I need some love....


Nov 21, 1999
Hey Guys! I am having a pretty rough time of things right now and I am just looking for a little love from my friends here at Bluelight. So much is going on in my life right now and I know I shouldnt be but I am letting it get me down...My parents are moving to San Antonio and I live in Philadelphia. My friends are at the least an hour and a half away, by car, which I dont have one of...And that is only 2 of my friends...The others are all the way in Louisiana and are going through a bunch of roommate and financial drama and I am not there to help them...My brother's wife just had a baby, who I haven't seen yet, because they live in Argentina! On top of all of this, it seems like every chance a guy has to screw me over....HE DOES! I am so sorry for venting like this...I just needs to get it off my chest....thanks for reading....Ya'll are great!
Have fun and be careful!
awwww meg! thats some rough shit. im so sorry all this is happening to you right now. being down is natural when things are rough and you just gotta keep tellin yourself that it all will pass -- because it will. life is a bitch sometimes but there are many good things in it which will come your way before you know it. I would think that maybe i could be a better help than this cause i have had many rough points in my short life but i cant. i can just say i hope things get better soon. never forget love...no matter how far or how close it is...never forget it. it saves

A big hug and smile for you-keep your chin up!
Hi sweetie! Sorry to hear of your distress, You probaly feel as though everything is crashing down on you all at once. --I've been going through some problems of my own, hang in there--whatever obstacles are in your way now will only seem like small comparisons after you have defeated them--each one makes us stronger to face life's challenges.
It's still hard for me accept that too! Here is a poem I wrote for Tiger awhile back, I hope it brings some peace to you!
Whatever for did you lose your strenghth?
Bottomless pit. Unfathomed quake.
Courage to heal the lost souls on the wind.
Relentless love. Pure abandon.
A jet stream of tears shed anew like the dew.
These blood red roses under this porcelain moon.
Why now should you forget the wonder in thine eyes?
Once a hollowed sunset, now an enlightened sunrise.

Luv Yuz

You are what you have been, and will become how you react to all that surrounds you! :)
HUGE HUGS from me to you..
SWEETHEART--were going to EVOL's on thursday nite..18 to get in..why dont you join us...
drop me aline and we can all meet-up..

moderation..moderATION..MODERATION..SO WHY DON'T I LISTEN...?...
I am feeling better already!! I knew that my pals at Bluelight would be there right away to cheer me up!! All the nice words are so great! The poem is beautiful and you are all very special people. Thanks for being so wonderful!
Have fun and be careful!
Hey kiddo,
I know we don't know each other, but I can totally relate to how you feel... The part that really hit home for me was regarding the detachment from your family. I know that can be hard. Due to multiple falling-outs amongst family members, we never talk anymore. Periodically someone will get in touch to let one of us know that so and so had a baby or sos and so is getting divorced or whatever, but there is never any real contact. The only thing I can tell you from my experiance is that this too shall pass... It does get easier. I hope that things look up for you soon... I'm sure it will be OK. Feel free to write me at [email protected] if you want to talk at all. We're here for each other... That means you too!!! = )
It would be VERY rough for me if my folks moved out of town. If this helps, don't sweat your folks moving to San Antonio. I live in S.A., and it's a great town, if conservative.
Good Luck.
i'm sorry to hear that, you can hang out with us if you want..... hey ambient-icecream didn't i meet you at evolution's last sat night? my name is jimmy and i was dancing on stage w/you, i think?
Girl, I feel your pain. I just got Dicked HARD by a cutie. The thing that sux is that she was SO cool. I mean I really liked, maybe even loved her. I am pretty down myself.
Hang in there babe. The best things come to those who wait.......SO that means I better find someone pretty DAMN great, cause I am getting sick of being the NICE guy, who gets dicked over repeatedly.
HAng in there......smile.
You are cordially invited to attend me and my fellow heathens in a fun filled, ritualistic, tribal night of dance, laughter, and overall pagan debauchery. The theme of the night is "Romper Room" as we spread mass vibes of wickedness and peace throughout the greater club land of Philadelphia. If you would like to play with us, please reply and we'll turn that frown upside....over. Promises will be made!
What a great crew!! I love yall!! Thanks for all the friendly invites. I am really stoked about all the great people I am hearing from in the area...Please, please , please email me at [email protected]! Yall are so great!! Knowing that I wont have to sit in every weekend helps to make things look up!!

Have fun and be careful!