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Opioids I might have O'D on tylenol? Did I fuck the CWE up??


Mar 20, 2010
I did a cold water extraction 2 days in a row. 25 codeine 1's were extracted in 50ml of ice water.

I filtered the codeines once with a tea towel. Then I filtered them again with a paper towel. I squeezed the paper towel to speed the process up. So yah 25 300mg acetemetaphine tables filtered twice. The mixture wasnt perfectly clear.

I am feeling a little funny. I did smoke weed though and I never smoke weed. I am kinda paranoid feeling. My back feels tense and my jaw/neck area feels tense.

I am just wondering ifthere is a chance I totally fucked the CWE up. Cuz It wasnt perfectly clear...
Well list the process you did exactly I am pretty sure you did not fuck it up where there a bunch of gunk left on the filter?
Yah. I let all the white shit settle to the bottom of the cold jar at first too. Then like I mostly just poured the liquid out. The liquid was murky, def not see through. I don't want to have to go to the hospital lol ive been up all night its like 5am I wanna pass out = (


Dissolved 25 300mg acetametaphine/8mg codeine/15mg caffiene tablets in 50 ml of water. Cooled the water in the freezer until small chunks of ice appeared. It was just starting to freeze... I then poured the mixture into a jar, through a tea towel. That was the first filter. The second filter was through a paper towel and I squeezed the paper towel out.

There was lots of white shit left over. Def more white was left out than was left in.

Hmmmm, even if I ingested every tylenol thats only 7500mg of tylenol. I dun think thats enough to kill me. Airing completely on the side of worst case scenario, I could not have ingested more than half the tylenol.

So lets say even if I did ingest half the tylenol. Thats 3250mg. 3grams. Is that enoug hto kill me?
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Your good dude don't worry the caffine and the weed is making you paranoid. Try using the least amount of water you can so you get less tylenol. No need for the hospital sound's like you did everything good. If the gunk got filtered then your good man. 3250 is not enough to kill you or do any damage this once.