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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

if ur doctor gave you a choice between diazepam or alprazolam but there's a catch...


Feb 3, 2008
if ur doctor gave you a choice between diazepam or alprazolam but there's a catch...

So your already scripted 60 bars a month but he can't dispense the exact equivalent of alp to diazepam...so you can choose either 60ct of 2mg alp or 150ct of 10mg diazepam.. so technically youd be getting less mg's of benzodiazepine (minus 10 bars to be exact). And fyi you're not taking it on a daily basis, if anything 4 to 6 mg MAX a week.

Basically you just stock up and only use if really needed. Although you would prefer something with a bit more of a mood boost / motivator . 4mg kpins a day is also on the table but you were on that prior to alp. Obviously this is about me but I’m curious what you guys would choose if u had options. I’m based in US, so it would have to be limited to whatever is avail in US but I don’t see why I couldn’t be converted to other BZD’s down the road as I stock up over time. Yall would be shocked if u knew what I was prescribed.

That said my doctor is hella chill, he trusts me and he’s aware I’m not abusing these yet alone take them daily. We are low key friends but yeah I guess diazepam isn’t typically prescribed long term at 180count 10mg? I always thought that regardless of the bzd you’ve been on, your doc would convert proper dosing it over to said benzo. IMO Xanax works great for me if I have a panic attack or a high stress situation. Btw does anyone know if BZD’s are linked in hair loss in any way? Or adderall or lyrica or methadone
Why would you need 60 bars every month if you're using 3 a week max? Doesn't make sense to me. I don't think it would matter, you'll have plenty left over and it's monthly. I get having some left over, but if you're getting it monthly.. like why?
I used to have a nice stock because of the same reason that I didn't need that much and took less than the prescribed dose.
Until I didn't.
Now I'm just even.
Until I will be short and that's when the problems will begin.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry about having "less" benzo.