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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

IM 4 aco DMT combined with 3 meo PCP and a bunch of other stuff...


Oct 10, 2011
OK this is my first trip report so so it may be lacking but I'm aiming for a general review here more than a blow for blow account. Here goes:

Setting: At home on a Friday night with a friend and my GF.

Experience: To make a list of all the substances ingested over the years would be a page or so. Maybe I have polysubstance abuse disorder?? Quite likely but I also enjoy taking time out from reality...

Drugs consumed by myself over the 12 hours: 4 ho mipt. total consumed: approx 15 mg, 4 aco dmt. total consumed: approx 40 mg, 3 meo pcp total consumed: 60 mg?, amphetamine sulfate total consumed: 400 mg's approx. Etizolam total consumed: 2 mg.

So the evening started when my friend arrived at 5 pm. Prior to this I'd dosed 100 mg's amphetamine sulfate insufflated and a measured 15 mg dose 3 meo pcp also insufflated (I find oral dose 3 meo pcp to be underwhelming, insufflation or IM are the ROA's I favor). The 3 meo pcp really intensified the speed which was of average quality. So when person x arrived I was quite stimulated. We had a chat and a bit of a catch up at around 5:30 I offered my friend (person X) a pre weighed dose of 20 mg 2ce. I chose to dose 15 mgs of 4 ho mipt at this point. Person X stated they had never tried 3 meo pcp before so at this point I offered person X 20 mg 3 meo pcp which they insufflated along with the 2 ce. My GF also had a dose of 3 meo pcp and I gave her 50 mg's to set aside for herself for the next day or two as I knew the rest would vanish by the end of the evening. My GF had to work that evevning so she declined any further substances.

6:00 Person X and myself are feeling the dissociative/ psychedelic combo begin to hit and it hit's hard. We dosed a little speed at this point which was a completely useless enterprise. If anything it simply intensified the ensuing mania. I took 0.5 mg etizolam at this point.

6:30 We both dose again with the 3 meo pcp, at this point I gave up weighing doses and just carefully eyeballed it (stupid I know). I'm really far gone tripping +++ getting on some negative tangent about some stupid shit I did as a kid. Person X is beaming good vibes. Heavy laughter radiates out of them like waves crashing upon a shore. I have a heavy dissociative buzzing in my ears and hearing becomes difficult as does focusing on anything. Visuals are present ++ but 4 ho mipt was a bit of a mistake... too introspective.

7:00 Thankfully person X suggests KFC for dinner for us all. I was getting into a bit of a negative loop with my thoughts at this point. My GF being the only person capable makes the drive to pick up some KFC. Person X and I laugh like maniacs the entire journey. We get a massive bucket of KFC. WTF?? Person X is giggling and super excited about the giant KFC box.

7:30 Everything becomes a bit of a psychedelic blur at this point. Person X keeps repeating "Chicken...What's chicken?" and "Why do we eat?" Despite this we both tuck into the spicy fired goo. We tip a blob of speed powder on the table and hoover it up. HR, safety, measuring doses, everything BL is about and even my own rules about 3 meo pcp dosing: out the window. We are well and truly BEYOND MESSED UP. Despite this the pile of substances on the table call to us and Person X manages to chose a pre weighed 20 mg dose of 2cb. I take a pre weighed 20 mg 4 aco dmt. We wash it down with pepsi.

8:00 Utter mess we are giggling, laughing at nothing, lights, colors, lazer show in my own head, person x keeps repeating "Wow, this is proper tripping..." this statement will become his reoccurring theme for the evening. The KFC bucket is gone. Person X takes a 1 mg etizolam just cause it's there (probably a good thing in hindsight)

9:00 Tripping +++++. Off the Shulgin scale. Some more 3 meo pcp was dosed with some speed. We are Hypermanic. Everything is one giant light show...

10:00 My GF leaves us for work. I manage a good night kiss and cuddle with her. Person X and I are a little less elevated at this point and just engage in random meaningless chatter which leaves us laughing like kids every minute or so at nothing.

11:00 We are down a little. At this point I think "why not?" and get to preping an IM dose of 4 aco dmt and 3 meo pcp. As best I am able weight is VERY approx but my aseptic technique is perfect (do 5+ every day of your working life...) Person X takes another 20 mg dose of 2ce insufflated. Person X also takes a 20 mg dose 4 aco dmt around this time. Time has become entirely irrelevant at this point so really anything until 4-5 am is just me guessing a time and trying to make sense of what we were up to at that point from memory.

11:30 I remember looking at the clock just before I hit the 20 mg IM 3 meo pcp/4 aco dmt combo. I dose. I put down the syringe (1 use retractable). I walk 5 steps. I have to lay down. BANG. I'm in the movie TRON. My mates head is bright red (High BP from the 2cx's/amphetamine/3 meo pcp...he's more far gone than I am). Everything is lined with neon lights EVERYTHING. Every edge has a neon tube of light attached to every surface. Person X's face is distorting. OMG the EUPHORIA! This is psychedelic Nirvana, total hedonism. Nothing else comes close to the euphoria I feel at this point. 20 years of doing all sorts and NOTHING comes close. Person X want's the same combo but I have no more syringes. We both insufflate some of the remaining 3 meo pcp.

12:?? Person X is holed. Holed so hard they just burst into Russian folk songs. They are no longer aware of my presence... I'm not far off.

1-4am??: Everything is merging geometric patterns, amazing lights, visuals seem super imposed onto everything. I'm manically functional, holed but handling it (bit of a tolerance??). I give person X some paper and a pencil. They begin to autowrite but it's just scribble. I'm amazed they can hold a pen. Amazed I'm so functional but utterly fucked at the same time... beyond fucked. Beyond ego death. I'm aware of myself but also feel like I'm melting into things. I begin to draw. The paper is speaking to me telling me were I should make a line with my pencil. The visuals are sublime. Person X is getting a bit aggressive in their hole so I shove 1 mg etizolam tablet in their mouth... they chew down... seems to work, aggression vanishes.

3 am?? Person X comes back to reality. We do a little more speed. I walk into the kitchen and get us a drink 3:15 am on the clock. Walk back to the table. We both get engrossed in making images on the white paper. Person X rings randoms on his phone we leave voice messages that comprise of "Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No" etc.

4 am: Person X wants to do more psychs and finish off the 3 meo pcp. I think we have had enough. We compromise and do more speed. I take 1 mg etizolam because I can feel a crash from hell coming on.

5 am: still tripping ++.

6 am: Want to lay in bed still utterly fried. Person X is laying about in the spare room. We converse laughing like kids. Good vibes.

7 am: Down 0.5 mg etizolam. Sleep no where in sight. We do more speed, pointless.

8 am: My GF comes home and takes some pcp herself.

9 am: dish out some etilzolam and we all lay around utterly messed up.

I think I sleep at 7-8 pm that night. Serotonin syndrome experienced (mild) and HPPD for 2 days post experience. Conclusion: Not happening again for a LONG TIME.
HR: Nothing about this experience even remotely equates to the principles of HR. This was more like a manic episode fulled by a variety of substances. BENDER. Utter drug pig fest. Still feel like a nuke went off in my brain as I write this 4 days late. 20 mg of 2cb has barely threshold effects dosed orally today. My psychedelic and dissociative tolerance is beyond stupid at present. Going to take a week or two off the drugs and recover.

Addit: After this experience LSD 25 is a joke. The IM combo of 3 meo pcp and 4 aco dmt redefined the psychedelic/dissociative experience for me. DMT is meh... The closest I could surmise would be doing a lot of IM K and DMT with a dose of stimulants. Very unsafe but OMG... WOW!
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Jeeez and I thought I could push the limits and over do it……. The time I did 100mg 2ce doesnt seem like much anymore after reading this.
Aside from the sheer stupidity of what you guys took....wow. I enjoyed reading this haha. I'm glad you had a blast mate, coz you know you're not gonna go that shit again for a while :D
Yeah amazed we are alive. Three days to get over it. Still some residual hppd (intensified color etc). Both person x n me r takn time out to recover sanity. Thanx for the replys. Beyond stupid.
Of course the LSD is a joke, could you have any more massive cross-tolerance?

That abuse is ridiculous and yeah you can probably be lucky you had tolerance and appear to have gotten away with it. Poor person X...

It's a shame this TR might encourage other abusers.
^ hope not that is not the purpose of this thread. Its more a this is an example of being stupid, dangerous at an "ego death" level. Person x is an amazing abuser of substances period. They dont need my encouragement. How bout you go back to advising people on how to achieve ego death and ill post examples of stupid behaviour. That is what this
Is an example of STUPID. Ego death doses, like wise are stupid as are heroic doses. Yeah my gf also had 3 meo pcp. BTW i just hate lsd. Illicit production leaves much to be desired. Soap boxes solipsis...
Ive never shared 3 meo pcp with anyone and never will again (except my gf). If this taught me anything its that having a mate with no off button means benders like this occurr. 3 meo pcp is not for the general drug user. My rule is 20 mg max per 12 hours and this manic drug pig festival proved i have good reason to follow such rules. Self control is important a possible adverse outcome includes death... person x has higher tolerance to drugs then i do.
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3 meo pcp is ime a more lucid version of pcp. Probably due to the higher affinity for NRI. Otherwise they are almost identical in terms of dose and subjective effects.
solipsis maybe you should put a disclaimer in the thread that its this behavior is very reckless. that being said such a combo is not unheard for me without a tolerance even but i can handle my shit much better than most but even then reckless is what it is .
I have no jurisdiction here ;)

But yes disclaimers / warnings and (self-)criticism all seem deserved. Even if the reckless behavior is being admitted to, don't be surprised if people make a big deal about it, this is a harm reduction forum and that is a harm invitation report.

Sure, amusing read though, despite the foolish drug piggery.
I really enjoyed reading this one lol. But I would never even think about participating in something like that myself!
Look I'm not having a go at anyone but BL does seem a bit tongue in cheek about HR. As I recall a harm invitation posted by Max whatever on the "was it ego death" thread were he stated taking 3 doses IV or IM totaling 600 mg in 3 hours and advises that the method mention guarantees an ego death. Someone sensitive to doses of DMT... not good and there are many people with allergies to more bizarre things in this world. Peace said.