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I don't take x but have a question


May 15, 2011
I've only rolled once in my life and it was good but not as mind blowing as I thought it would be, although I didn't take that much. I was expecting more of an acid type trip I guess since that's what I had experience with way back in high school. But anyways, I always wondered what causes people's eyes to roll back like you see in pics or videos. I can't find a good example right now but some I've seen you can barely see anything but the whites of their eyes. What is the scientific explanation of this? Only thing I got was really big pupils.
What? If someone's eyes rolled back while they were rolling I'd call an ambulance.
Rolling eyes is common on full doses of good MDMA. It's usually most noticeable when someone on MDMA receives a light show. As far as I know the exact mechanism behind the eye wiggles isn't fully understood, but considering MDMA affects your sense of balance and affects the levels of serotonin in your gut(eye wiggles are often related to feelings of nausea) it's pretty safe to assume one of these effects(or both) is causing them.

As long as the eye roll isn't accompanied/followed by seizures or other dangerous physical symptoms then there's nothing to worry about. Your friends are just very, very high :D
I used to love those eye wiggles! Soon as you started feeling that you knew your night was going to be good.

Eyes rolling as far back into the head so only the whites of the eyes are seen does sound very strange to me though...
Not if it was done on purpose. There were occasions where I was rolling really really heard and a wave hit me and I just stood still with my head tilted back and I would roll my eyes a bit, it felt good in a way together with the rushes =D
Eyes roll back on a very very good pure mdma, with high doses.
Eye wiggles are the same and love it. Roll back of eyes are not seem ok for me just disgusting.
Most people I know that do MDMA tend to roll their eyes back during their peak. I've always been curious of this too. It seems more prominent in those that are sensitive or are first time users of MDMA. The eye roll seems correlated with the ''magic" of MDMA. I experienced it less the more I did MDMA (as the magic dissipated), and this is also evident among my more veteran friends who rarely eye roll. The more lost in the moment you are the more you eye roll.

I thought nystagmus was only associated with the wiggling of the eyes. I've experienced both the eye wiggles and the eye roll and they feel quite different. I prefer the feeling of the eye roll, but the one time I candyflipped I had a hard time keeping my eyes 'un-rolled' and it was rather uncomfortable.
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Eyes rolling as far back into the head so only the whites of the eyes are seen does sound very strange to me though...

Not quite literally, but close. Here's an example...


Weezy lol.
What? If someone's eyes rolled back while they were rolling I'd call an ambulance.

lmao. Way to overreact. Last rave I went to there was like 10-20 people sitting laid out on the couches with their eyes rolling back in complete ecstasy.... it's perfectly normal.
Usually the body will tend to be more relaxed and the fact that people let them selves go makes their eyes roll up/down and their eye lids close slightly giving the impression that the eye is gone lol
Nystagmus is my favorite feeling from an E pill, shit is orgasmic.