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I think I screwed up


Oct 19, 2016
A couple of friends ended up getting there hands on some molly and we decided to throw a kick back. Which turned into a weekend binge of booze, mj, and molly. And a week later I'm feeling horrible, I can't look people in the eye without having a panic attack, my head feels so foggy I can't focus on anything for more than a minute before spacing out, I feel so empty like a human shell incapable of any kind of self control. I don't know what to do I've never had a comedown like this ever. And the worst part is that it's such a beautiful day and I can't look outside without bursting into tears.please any advice or help at this point would be priceless to me
MDMA drains the serotonin (happy) in your brain and you have to give it time to fill up again, depression/anxiety is a very normal occurrence here. MDMA binge is a terrible idea, try not to do it more than once a month. Try to focus on something else (other than how bad you're feeling) watch a few comedy stand up or archer episode let time do it thing and you'll be fine (week or two should do it).

abuse drugs and get abused.
yeah, i screwed up aswell, drank vodka and .2 of some molly and got in a fight with a tree, just spazing out hard, sorta ruined it for me, start taking 5 htp
Eat fruit, good fats, vegies, drink heaps of water, exercise, sleep

u will be fine soon

u got to respect MDMA...the most amazing drug out there and yet the most brutal.
Thank you all for the replys, I have a stack of archer episodes, food doesn't sound at all appealing but it sounds like I need some groceries other than raman noodles. Just wasn't expecting this at all.
Thank you all for the replys, I have a stack of archer episodes, food doesn't sound at all appealing but it sounds like I need some groceries other than raman noodles. Just wasn't expecting this at all.
I can understand it's unexpected, but it's normal. Powerful drugs can have powerful side-effects when misused. Only temporary though, focus on living healthy for a while and it will pass. Oh and when you can manage it, try to eat something nutritious, even if it doesn't sound appealing it's going to give you a serious boost
Defffinitely get your hands on some 5-HTP and take 100mg 2x a day for a week, then knock it back to once a day. (a must for anyone who ever does drugs at all, IMO)

Apart from a good multivitamin, id also grab some Turmeric extract, as it has a broad range of positive effects, period. Antiinflammatory, antidepressant, etc. One google search and youll see why i started taking it. I take all the above mentioned plus Omega-3 Fish oil and L-Tyrosine (precursor to L-Dopa/dopamine) daily and have not felt significant comedown effects of ANY drug for a while, and that time has included a 3 day STRONG molly binge. we all just kep taking 5-htp regularly throughout the wknd (4 of us) adn honestly each roll was stronger than the one before. The third night i rolled harder than i ever have in my life, fuckin threw up & felt amazing while doin it, had "breathing" visuals similar to acid... it was wild.
Give your brain what it needs to function properly.tryptophan.b6. Zinc.omega3,6,9. Etc...trust me this will get better