Ibogaine and suddden cardiac death: a warning to be careful


Apr 12, 2021
Hi everyone,

I'd like to share with you my recent, life-threatening, experience with Ibogaine. I've tried to send this to the Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance but then figured that their webpage is not active any longer.

Just a few words about my background first: I've been struggling with an opiate addiction (mainly oxycodone and heroin) some time ago for about 7 to 8 years (in which I almost never really went into full withdrawal). This ended when, around 8 years ago, I stopped from one day to the other with the help of ibogaine (around 1,2 gram of ibogaine HCL and 4-5 days later another small dose of around 3-400mg). That kept me sober for a little more than four years, when I had a relapse of a couple of months which I again ended with the help of Ibogaine. Due to a big personal setback I suffered another relapse around 3 years later (which was a couple months ago) first into non-opioid prescription drugs and then - more or less intentionally- into opioids, thinking it'd be a "good" idea to substitute the heavily addictive prescription drugs (mainly pregabaline) with the devil i knew and subsequently - around 3 months later - do another Ibogaine treatment. So you can see I quite believed in the addiction-stopping effects of Iboga, and still do. Only this time it gave me cardiac arrest, I had to be reanimated. luckily enough the friend that was overseeing the withdrawal gave me immediate chest compression and 5 minutes later the ambulance arrived with a defibrillator, i got intubated, slipped into a short-timed coma for around a day and am now out of the hospital, drug free,but still suffering from the consequences of the cardiac arrest, the chest compression and some nerve damage on my arm and hand. That all at 36 years of age without any (!) pre-existing conditions, neither of the heart (which has since recovered according to all the tests, which also did not come up with any kind of pre-existing heart issue), nor with liver or kidneys. I was quite athletic, used to swim 3 km in less than 1 hour, never really took a big amount of hepa- or neurotoxic drugs, ws never polytoxic, hardly drank any alcohol whatsoever.
The difference this time was that I - accidently - received a higher dose than I had intended to. I had meant to take 1,3 g of Ibogaine HCL again, same as with the other two times. Unfortunately this time for once I waited too long after my last heroine dose, went into withdrawal and started vomiting which made me a bit insecure whether I subsequently kept down enough of the Ibogaine hcl which I ingested shortly after. And then - having lost track of time and space to some extent, while under the influence - I was given one "booster" dose after the other. This all while I obviously was still able to communicate pretty clearly, meaning: the friend who oversaw the process asked me every once in a while whether I needed more and I - not being aware of the total amount I had ingested within the last 3 days - kept saying yes. So it came that over the course of 3 days I took 2 grams of Ibogaine HCL and another 3-400mg of Ibogaine TA. It was after that last dose of TA when I suffered the cardiac arrest, pretty much all of a sudden. I have no recollection of my own about what happened but from what I've been told, I suddenly sat up straight in bed and then fell down and stopped breathing. This was when my friend started the chest compression immediately and then called for the ambulance. I was weighing around 75kg at the time. The Ibogaine came from the same trustworthy source as the other two times and I am pretty sure that there was nothing wrong with it. Only the TA was new to me as I had solely used the HCL before.
I must stress that the two times I had used Ibogaine before, I can remember relatively well (while the whole cardiac arrest and coma business now has left me with quite a bit of amnesia, even reaching back), and at no time I felt physically at risk in any way which is why I thought that nothing would happen to me, a pretty healthy 36 year-old.
Do I still think that Ibogaine is some kind of a silver bullet for opioid addiction? Definitely, as for years it completely took away any cravings and made me live a healthier life in general. Would I take it again? Probably not (because even if it wouldn't kill me, my family certainly would, given all that has happened now). Still I regard Ibogaine as a highly potent cure of opioid addiction and think it's a pity that the research on its less dangerous derivates seemed to have come to a halt*. Wouldn't I just have basically died from it had to be brought back to life, I would always choose it over any conventional form of therapy which either leaves you addicted to legal substitutes like methadone or leaves you mentally miserable and craving. One other thing: in the ICU where I've been admitted right after the cardiac arrest, they did not know anything about Ibogaine but quickly figured that there's no known antidote so I was given methadone while I was still in a coma. Fortunately the Iboga treatment worked nevertheless, even though I had prolonged withdrawal symptoms for about 2 weeks. Also for obvious reasons I never received the small dose which I would have usually taken after 4-5 days.
What's the moral of this story: Even though I had thought the reported heart issues in connection with Ibogaine were only threatening people with pre-existing heart conditions, destroyed livers or else, I had to realize that this is not the case. Yes, I have certainly taken too big a dose but then again it wasn't a massive overdose either.
In case you're not beliving my account or would be otherwise interested, I could share with you the (anonymized) report from the ICU (which is also giving some details of a prolonged QT-interval). Since this all happened in Germany, the report is written in German, too though (hence my language flaws, sorry for that.). If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them as best as I can.
I wish you good luck in case you're planning to undergo Iboga therapy and hope that someday there'll be a less dangerous variant of Ibogaine since I still owe that plant a lot (not to mention my friend who saved me from its side-effects..)!

Take care and be safe!

* I have just recently read that there were supposed to be clinical trials with 18-MC at a company named MindMed in 2020, which I very much appreciate.
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Wow that's incredibly unfortunate. I'm so happy that someone was there for you. I've always wondered about ibogaine as I feel I could benefit from it, but I've always been wary of the potential side effects. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you.
Don't get me wrong. By no means do I want to say it couldn't have any benefit. I would never take it for recreational reasons though, as it certainly is not a fun drug or psychedelic in the classical sense. Since i've only used it for withdrawal, I can't really say how much of the physical discomfort comes from the ibogaine and how much comes from the actual withdrawal. The only thing I can say that it makes the physical withdrawal 90% less bad, replaces the psychological withdrawal with a 1-3 days trip (depending on the person and dose, for me it used to be rather 3 than 1) and takes away any cravings for years at least. But it is not an exactly pleasant experience. You still feel some level of discomfort and at least I couldn't sleep or eat for days. But at no point in any of the three times I felt any kind of anxiety - unlike experienced sometimes with mushrooms, LSD or similar things.
If taken in smaller quantities (or even microdoses) the risk for heart isses seems to be significantally lower; but afaik that won't really help you to stop a full blown opioid addiction. Like I said in the above text: I really have high hopes for the development and availability of 18-MC (and similar things). But another way to limit the risk would be doing it in a safe environment, sticking to the HCL and the HCL only and being very careful about the flood dose, according to your weight. I don't know what you'd want to use the ibogaine for (which directly correlates with the necessary dosage) and where you live but there seem to be quite a few places where you can do a at least semi-medically supervised treatment; in Europe as well as in Mexiko, probably Asia, too. I don't mean self-proclaimed shamans painting your face white and beating drums (I'm not really into that kind of stuff) but nurses, maybe even doctors, and EKGs etc.
Thank you.
Don't get me wrong. By no means do I want to say it couldn't have any benefit. I would never take it for recreational reasons though, as it certainly is not a fun drug or psychedelic in the classical sense. Since i've only used it for withdrawal, I can't really say how much of the physical discomfort comes from the ibogaine and how much comes from the actual withdrawal. The only thing I can say that it makes the physical withdrawal 90% less bad, replaces the psychological withdrawal with a 1-3 days trip (depending on the person and dose, for me it used to be rather 3 than 1) and takes away any cravings for years at least. But it is not an exactly pleasant experience. You still feel some level of discomfort and at least I couldn't sleep or eat for days. But at no point in any of the three times I felt any kind of anxiety - unlike experienced sometimes with mushrooms, LSD or similar things.
If taken in smaller quantities (or even microdoses) the risk for heart isses seems to be significantally lower; but afaik that won't really help you to stop a full blown opioid addiction. Like I said in the above text: I really have high hopes for the development and availability of 18-MC (and similar things). But another way to limit the risk would be doing it in a safe environment, sticking to the HCL and the HCL only and being very careful about the flood dose, according to your weight. I don't know what you'd want to use the ibogaine for (which directly correlates with the necessary dosage) and where you live but there seem to be quite a few places where you can do a at least semi-medically supervised treatment; in Europe as well as in Mexiko, probably Asia, too. I don't mean self-proclaimed shamans painting your face white and beating drums (I'm not really into that kind of stuff) but nurses, maybe even doctors, and EKGs etc.
I would just be using it to help me get over lifelong mental illness, substance abuse, and grief.
Generally I think it has the power to do that. I was dealing with a lot of grief, too, in the last year which led to the relapse in the first place. It hasn't been entirely evaporated (since the cause is still there as well) but it helped a lot. The most fascinating thing about this is that it works in just one session, as if it was flipping some switch that has a long lasting effect. I can't really say a lot about manifest and chronic mental illness if you don't count substance abuse, insomnia and restlessness. And substance-abuse-wise it depends a little on the substances. Although I think it has the capability to help with most mind-related things, there are some things that should not be withdrawn from with the help of Iogain, like benzodiazepines (bc of possible seizures). Also I've read that it doesn't mix well with pharmacological drugs in general, so all of these should be tapered off before a treatment. That's why I had temporarily switched back to short lasting opiates before.
I think it ... doesn't like multiple exposure. All i know is, i was kind of edging opioids and using it off and on, and the last time i took a big ass dose it.. spoke to me and said in no uncertain terms "I have helped you w this" (i did a flood dose to get off h years earlier) "if you continue to come here for this problem, you will lose your life" ... i was burned after that (3rd degree) and have tapered off every bit of this prescription the normal way, not because i don't believe in ibo -- but because i listen, and im not going back there until there are no opioids in me.
Me is very interested in doing ibogaine, both for addictions (less focused to particular substance but general desire to get high on whatever's accessible) and so-called spiritual growth. Drugs already turned me from atheist to agnostic, I'm not into esoterism but believe that well, things are possible we not (yet) were able to measure. Hell, in NL they scientifically prove!! telepathy while on psilocybin. This was a fucking wow to me.

But yeah, I already have fast heartbeat, sometimes even while resting it goes above 100 bpm ... needless to say, I'm nowhere near athletic, this maybe would be one of the greatest effects ibo might have on me - a more healthy lifestyle. You don't see me this, I'm 180/75kg and blood values are all fine, sugar/fats very low.. but I'm just lethargic. So lethargic.
I know and read that ibo affects the heart, this heavily worries me. Read contradictory things, that ibo creates arrythmia, that it prolongs QT, that it causes bradycardia (this one would actually be great) but many experience intense tachycardia (not good of course) ... guess I don't need to worry so much about QT, I took more than one drug which has the possibility to prolong QT w/o problems and my EKG is fine - yet have still to do one while on exercise or pharm induced stress.
Once on bicycle trainer I went too fast too high and experienced some transient but sharp pain in the chest which they wrote off as normal reaction but I'm sure it wasn't. I had angina pectoris before after abusing methylphenidate (concerta 18mg) + dextromethorphan 150-300mg, a hell of norepinephrine yet other use without problems.. went to the doc's yet only told about MPH and he did some quick checks, then scripted me omeprazole - needless to say, it did nothing. Strangely these magnesium sticks to aid the stomach actually brought some brief aid. But it made me discontinue both meds, and the pain slowly subsided.
When using DXM alone years(!) later, at moderate amounts like 200mg, the pain came back! But with repeated use it lowered and eventually passed. So the odds are still out.

As the effects of ibo on the heart have been studied pretty well and attributed to some channel blockade (?), would it be possible to antagonize / counter-act these by some pharm? Or is it attributed to one or more minor alkaloids which could be extracted?

Possible to do a low-medium amount of ibo and have an ECG done on it?

Read that people with benzo addiction should actually continue staying on it to avoid seizurogenic GABA w/d.. maybe some diazepam would aid, or an alpha blocker?

For sure if I decide to do it, then I wanna the full deal, not just ibo but also the NMDA antagonism etc. from the other alkaloids. Yet I also wanna keep my heart, it's been broken often enough..
While ibogaine is a well known treatment for physical opioid withdrawal symptoms and is traditionally used by the Bwiti tribe it is attributed to having some intense side effects and is known for ending in death.

There isn't much evidence but I think this thread is an appropriate place to also warn of it triggering cardiac arrest when combined with 5-MEO-DMT. It seems that when ibogaine is used or combined with other psychedelics for treating addiction withdrawal that there is also a serious risk of death. Although the combination of 5-MEO-DMT with/after ibogaine is well known in psychedelic culture for being very successful in treating mental and physical withdrawal symptoms.

Think cdin is onto something here with the complications of multiple exposure too. Like any way of curing addiction it's not a narrow path, there can be lots of complications and I wouldn't rush into using it without some well thought research and being in good physical shape. As a last resort maybe or best used in an acute state of withdrawal.

There is a thread in PD also discussing ex-addicts who used ibogaine committing suicide at a later date.

Hopefully 18-MC won't pose such a risk - has anyone tried both or a non-psychoctive derivative to comment?
While ibogaine is a well known treatment for physical opioid withdrawal symptoms and is traditionally used by the Bwiti tribe it is attributed to having some intense side effects and is known for ending in death.

There isn't much evidence but I think this thread is an appropriate place to also warn of it triggering cardiac arrest when combined with 5-MEO-DMT. It seems that when ibogaine is used or combined with other psychedelics for treating addiction withdrawal that there is also a serious risk of death. Although the combination of 5-MEO-DMT with/after ibogaine is well known in psychedelic culture for being very successful in treating mental and physical withdrawal symptoms.

Think cdin is onto something here with the complications of multiple exposure too. Like any way of curing addiction it's not a narrow path, there can be lots of complications and I wouldn't rush into using it without some well thought research and being in good physical shape. As a last resort maybe or best used in an acute state of withdrawal.

There is a thread in PD also discussing ex-addicts who used ibogaine committing suicide at a later date.

Hopefully 18-MC won't pose such a risk - has anyone tried both or a non-psychoctive derivative to comment?
Hey people..if there have any intention to use iboga in home work setting must accept the fact,that its possible to die.I knew that very well and the two floods i gone through i was aware about that.In some sence ready to die(but deep inside myself i know that everything will be fine.Remember all the trip hold in my hands little icon.Pulse and blood pressure between the doses(two grams IboHcl each).But long before the floods start to introduce rootbark into my system.May be...may be would shoot one last time.For sure work with this plant is very hard.True mastery
Hi everyone,

I'd like to share with you my recent, life-threatening, experience with Ibogaine. I've tried to send this to the Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance but then figured that their webpage is not active any longer.

Just a few words about my background first: I've been struggling with an opiate addiction (mainly oxycodone and heroin) some time ago for about 7 to 8 years (in which I almost never really went into full withdrawal). This ended when, around 8 years ago, I stopped from one day to the other with the help of ibogaine (around 1,2 gram of ibogaine HCL and 4-5 days later another small dose of around 3-400mg). That kept me sober for a little more than four years, when I had a relapse of a couple of months which I again ended with the help of Ibogaine. Due to a big personal setback I suffered another relapse around 3 years later (which was a couple months ago) first into non-opioid prescription drugs and then - more or less intentionally- into opioids, thinking it'd be a "good" idea to substitute the heavily addictive prescription drugs (mainly pregabaline) with the devil i knew and subsequently - around 3 months later - do another Ibogaine treatment. So you can see I quite believed in the addiction-stopping effects of Iboga, and still do. Only this time it gave me cardiac arrest, I had to be reanimated. luckily enough the friend that was overseeing the withdrawal gave me immediate chest compression and 5 minutes later the ambulance arrived with a defibrillator, i got intubated, slipped into a short-timed coma for around a day and am now out of the hospital, drug free,but still suffering from the consequences of the cardiac arrest, the chest compression and some nerve damage on my arm and hand. That all at 36 years of age without any (!) pre-existing conditions, neither of the heart (which has since recovered according to all the tests, which also did not come up with any kind of pre-existing heart issue), nor with liver or kidneys. I was quite athletic, used to swim 3 km in less than 1 hour, never really took a big amount of hepa- or neurotoxic drugs, ws never polytoxic, hardly drank any alcohol whatsoever.
The difference this time was that I - accidently - received a higher dose than I had intended to. I had meant to take 1,3 g of Ibogaine HCL again, same as with the other two times. Unfortunately this time for once I waited too long after my last heroine dose, went into withdrawal and started vomiting which made me a bit insecure whether I subsequently kept down enough of the Ibogaine hcl which I ingested shortly after. And then - having lost track of time and space to some extent, while under the influence - I was given one "booster" dose after the other. This all while I obviously was still able to communicate pretty clearly, meaning: the friend who oversaw the process asked me every once in a while whether I needed more and I - not being aware of the total amount I had ingested within the last 3 days - kept saying yes. So it came that over the course of 3 days I took 2 grams of Ibogaine HCL and another 3-400mg of Ibogaine TA. It was after that last dose of TA when I suffered the cardiac arrest, pretty much all of a sudden. I have no recollection of my own about what happened but from what I've been told, I suddenly sat up straight in bed and then fell down and stopped breathing. This was when my friend started the chest compression immediately and then called for the ambulance. I was weighing around 75kg at the time. The Ibogaine came from the same trustworthy source as the other two times and I am pretty sure that there was nothing wrong with it. Only the TA was new to me as I had solely used the HCL before.
I must stress that the two times I had used Ibogaine before, I can remember relatively well (while the whole cardiac arrest and coma business now has left me with quite a bit of amnesia, even reaching back), and at no time I felt physically at risk in any way which is why I thought that nothing would happen to me, a pretty healthy 36 year-old.
Do I still think that Ibogaine is some kind of a silver bullet for opioid addiction? Definitely, as for years it completely took away any cravings and made me live a healthier life in general. Would I take it again? Probably not (because even if it wouldn't kill me, my family certainly would, given all that has happened now). Still I regard Ibogaine as a highly potent cure of opioid addiction and think it's a pity that the research on its less dangerous derivates seemed to have come to a halt*. Wouldn't I just have basically died from it had to be brought back to life, I would always choose it over any conventional form of therapy which either leaves you addicted to legal substitutes like methadone or leaves you mentally miserable and craving. One other thing: in the ICU where I've been admitted right after the cardiac arrest, they did not know anything about Ibogaine but quickly figured that there's no known antidote so I was given methadone while I was still in a coma. Fortunately the Iboga treatment worked nevertheless, even though I had prolonged withdrawal symptoms for about 2 weeks. Also for obvious reasons I never received the small dose which I would have usually taken after 4-5 days.
What's the moral of this story: Even though I had thought the reported heart issues in connection with Ibogaine were only threatening people with pre-existing heart conditions, destroyed livers or else, I had to realize that this is not the case. Yes, I have certainly taken too big a dose but then again it wasn't a massive overdose either.
In case you're not beliving my account or would be otherwise interested, I could share with you the (anonymized) report from the ICU (which is also giving some details of a prolonged QT-interval). Since this all happened in Germany, the report is written in German, too though (hence my language flaws, sorry for that.). If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them as best as I can.
I wish you good luck in case you're planning to undergo Iboga therapy and hope that someday there'll be a less dangerous variant of Ibogaine since I still owe that plant a lot (not to mention my friend who saved me from its side-effects..)!

Take care and be safe!

* I have just recently read that there were supposed to be clinical trials with 18-MC at a company named MindMed in 2020, which I very much appreciate.
Cardiac arrest, huh? For those who don't think you'll feel it think again. Cardiac arrest hurts like hell.. As a young dumbass kid of 19 I tried to off myself with arsenic which quickly brings on cardiac arrest. Since then I've had a few heart attacks as well, but I'm 62 now.
I was really lucky at 19. I went into cardiac arrest in the emergency room at the hospital. I've never felt anything so painful since other than withdraw in jail.. You don't want to attempt either one. Not nearly as much fun as seen on TV.. I'm glad you made it to have the stories to tell around the campfire..
Hi everyone,

I'd like to share with you my recent, life-threatening, experience with Ibogaine. I've tried to send this to the Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance but then figured that their webpage is not active any longer.

Just a few words about my background first: I've been struggling with an opiate addiction (mainly oxycodone and heroin) some time ago for about 7 to 8 years (in which I almost never really went into full withdrawal). This ended when, around 8 years ago, I stopped from one day to the other with the help of ibogaine (around 1,2 gram of ibogaine HCL and 4-5 days later another small dose of around 3-400mg). That kept me sober for a little more than four years, when I had a relapse of a couple of months which I again ended with the help of Ibogaine. Due to a big personal setback I suffered another relapse around 3 years later (which was a couple months ago) first into non-opioid prescription drugs and then - more or less intentionally- into opioids, thinking it'd be a "good" idea to substitute the heavily addictive prescription drugs (mainly pregabaline) with the devil i knew and subsequently - around 3 months later - do another Ibogaine treatment. So you can see I quite believed in the addiction-stopping effects of Iboga, and still do. Only this time it gave me cardiac arrest, I had to be reanimated. luckily enough the friend that was overseeing the withdrawal gave me immediate chest compression and 5 minutes later the ambulance arrived with a defibrillator, i got intubated, slipped into a short-timed coma for around a day and am now out of the hospital, drug free,but still suffering from the consequences of the cardiac arrest, the chest compression and some nerve damage on my arm and hand. That all at 36 years of age without any (!) pre-existing conditions, neither of the heart (which has since recovered according to all the tests, which also did not come up with any kind of pre-existing heart issue), nor with liver or kidneys. I was quite athletic, used to swim 3 km in less than 1 hour, never really took a big amount of hepa- or neurotoxic drugs, ws never polytoxic, hardly drank any alcohol whatsoever.
The difference this time was that I - accidently - received a higher dose than I had intended to. I had meant to take 1,3 g of Ibogaine HCL again, same as with the other two times. Unfortunately this time for once I waited too long after my last heroine dose, went into withdrawal and started vomiting which made me a bit insecure whether I subsequently kept down enough of the Ibogaine hcl which I ingested shortly after. And then - having lost track of time and space to some extent, while under the influence - I was given one "booster" dose after the other. This all while I obviously was still able to communicate pretty clearly, meaning: the friend who oversaw the process asked me every once in a while whether I needed more and I - not being aware of the total amount I had ingested within the last 3 days - kept saying yes. So it came that over the course of 3 days I took 2 grams of Ibogaine HCL and another 3-400mg of Ibogaine TA. It was after that last dose of TA when I suffered the cardiac arrest, pretty much all of a sudden. I have no recollection of my own about what happened but from what I've been told, I suddenly sat up straight in bed and then fell down and stopped breathing. This was when my friend started the chest compression immediately and then called for the ambulance. I was weighing around 75kg at the time. The Ibogaine came from the same trustworthy source as the other two times and I am pretty sure that there was nothing wrong with it. Only the TA was new to me as I had solely used the HCL before.
I must stress that the two times I had used Ibogaine before, I can remember relatively well (while the whole cardiac arrest and coma business now has left me with quite a bit of amnesia, even reaching back), and at no time I felt physically at risk in any way which is why I thought that nothing would happen to me, a pretty healthy 36 year-old.
Do I still think that Ibogaine is some kind of a silver bullet for opioid addiction? Definitely, as for years it completely took away any cravings and made me live a healthier life in general. Would I take it again? Probably not (because even if it wouldn't kill me, my family certainly would, given all that has happened now). Still I regard Ibogaine as a highly potent cure of opioid addiction and think it's a pity that the research on its less dangerous derivates seemed to have come to a halt*. Wouldn't I just have basically died from it had to be brought back to life, I would always choose it over any conventional form of therapy which either leaves you addicted to legal substitutes like methadone or leaves you mentally miserable and craving. One other thing: in the ICU where I've been admitted right after the cardiac arrest, they did not know anything about Ibogaine but quickly figured that there's no known antidote so I was given methadone while I was still in a coma. Fortunately the Iboga treatment worked nevertheless, even though I had prolonged withdrawal symptoms for about 2 weeks. Also for obvious reasons I never received the small dose which I would have usually taken after 4-5 days.
What's the moral of this story: Even though I had thought the reported heart issues in connection with Ibogaine were only threatening people with pre-existing heart conditions, destroyed livers or else, I had to realize that this is not the case. Yes, I have certainly taken too big a dose but then again it wasn't a massive overdose either.
In case you're not beliving my account or would be otherwise interested, I could share with you the (anonymized) report from the ICU (which is also giving some details of a prolonged QT-interval). Since this all happened in Germany, the report is written in German, too though (hence my language flaws, sorry for that.). If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them as best as I can.
I wish you good luck in case you're planning to undergo Iboga therapy and hope that someday there'll be a less dangerous variant of Ibogaine since I still owe that plant a lot (not to mention my friend who saved me from its side-effects..)!

Take care and be safe!

* I have just recently read that there were supposed to be clinical trials with 18-MC at a company named MindMed in 2020, which I very much appreciate.
iboga will save you. but it aint fucking around. In the full flood state, it was very calming (the first time) and showed me it was there to help. It did! I was free of dope -- and young -- I kept right on partying thinking "oh, this beautiful plant will save me!" ... i took boosters and partied for about a year. Finally I had gotten in pretty deep again, and took a 400mg HCL after a couple of weeks of eating rootbark and had a MUCH more full experience than I intended. It was harrowing. SO uncomfortable and it basically told me "You punk. I have given you so much. If you come back here ONE more time for opioids, I WILL murder you." ... that was almost eight years ago. I did not touch it again. sustained 3rd degree burn injuries and just completed my first full titration to sobriety on my own (took 3 years, but i did it). it was an incredibly empowering experience. I really look forward to resuming my relationship with ibo for PTSD repair reasons, now sans opioids.