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Idk where to put this- meloxicam


Dec 10, 2022
Is it safe? I take abilify 10mg - 8mg bupe- 150mg testosterone cypionate, Stelara

I sprained my knee and it hurts like a bitch worse than when I broke my ankle.

Just got back into bJJ and didn’t train up enough before sparring
how did u sprain ur knee? Someone do it to u or u twist it or something?
how did u sprain ur knee? Someone do it to u or u twist it or something?
Idk. It is probably from sparring. I woke up one morning and noticed it was hurt bad and weird cuz I didn’t feel it the day before. In BJJ we go full on sparring. Don’t hold back much
Thought someone went too hard on a leg lock. Shouldn’t be going like that in sparring.
What belt are u?
Is it safe? I take abilify 10mg - 8mg bupe- 150mg testosterone cypionate, Stelara

I sprained my knee and it hurts like a bitch worse than when I broke my ankle.

Just got back into bJJ and didn’t train up enough before sparring
I've heard that mobic can be really rough on the stomach and kidneys. I don't know of any interactions with the medications that you currently take.

If it was me I'd take naproxen or maybe some aspirin, ice it, after the first 48 hours I use heat therapy on it.

You can buy a neoprene brace that uses velcro to close.

If the severe pain continues for more than three or four days, you should probably go and have it evaluated for torn ligament or meniscus.
U tried use knee support?
I’m new to BJJ. 1st degree black belt in Okinawan sho ryn ryu though. And it is a practical art just not as good as muy Thai and BJJ.

It’s actually sprained and I just started a new job as an audit supervisor and it requires me to be on my feet 9-10 hours and on my knees at times to verify counts on lower level items.

I think it’s making it worse. Really worse but I’m scared to tell them I can’t work because I can’t lose this job. I have a work excuse but still…I mean it’s really sprained at the least. She won’t do x rays and they say they will if it doesn’t heal in 3-4 weeks lol…like why!?!
I've heard that mobic can be really rough on the stomach and kidneys. I don't know of any interactions with the medications that you currently take.

If it was me I'd take naproxen or maybe some aspirin, ice it, after the first 48 hours I use heat therapy on it.

You can buy a neoprene brace that uses velcro to close.

If the severe pain continues for more than three or four days, you should probably go and have it evaluated for torn ligament or meniscus.
I’m wondering if taking it for just two weeks is fine tho? Think long term is bad just two weeks really all that risky? Im
More concerned about liver toxicity.