In Reply To: *SWeeT-e*


Oct 24, 1999
You must remember that your parents do not share the same drugs you do... Yours are much more open and understanding.
I too have extremely religious parents and had the same situations come up, although they never found out about the raving bit. They found out when I smoked weed and went biligerent on my ass.
Did you know that drugs put you under the influence of satan? I didn't know that either until I had an arguement with my parents. If they say it's true then it must be. Back then I was a bit of a rebel towards them and when they told me "to lay on your face right now and ask for forgivness from God" I turned my back on them without a word and went to my room.
God knows if your heart is right, regardless of your intoxication level.
Then once they found... I think maybe about ecstasy -- that I had been taking it. YES, it was through the old bluelight actually, and then they read my ICQ logs... got into my computer in general and found some more disturbing things I had written back then. Same lecture, different wording.
Drugs are satan
God hates drugs
You use drugs
God hates you
repent before the rapture
It's not to say I never gave religious views towards intoxication serious thought, it's just that I figure when jesus said not to be drunk with wine, he wasn't setting a commandment -- he was just creating a better way to live. It's very very true that if you lived according to what jesus preached when he was alive (not even religiously, just in general) you'll be a happier and healthier person.
Live according to the teachings of Christ... it's never really crossed my mind until recent events made me look at life differently and my attitude towards living/life changed.
Not religiously though, I'm still way too jaded for that big of a step.
Although, I'd have to give some luxuries to myself like intoxication and debauchery (although I guess I am sinning against my future wife *although that is more of a religious issue that what I'm talking about*)
What am I going on about?
Well, I hope it all goes well with your parents -- although you must remember the words of Will Smith: "take it from me kids, parents just don't understand". He's a parent now isn't he? I wonder what he thinks now... a reality switch 180 degrees I'd imagine.
For me, the issue just sorta faded away after about a year. I just DO NOT talk to them about those issues (drugs, sex, ... general misbehavior). They really just don't understand. So in turn I think we need to try to understand their position.
I am sure they see things differently having a son or daughter, and having them say "mom I've used illicit drugs and have fun with them and stay out all night and love it"... perhaps that's a crushing point. Something parents try so hard to teach -- something they try so hard to instill all just fucked away in their mind, with one or two sentences from their baby's mouth. Maybe they feel like they've failed YOU... I'm sure their hearts are not sore for their mis-education techniques and parenting skills (skill-less-ness) -- as much as their hearts ache for YOU. A completely selfless feeling I'm sure.
But once you understand you need to apply that to your way of communicating with them. Some things just need to be left out. Even though you have to lie, just don't bring it up. If they say "where are you going" say "out" and they say "what are you going to do?" say "I dunno, hang around"... which is partly true. It's aweful -- or so it seems right? But they aren't hurt, and you can take it (you're a big girl). Lying sucks, especially when you truely love the person you lie to. But then again, would you rather break their already sore hearts, or lie to them?
It's horrible.
Love them though, they're the only ones you get... and when they're dead you will miss them even *that* much more.
Fuck it, it's 2am but I'm gonna go hug my mom.
Thanks hun.

It's good to see someone else at least understands what I'm going through. Your parents sounds like they'd probably be best friends with mine. No joke, my mom's read my sister's icq too....pretty sad really.
What's even sadder is the fact that I really want us to have a relationship but I don't know that that will ever happen, not until my mom gets past her own prejudices. The worst part of it is that one of the people closest to me in the world spends all her time wishing I was someone I'm not. I know that when I'm a parent, yes I will probably change my views somewhat, but I will never be as judgemental or close-minded as this, and I will work to respect and accept my children FOR WHO THEY ARE.
Hell, maybe we'll even roll 2-gether, who knows.

Well thanks for your insight. I guess we are both on our way to hell so see ya there... hmmmm I think hell's gonna be one big huge fuckin rolling party.
Peace to ya.
I am renting a train to hell:
The Doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
Hmmmm....i have nothing to say except i agree with sweet-e because we share the same parents. yay sistahs!
IT's you and me babe against the world.
Sisters....i love you more than anything in this whole wide WORLD!
Love Starlette
Pyro, I have a little trouble with that whole sarcasm thing, and was wondering are you serious about being happier and healthier following Christ? And do you know off hand where Jesus said not to be drunk with wine? I don't want to read the last testimont until I read the first.
*rAinBoW* :
Love ya always sweetie!! Remember I'm always here for ya, call anytime, 3am, whuteva! U r my bestest friend ever and I love YOU more than anything in the whole wide world. Hang in there hun.
Awwww sistahs, aren't we just so cute!!

*rAinBoW* :
Love ya always sweetie!! Remember I'm always here for ya, call anytime, 3am, whuteva! U r my bestest friend ever and I love YOU more than anything in the whole wide world. Hang in there hun.
Awwww sistahs, aren't we just so cute!!
