Site Feedback I love bluelight!


Jan 13, 2011
Hello Bluelight members,

It has been a while since I have posted on this site.
So, I thought it would be fitting that my first post back give praise to this wonderful community.

Thank you everybody for being so caring appreciative of what we have here.
I know some of you may think this is "sappy", and that's fine.
To me it is truly gratifying to see people (who may not know each other) work as one to protect/inform one another.

With that I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks to the members and staff of BlueLight.

Live long and prosper,

Thank you, and I love the forum too.

How long were you away from the site, and what made you leave and come back? Also, I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of adding that heart icon to the thread title.
Got to agree with you, I also love Bluelight.
This is the first and only forum I've joined and I don't need to join any others as everything I need to know about drugs and H.R can be found here.
There are so many good caring people on Bluelight. I've never met anyone off Bluelight in real life yet I genuinely care about the welfare of some people here.
Bluelight is a great community.

Thank you, and I love the forum too.

How long were you away from the site, and what made you leave and come back? Also, I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of adding that heart icon to the thread title.

I'd say I was away for 3-4 months. Im not really sure what made me stop visiting for so long. If i had to take a guess id say it was a combination of getting my own place and a crappy job bringing my spirits down.
But now that has changed, as i am back baby! haha

And no of course, im actually very thankful you did that. I couldn't figure out how to do it.

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When I first sign up I wasnt sure if I would like Bluelight but I got to say everybody here is pretty nice and helpful. I got bad experience with different forum, mostly with the KIND of people that was answering my thread and being jerks all the time and im so glad I dont see anything like that on bluelight. And nobody complain about my english 8)

I love bluelight too. <3
This place does seem a lot more accepting than my previoous forum. No rep and I can post blogs without being scorned.
its a good thing you havent been here for a while. this place is absolute hell. i have been here for 10 years and this forum almost killed me like 3-4 times when i made threads asking if various substances were damaging to me and most of the people kept saying "no no no problem i used it, it works like a charm". end up in ER.
the only reason i still keep coming here is to resolve legal issues since im trying to sue the place. eventually though, i might gather enough evidence and support.
^ ha yeah right a forum almost killed you.. you know youtube raped my father lol
whatever floats your boat I suppose :|

P.S. briefly looking through your started threads I see nothing of what you've mentioned.
honestly (no offence) from threads like
this you just seem a bit butthurt.

so yeah good luck with that.
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I'm sorry that private individuals have given you bad advice over the years. However, it's a tad reckless to guide your dosing in terms of singular anecdotes though, and I suspect that adjudicating the matter in court will affirm this. Also, suing a relatively small non-profit organization won't prove particularly lucrative.

thanks baoooozs, can i have your name and address now because i cant see you in court unless i can have my lawyer contact you. or are you scared?
i promise to give em to you when your temp ban is over. i'll even give you my facebook page :)
It's nice that even someone who's outspoken about IV use is accepted here and not hassled. The mods here are people rather than mindless zombies out to ban out of spite.
^ excellent point. iv use is not intrinsically harmful, especially from a physiological perspective. only is this true however is when pure harm reduction practices become second nature. like a mechanic. or an artist.

i know how to take drugs properly without harming myself and i have this website to thank for a huge chunk of that education.