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Jan 20, 2016
For those of you that don't know, HPPD stands for hallucinogen persisting perception disorder.

I have taken LSD three times separating the trips by one week at 100, 200, and then 300 ug.

After the first two trips I noticed absolutely no symptoms of HPPD, but the morning after the third trip I still notices text on my computer wiggling. I disregarded it and thought it would probably go away in a few hours or so. It has now been six days and whenever I read text it wiggles. I'll also see very light colors that aren't there every once in a while but it is very easy to tell these from reality.

This whole thing really doesn't bother me and is kind of cool IMO, but I am worried if I take more LSD, it will get worse. I am taking a very long break, but wonder whether it would be advisable for me to trip again in a few months or years. Let me know what you guys think about this situation. :)
HPPD gets more intricate the more you trip. Benzos are the only thing that help a true case of HPPD. If it only lasts a little while after the trip then that isn't HPPD. HPPD is permatrip.