I'm soooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!


Dec 19, 1999
The last few times I've done e at parties I haven't really had good experiences, bad highs, got sick, etc. I was starting to think I would never experience that beautiful e-high ever again and it was getting me so down, I'd end up just taking more and more pills at parties to try to get that high but it never worked. It got to the point where I was so scared to even doing e anymore. Then last night I rolled with just a few close friends in someone's apartment, did 1 blue TP...and it was crazy wild good!!! It was a totally amazing experience for me, such a beautiful clean high in a "safe" environment with all my good friends, and a lovely comedown almost as good as the trip itself (I'm still feeling it) I totally feel at peace with the world and I just had to call all my friends today and tell them I loved them. NEwayz, just wanted to share that with you, you're all beautiful and I love you!! Never stop raving!!


p.s. how come i lost my name, i'm so confused?!
I am really happy to hear that. I think half of the high is the mental frame of mind you get into before you drop. My best highs ever, by FAR were on nights when earlier in the night I was laughing with me best friends about all the funny stuff we used to do in grade school. I was so pumped up that it was in amazing rush.
Keep up the good work!!
The doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
i heard alotta rumours about how good blue TP's are, but i didnt realize how REALLYy good they were until i tried them myself this friday
i rate this pill 17.5/10
and, yes.. i know what you're talking about sweetie
my last coupla rolls were shit as well
this friday i dropped grey DMT's, cause i heard they were better than TP and TP were tha bomb
but they didn't really make me roll hard.
so i popped a blue TP, and HOLY SHIEIEIEIIET!
fuck tha rest of tha E's
i'm a blue TP man from now on!!!

party safe!
I've also done blue TPs a few times and I found them really amazing as well. They're pretty strong but they were so good. I feel happy when I'm on them, or like i'm floating. And Sweetie, I'm so happy for yo uthat yo uhad a good experience with E again. just don't do it too much, and the high will be SOOOOO much better.
luv n hugz