescribed dosage, it's not going to end up well.

Also, taking a benzo so often will result in physical dependency, if you're not already there. They aren't really recommended as long term medications, as withdrawal can be deadly and cause seizures. If you do get prescribed both, safe the Klonopin for when you comedown at the end of the day to get sleep. It's going to dull your mental ability if taken during the day.
As i said kindly i don't appreciate any input from you because of what happened. For anyone else who is reading and finds this any bit of interesting, i plan to use my klonopin twice a week and the vyvanse twice a week, to avoid addiction potential to either drug. Been taking the 0.5 klonopin as prescribed for the past month although original intention was to only take that a few times a week as well, but find it hard to stay completely sober the rest of the 5 days when i'm suffering intense depression and anxiety as it is on a daily basis. This is why i want to obtain a legal prescription for vyvanse to help symptoms of my depression which a lot of it is lack of motivation/hope, interest in things at one point i normally liked doing, etc. Most people find that vyvanse sucks for recreational purposes and would want adderall prescribed whether they do or don't have adhd. I'm not looking to strictly abuse, which is why i don't even intend on taking as prescribed with both drugs to avoid feeling worse in the end and probably permanently worse. I'd rather keep my klonopin and vyvanse intake to a minimal as possible to avoid any dependency. Of course if i wanted to, i could finish both my prescriptions very quickly and go through that vicious cycle over and over. But i have never done that and never plan to. I guess I will find out tomorrow at my appointment what will happen. Who knew missing just one dose of gabapentin could trigger so much fear, and disconnection from the world that i am feeling right now, i hope it goes away
For anyone else who is reading and finds this any bit of interesting, i plan to use my klonopin twice a week and the vyvanse twice a week, to avoid addiction potential to either drug.

This will not work. Not with the klonopin. I recently tried this and kept it together for 4 months but that last dosage I took sent me straight back into withdrawal hell. Yes, I've been addicted to benzos for years before, so it would probably take you longer to get addicted than me, but it will still happen. It has such a long half life I don't even think you can get away with using just once a week in the long run.

You either decide whether you need the meds to function and then use them every day, or you go ahead and try to live with your problems without medication like I am. I am not saying one alternative is right or wrong, I am just saying you have to make up your mind man. None of this "I'll take X med for Y period of time so I won't get addicted". It simply won't work and could quite easily worsen your quality of life because after a while your body will crave the drug but you won't really know it at first if you've never gone through withdrawals before. Even then it can be hard to notice in the beginning. You will slowly start feeling like you need the drug more and more and every single day between those "drug days" will seem excruciatingly long and painfull.

Also, you should get rid of the gabapentin as quickly as possible if it isn't helping. Coming off it was way harder than the 5mg klonopin I used to take daily for years.
omg you solved the answer to my question that nowone has been able to answer! Because of klonopins half life it stays in your system much longer leaving you more dependent on them than xanax which is in and out pretty quick.
Xanax can leave you just as dependent; if you have constant blood levels you will become dependent, period. Alprazolam's half life makes it a bit harder, is all.
I wrote you a big wall of text answer in PM explaining how half-life works etc then I realized you had blocked all messages lol. Then I rewrote everything here and the bluelight server was too busy and when I tried to press the "go back" button firefox crashed.

So fuck it, I'm just gonna say that Venrak is right and you shouldn't obsess so much about what meds you need to take. If you really need the benzos, that should outweigh all the cons of addiction. If it does not, you probably don't need them anyway and should stop taking them.

That being said, I took my benzos for (about 3-4) years occasionaly before I became physically addicted. I just used them when I had anxiety or couldn't sleep which was usually once or twice a week with some odd weeks in between when I didn't need them.
I am prescribed:
1. 8mg Suboxone Tablet per day
2. 1mg Klonopin per day
3. Concerta 54mg per day

I am curious though since I know for certain if I have prescribed 2mg of Klonopin a day, I would never need to be 3-4 days short on meds each month for the Klonopin.
I am wondering, I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in two months. I have 60 2mg Alprazolam tablets and 10 10mg Diazepam tablets and two refills of #30 1mg Klonopin until then, but should I ask her for 2mgs per day so it can help me with my sleep and take as needed for better sleep? Or just ask for 1.5mg? She started me on 1mg because I was scripted it from age 16-24. Then, they took me off of it and I didn't get it back until a year ago.
So, I am curious if she would just help me out if I am honest with her like I always am. Like, look lady, you give me the 3 meds I need. But, my only issue is the 14-year-old 1mg/day Klonopin dosage. It should be at 2mg and we would be done for good. I wouldn't ever need anything else medication-wise. It would simply be 3-month check-ups and refills and I would never ask for anything ever again since all 3 work in tandem perfectly at the 2mgs a day on top of the other two meds.