• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

I think I need to rant but job advice?


Bluelight Crew
Jul 13, 2007
I'm currently working 3-5 Monday- Thursday and then 8:30-5:30 on Saturday. The problem is, it's with kids so the parents cancel, kids are sick/don't want session etc so it's SUPER unreliable. BUT, it's my career and looks good for experience on my CV (for grad school) but I'm hardly making any money PLUS the commute is like 2 hrs round trip which is a lot considering my shift is only two hours.

I really want to get a job in retail (cuz that's where all my experience is so I can get a good paying job) BUT with good paying jobs usually come commitments and I would want it to NOT be a priority but my other job (esp if I'm offered additional clients/shifts). I don't know.. what would you guys do? I also have a boyfriend whom I reside with and he (kind of pays for everything) so I don't need.. NEED a second job. BUT I don't have any money for grad school ATM.
i cant quite tell what industry you're working in, but the period of time between college and grad school is for most people a )#*(%(#)* nightmare. here you are, all graduated with a degree that entitles you to absolutely nothing- you now have two choices: place your faith in the system and pursue higher education (at the cost of a more comfortable / lucrative / stable job) OR deal with the issues that you are living with in the here and now.

there is no window that closes on grad school, but feeling dissatisfied and stressed daily about money and future obligations can lead to depression and abandoning of your grad school ambition altogether. you need to approach such a commitment with enthusiasm. i am on the other side having recently finished a masters degree in an industry that i no longer have a measurable interest in (not to mention a whopping amount of debt).

dont know if that was a positive response or not but i can definately say you're not alone.
You could work a morning or an evening schedule if you wanted to with full days on Fridays and, if you want, Sundays. I worked through much of undergrad that way. I usually worked 8-1 or 1-6 depending on my class schedule, which my employer was great working around. I worked full days on Fridays so that the full-time administrator could take Fridays off. I was able to do a 28-30 hour week this way. It wasn't too shabby at all - and I didn't have to be economically dependent on a partner.

I take it you work for some sort of after-school program? IMO, you might be better with an internship or working before-school care rather than after-school care. If the place where you work right now isn't guaranteeing you your hours and a living wage, they shouldn't be surprised if you decide to leave to save for grad school.
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm waiting to hear if I'm accepted into grad school early june so I guess we'll find out. >.< In the meantime, I dropped off my resume at a retail store that I know has a high hourly + commission in hopes to make some real money. I think they would be flexible because they are open from 10am-10pm. They've called me back to schedule an interview. So yay! I've thought about it and my boyfriend and I are also looking to buy a house sometime next year so I'll be needing a job that actually makes some money you know.

I do one-on-one behavior training working with autistic kids. Because of the level of service, we charge a high rate. After/before-school programs here are all usually min. wage. I guess I"m hoping in looks good for grad school (clinical psychology) since I'll have "experience in the field".