I just decided to NOT buy drugs today because it's too stupid


Apr 3, 2020
Just thought I'd share. I'm happily in bed now. I'm still fucked up (decided to celebrate not buying Dex by taking huge amount of codeine).
But at least I'll be eating and if my daughter wants to come see me tomorrow, I can buy her sushi.
I hope this mood lasts.
Good work. I've decided the same thing. But in the absence of codeine to reward myself I'm not sure how long-lasting my decsion is. I want to be productive tomorrow though so I hope it lasts.
finding the desire to change within yourself is where it all starts. Just keep challenging yourself to improve on this, only focusing on being a little better today than you were yesterday. In time you'll look back and probably surprise yourself with the progress you made by just making these small incremental changes that slowly build on each other.

don't give up, keep going. be ok with imperfection and strive for progress.
Thats so weird, I went to score heroin tonight and the guy had a PTSD panic attack over a yellow lighter, claiming that apparently the last time he was around a yellow lighter that someone was shot three times in the face. His throat was closing up and he was gasping for air and he wanted me to drive my fist in his solar plexus to open him up. He had track marks on his jugular, so he had been shooting up in his neck. It was so nuts. This lifestyle is so fucking demonic. Thank the Lord i'm back home safe without scoring. 20 years of this bullshit and crazy drug-addled freaks. :: le sigh :: Its been a rough night.
Good God Orbital!!
You should write a short story about it ... !
Nothing much ever happens to me at all, even when buying drugs ... my dealer's this quite loveable old chap, very "campy" in the old-fashioned way, who also deals in antiques. I get very anxious whenever I'm there in case I break something.
He's okay, but everyone I've ever met there is more-than-averagely awful.
My brother buys drugs from some dude who keeps asking my brother for a picture of my breasts, which is the only sort of sexual compliment I've had in about 5 years, and not a very good one. What bothers me is why does this guy think my brother would even have a picture of my tits in the first place?
Something vaguely dismal and dark is at large. Dismal and dark and sort of smelling like farts.
Good God Orbital!!
You should write a short story about it ... !
Nothing much ever happens to me at all, even when buying drugs ... my dealer's this quite loveable old chap, very "campy" in the old-fashioned way, who also deals in antiques. I get very anxious whenever I'm there in case I break something.
He's okay, but everyone I've ever met there is more-than-averagely awful.
My brother buys drugs from some dude who keeps asking my brother for a picture of my breasts, which is the only sort of sexual compliment I've had in about 5 years, and not a very good one. What bothers me is why does this guy think my brother would even have a picture of my tits in the first place?
Something vaguely dismal and dark is at large. Dismal and dark and sort of smelling like farts.

I'd take campy over creepy any day. But maybe your bros plug is just a big doofus 😅