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I came, I saw, I shat the bed


Oct 29, 2018
Looking back on your life, and perhaps forward, to all of our impending dooms, do you think drugs were a success or a failure in your life?
i feel like psychedelics have made me play and record music that i never would have with out them. when i listen to some of the stuff i definitely feel successful and have some pride for what i accomplished.

the same goes with abstract art too in my experience.
Looking back on your life, and perhaps forward, to all of our impending dooms, do you think drugs were a success or a failure in your life?
Opiates and the like=failure. 15 years of complete waste. Even the good things that happened during that time feel tainted now. I do think that my negativity about the past is somewhat delusional, it wasn't all bad but I can't quite get to that point yet.

Psychedelics though have been really either neutral or positive, and I expect they will continue to with infrequent and thoughtful use.
Well, I'd say they had a positive effect and that's despite encounters with LE or what happened between me and my ex (my ketamine use).
Psychedelics are definitely a positive, even opiates (prescribed), in controlling pain.
Just alcohol that has repeated bad memories
I can't know that, because I have no idea how my life would turn out if i hadn't done drugs. I have instinctive feel though they were much closer to failure than success.
Well a lot of the times on them were with friends or brother who are gone now so they will always be associated with happy times for me. But overall they have negativity impacted my life I would have to say because there is always the constant mission/hunt for whatever so it's two sides of the same coin.
Yeah definitely negatively overall for me, but mainly because of opiates and benzos.
I've had good times with psychedelics, MDMA, stimulant sex and boozy partying.
Just wish I'd never gotten into the downers in such a big way.
It's too early to tell yet. I was definitely not a successful drug user during the legal high era. Every mistake or wrong step it was possible to take, short of getting arrested or dying, I made them.

Following a period of abstinence in the wake of all that, I have returned but am a lot more responsible this time round. I suppose you could put it down to experience as sometimes it seems I have to learn things for myself the hard way, before I can begin to internalise and accept other peoples word for things.

In general my drug use is more successful these days, in as much as I am more in control, and seem to be using drugs in a way that successfully benfits my life, rather than recklessly destroying it.

My next few moves with my benzo use are probably going to be important. I might be at some kind of crossroads right now, where I have a choice of easing off, or ploughing onwards and upwards with my dosing, regardless of already having done that and knowing what a bad idea it is. I really don't want to be doing that again, and need to figure out something else.

Fate seems to have been smiling on me at work, as there is suddenly a second round of redundancies happening, and with huge relief I'm glady going to take this one and make good my escape. So not only do I get to leave at exactly the right time, I also get a bit of a pay off which buys me some time. Plus being made redundant means I will be able to claim benefits and council tax exemption etc straight away, rather than having to wait the 3 months I'd have to have waited if I'd voluntarily left work of my own accord. Plus it was probably always going to be off-putting for many potential future employers If I'd have left my job, rather than being made redundant through no fault or bad actions of my own.
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It's too early to tell yet. I was definitely not a successful drug user during the legal high era. Every mistake or wrong step it was possible to take, short of getting arrested or dying, I made them.

Following a period of abstinence in the wake of all that, I have returned but am a lot more responsible this time round. I suppose you could put it down to experience as sometimes it seems I have to learn things for myself the hard way, before I can begin to internalise and accept other peoples word for things.

In general my drug use is more successful these days, in as much as I am more in control, and seem to be using drugs in a way that successfully benfits my life, rather than recklessly destroying it.

My next few moves with my benzo use are probably going to be important. I might be at some kind of crossroads right now, where I have a choice of easing off, or ploughing onwards and upwards with my dosing, regardless of already having done that and knowing what a bad idea it is. I really don't want to be doing that again, and need to figure out something else.

Fate seems to have been smiling on me at work, as there is suddenly a second round of redundancies happening, and with huge relief I'm glady going to take this one and make good my escape. So not only do I get to leave at exactly the right time, I also get a bit of a pay off which buys me some time. Plus being made redundant means I will be able to claim benefits and council tax exemption etc straight away rather than having to wait the 3 months if I'd have to have waited if I'd voluntarily left work of my own accord. Plus it was probably always going to be off-putting for many potential future employers If I'd have left my job, rather than being made redundant through no fault or bad actions of my own.
That's great to hear about the redundancies. Since you mainly take the benzos to help you cope with the stresses if work, I'll second the motion that ploughing through and escalating doses is a very bad idea. Although I know how tempting it is, being a bit of a benzo addict.
Fucking awful about etizolam seemingly vanishing due to the new laws surrounding it, maybe you could try a few months without anything and see how you get on. Am I right you take 1-2mg a day but have recently replaced it with clonazepam?
I don't know about you, but I tend to get reckless on higher doses of benzos, so time on my hand plus high dose benzos would lead to one bad place or another, whether that be crack cocaine or awful tattoos, and that redundancy money gone.
Why do you feel you need to ramp up the dose btw? Is the clonazepam not really having any noticeable effects?
PM me if I'm getting a bit personal or you want to talke more benzo turkey. Gobble gobble, that's my motto with benzos.😅
They were pointless and a complete waste of time and life. I learnt nothing, gained nothing, and already knew what would happen long before I took them based on common sense and a little insight.
That's great to hear about the redundancies. Since you mainly take the benzos to help you cope with the stresses if work, I'll second the motion that ploughing through and escalating doses is a very bad idea. Although I know how tempting it is, being a bit of a benzo addict.
Fucking awful about etizolam seemingly vanishing due to the new laws surrounding it, maybe you could try a few months without anything and see how you get on. Am I right you take 1-2mg a day but have recently replaced it with clonazepam?
I don't know about you, but I tend to get reckless on higher doses of benzos, so time on my hand plus high dose benzos would lead to one bad place or another, whether that be crack cocaine or awful tattoos, and that redundancy money gone.
Why do you feel you need to ramp up the dose btw? Is the clonazepam not really having any noticeable effects?
PM me if I'm getting a bit personal or you want to talke more benzo turkey. Gobble gobble, that's my motto with benzos.😅
Thanks Axxy, yep you've pretty much summed up my situation correctly. The potential future benzo dose increases would just be what would have to come next if I continue down this path. Knowing what comes next due to tolerance. And that would be much worse if it's with any benzos other than etizolam. I need to get out of this job as its burning me out and making me rely on stims to get through it, which is increasing my need for benzos.

What's that about new etizolam laws though? I don't know anything about that, and I thought that the current clearnet supply issue was just one of those random chance things. Like how genuine Nitrazepam has suddenly become widely available these last few months, where it wasn't previously, and now even Temazepam is available for the first time since I've been watching the clearnets overt these last few years. But while the heavier hypnotics have become easier to acquire, the Etizolam supply seems to have completely dried up. I thought the situation was just a stock / supply / importation issue. I'm not aware of any possible reasons for this current situation.

Since they are all controlled / diverted / illegal prescription drugs on these clearnet sites, I don't understand what laws have changed that would be affecting the current situation?

Speaking of shitting the bed. More glorious products brought to you by the big pharma product syndicate...

And it's all fun and games when you lose weight, if you are one who does, but eventually have to go back to eating food and not taking it, having changed nothing, and then you can gain it all back again. Sounds like a great, healthy plan, right?
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Thanks Axxy, yep you've pretty much summed up my situation correctly. The potential future benzo dose increases would just be what would have to come next if I continue down this path. Knowing what comes next due to tolerance. And that would be much worse if it's with any benzos other than etizolam. I need to get out of this job as its burning me out and making me rely on stims to get through it, which is increasing my need for benzos.

What's that about new etizolam laws though? I don't know anything about that, and I thought that the current clearnet supply issue was just one of those random chance things. Like how genuine Nitrazepam has suddenly become widely available these last few months, where it wasn't previously, and now even Temazepam is available for the first time since I've been watching the clearnets overt these last few years. But while the heavier hypnotics have become easier to acquire, the Etizolam supply seems to have completely dried up. I thought the situation was just a stock / supply / importation issue. I'm not aware of any possible reasons for this current situation.

Since they are all controlled / diverted / illegal prescription drugs on these clearnet sites, I don't understand what laws have changed that would be affecting the current situation?
Don't think it's new, but I heard that India made exportation of etizolam illegal a while ago, so it's probably just the supply from within the UK running out.
Weird that it seems to have coincided with nitrazepam/temazepam's abundance. Shame that etizolam never took off anywhere in Europe apart from Italy where I think it's prescribed. If that happened it'd be everywhere, then so would the fakes containing bromazolam...😑