• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

How to stop biting tongue and inner cheeks while in sleep mode?


Apr 28, 2006
I bite my tongue and cheeks a lot while sleeping

I always have, to some degree, but seems to be a too regular occurrence these last few years

Usually in REM sleep, which is most of my sleep/my favorite sleep anyway

Borderline concerned I'll detach a chunk of my tongue one day

Advice appreciated
You can get sleep mouth guards from the dentist for this kind of thing. Which country do you live in? I know dental stuff can be really expensive, but it will solve this problem.
I bite my tongue and cheeks a lot while sleeping

I always have, to some degree, but seems to be a too regular occurrence these last few years

Usually in REM sleep, which is most of my sleep/my favorite sleep anyway

Borderline concerned I'll detach a chunk of my tongue one day

Advice appreciated
I use a guard fitted by the dentist. Life changing.