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Treatment Iflammation,pain and pain(?)killers


Aug 29, 2018
Hi guys,
I have a little bit of painful healt issue - right now it's strong pain inside of my right ear, pressure And hearing changes. This Is probably related to my huge 10 years+ lasting addiction to meth, opioids, benzodiazepines, cannabis, antidepressants etc.

I quess my body Is full of toxic shit and i have damaged myself, by messing with all kind of drugs my body must be all messed up - sweating, high blood pressure, weight-gain but no sufficient diet at all, bruises all over my body which takes longer and longer to heal, crazy mindset ( paranoid about my safety, unreasonable fear of water, extremely sensitive to sugas, salt, any or every odor, touch, basically i am damaged BUT NOW i have flu-symptoms, 4 days lasting earpain which i described at the start.

Yes i know, it's nothing unusual to feel like shit after decade of crazy abuse. Right now i went to Czech Republic for "recovery holiday". My boyfriend has a legal business here so I'm living in cute, wooden cottage near hills and lake ( -10 °C outside, 30°C inside).

I limited myself to use ONLY painkillers (Oxycodone with naloxone 80-100mg daily, ibuprofen/naproxen, paracetamol + caffeine + guaifenesine, weed And alprazolam, levetiracetam, vortioxetine). No more 1500mg+ tramadol, no more meth, only nsaids, acetaminophen, anticonvulsives + sedative, 1 narcotic medicine - for maintanence of my habit And i quess it still works for pain. But my ear hurts, teeth and gums hurt without alprazolam...Do u think i need to do or need to take any other meds or should it get better with rest, sleep, proper nutrition etc. ?
Thanks for every opinion or advice.
Not clinical advice just anecdotal. Rest, sleep, good food and some light exercise and any hobbies that don't trigger you. I've had really weird knee pain for months on end. Wasa stacking paracetamol and other NSAIDs which just covered it up a little. Then I started taking calcium citrate and magnesium regularly and it's almost completely gone.

Just go easy on yourself, I had some weird ear/hearing stuff happen after I quit meth but it resolved fairly quickly. Maybe you do just have the flu, can you see a dr?
But my ear hurts, teeth and gums hurt without alprazolam
Could this be caused from grinding your teeth while sleeping?
I as ask this as I used to keep ear and mouth pain/issues and have ground my teeth down over decades. Yeah I gave in to a life time (although small in resprct) of bnz usage. It removes the horrors and grinding any further at night. Not recommending this just seems we may have something in common and of everything I have tried over the decades (from Drs) this bnz has put an end to it.
I also use naproxen sodium (Aleve) and kratom so maybe the inflammation and aches that arise from iy may be mostly a result of this poly drug regimen I am on. Self medicated. Not really a proponent of this but it works for me and is reliable. I am still moving and shaking and that - to me - is a wonder in itself.
should it get better with rest, sleep, proper nutrition etc?
This seems the more reasonable and sustainable approach. I roll outta be and start stretching immediately and continue with bends, push ups, pull ups, etc as the day progresses... so far so good. ;) It's not always that I wanna do these exercises but it is a must if I wanna remain standing so I make myself keep it daily. Staring to become a habit so there is that. ;)
We all have issues both mental and physical to varying degrees. Rarely have I seen where piling more meds on does much for health but this is just my experience and what I have observed in others.
My hopes are that a reliable and sustainable solution will come your way in the near future.
My best always,
Hi guys,
I have a little bit of painful healt issue - right now it's strong pain inside of my right ear, pressure And hearing changes.

Please see a doctor ASAP, this could be a serious inner ear problem and require high doses of prednisone to treat. If left untreated hearing damage could become permanent. So get to a doctor as soon as you can. The sooner this is treated the better the outcome.
Thanks everybody for response :) im

I took pantomyl 40mg to counteract possible pain by 3x800mg ibuprofen. Smoked a lot of weed, at morning modafinil and that fckin Vortioxetine, later limited benzo max 2mg alprazolam at one. Maximum 3x75mg pregabalin daily,

Oh, and I mentien all this because i use only half of my oxycodne and max 375mg tramadol.

U know i used to take 150mg Oxy 1000mg tram 10mg alprazolam 1200mg modafinil.

I am ok, i realized i need to get used to ONLY responsible doses.
Hey! I'm not a pro, but for ear pain, warm compresses might help. Hydrate well and focus on nutritious meals. If the pain persists, seeking medical advice is best. Also, considering your history, professional help for addiction recovery could also help.

While I'm here, have you ever used an aryse back brace? My doc advised me to try one to ease my chronic back pain. Did it help any of you, guys?
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