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How safe is MDMA?


Dec 8, 2013
I'd like to take a drug that makes me a little more social, I dont want to dance in a rave party or anything like that.
So I thought MDMA might be a good option, but I would like to know how safe it is.
I'm a person that is very concerned about health and everything... So I'd like to know if taking a low dose of MDMA can cause any damages to my brain and body...
Also, does a low dose of mdma work at all or is it just too weak? Like I said, I'm not looking for rave thing, I want mild effects.
Hi Vgoulart,

The most important thing that you can do is make sure that you actually have 100% tested MDMA, which is fairly easy to do, test kits are available online and can easily save your life.

Don't just drop any random pill, that can be really dangerous.

Short of knowing your age/height/body etc, 100-120mg of MDMA would most likely show you great mild effects of the experience without being so intensely overwhelming.

Doing it for a first time in a safe and controlled environment with other experienced users is also a good choice, you'll be able to have a fun time without any fear, anxiety etc.

Most importantly, have fun, in safe and controlled doses, this can be truly amazing at developing your understanding of love and relationships like it has for millions around the world. :)
As long as you have the right conditions, MDMA is perfectly safe.

Some key points:

1. Make sure that you have confirmed MDMA through reagent testing (Marquis at a minimum)
2. Keep the dose manageable. For a first timer, 100mg should be plenty unless you have an amphetamine tolerance, then maybe 120mg. A booster of 50-60mg may be taken 1 1/2 to 2 hours in to extend the roll but try not to do any more than that to avoid a harsh crash.
3. Stay hydrated
4. Have proper ventilation (not too hot, not too cold, with an emphasis on not too hot as MDMA causes a slight increase in your body temperature)
5. Make sure you have tested MDMA - I can't stress this enough, don't trust a dealer, word of mouth, none of it means anything. Always test your product.

With that said, MDMA has a safety profile similar to that of caffeine. When used responsibly, its a very safe drug.

EDIT: LOL @ afterlyfestyle - apparently we were on the exact same train of thought and you beat me by a few seconds!
thank you for the answers!!! I am actually going to take it in crystal form. I was thinking of taking a tea spoon of mdma crystals mixed in a cup of juice and drink it slowly, is that a good idea? I don't want intense effects, just improve my mood and a good vibe.
thank you for the answers!!! I am actually going to take it in crystal form. I was thinking of taking a tea spoon of mdma crystals mixed in a cup of juice and drink it slowly, is that a good idea? I don't want intense effects, just improve my mood and a good vibe.

A teaspoon? That would be in the range of grams.

100mg of MDMA is not very much to look at. Do you not have access to a scale?
I don't have a scale, I only bought testing kits!
Then should I just sprinkle a pinch of mdma powder on the juice?
Do you at least know how much you got to start with? Like a gram, two grams, etc?

If you know your starting amount, you can try to do an equal division into piles. Its still haphazard but MDMA is more forgiving than other chemicals are.

I heard on another thread that if you get a pack of Parliament cigarettes (they have recessed filters and as far as I know are the only brand that has them), that a dose of MDMA will just barely fill the recessed area of the filter which you can then dump into your juice, stir it and drink it. Be prepared though, MDMA is extremely bitter.

Ideally you would have access to a scale in the name of harm reduction of course. I know how it is to have access to MDMA and not have access to a scale though.

If you have a supplement lying around that has gelcaps, I used to dump out the gelcap and then fill up a standard size 0 cap up around a quarter of the way. 0 capsules will hold around 400mg of MDMA and you can easily get them at a health food store cheaply in bulk. Just keep in mind that they have different sizes. Do a google search and it will show you what a size 0 looks like. I'd link you but all of the links that come up are selling them. An 0 cap will be almost exactly 2cm in length (closed).

Definitely check and see if anyone has a scale though. It really is a vital thing to have when you are working with powders. What comes out to be 100mg with one substance, for example, can be as much as 400mg of a denser substance.
I heard on another thread that if you get a pack of Parliament cigarettes (they have recessed filters and as far as I know are the only brand that has them), that a dose of MDMA will just barely fill the recessed area of the filter which you can then dump into your juice, stir it and drink it

If you have a supplement lying around that has gelcaps, I used to dump out the gelcap and then fill up a standard size 0 cap up around a quarter of the way. 0 capsules will hold around 400mg of MDMA and you can easily get them at a health food store cheaply in bulk. Just keep in mind that they have different sizes. Do a google search and it will show you what a size 0 looks like. I'd link you but all of the links that come up are selling them.

These methods are NOT safe, and I would not give any more substantiation to that rumor as the original poster of it even admitted it was probably just hearsay.

If you want to be safe with MDMA, you need to know the dosages you are taking. Scales can EASILY be found for ~$20, there is no reason not to have one.
These methods are NOT safe, and I would not give any more substantiation to that rumor as the original poster of it even admitted it was probably just hearsay.

If you want to be safe with MDMA, you need to know the dosages you are taking. Scales can EASILY be found for ~$20, there is no reason not to have one.

No shit, OP for real if there was ever a time in your life that you would need miligram scales, it is this, you honestly want to get the dosage on this right measured by a SCALE that is the ONLY way to determine the weight of this, and seriously I can't stress this enough, if you fuck this up and wing it and just decide to take "a bit" that could be waaaaaay over what you were intending for.

And there is a MASSIVE difference between what 100mg and 200mg will do to you. It may be doubled so literally twice as much, but the effects will feel more than twice as much and I don't mean that in a good way.
These methods are NOT safe, and I would not give any more substantiation to that rumor as the original poster of it even admitted it was probably just hearsay.

If you want to be safe with MDMA, you need to know the dosages you are taking. Scales can EASILY be found for ~$20, there is no reason not to have one.

The poster that made that post was a moderator in Other Drugs.

I'm not saying that these are safe by any means but when you have the substance in hand, you're likely going to use it. My way with the 0 cap is safer than any other method I've ever heard. I know from experience that you can't fit more than 400mg of MDMA in one of them (and that's really hard to do on its own) and filling one halfway will get you between 150-250mg depending on the density of the MDMA that you have and your skills of estimation.

Sometimes you just don't have access to a scale. I'm not advocating it but I do have experience both with an without a scale and the gelcap has never caused a problem for me or anyone that I've dosed that way.

I'd rather tell someone methods that are safer than just dumping it in something. The fact of the matter is that people aren't always patient when they have the product. Its been seen many times.

EDIT: Excuse me, this is the source of the Parliament filter suggestion - http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/...sage-600mg?p=12025381&viewfull=1#post12025381
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I don't disagree that other methods could be helpful to those without a scale, let's just not give any illusion of it being "safe"..

MDMA can vary extremely in density depending on how it's made, however. If you want to take MDMA safely, the dose is one of the most important parts IMO
I don't disagree that other methods could be helpful to those without a scale, let's just not give any illusion of it being "safe"..

MDMA can vary extremely in density depending on how it's made, however. If you want to take MDMA safely, the dose is one of the most important parts IMO

I agree with you completely.

Honestly if you can get a bag of size 4 capsules, they're pretty much perfect. A full one is 80-120mg when it comes to MDMA. Its hard to find them though which is why I threw out the 0 caps which can easily be found locally in most places.

In regards to safety, I wouldn't give any suggestion of use without a scale whatsoever if they didn't mention they have a test kit.
The (nontested, Ahem..) stuff I've been taking, there was a world of difference between 150mg and 200mg. with 200mg I was too high for my liking, while 150 was more enjoyable. 100mg on the other hand was bit too low. Note that this is the weight of the substance, I don't know how pure it was. I don't think it was 100% so the total amount of MDMA was less. But anyway, 50mg = 0.05g will make a huge difference. Can you estimate with 0.05gram accuracy without a scale?
Can you estimate with 0.05gram accuracy without a scale?

In my opinion as well, absolutely not.

MDMA's dose is such where even the very cheap jeweler milligram scales work well for the purpose. (Even the $9 .01G scale I see on Amazon would do just fine.)
Absolutely no way.

Also test your stuff, its worth the investment of the product to test just to know that you aren't going to be having an experience you weren't intending on.
If you want to ensure that the effects aren't overpowering, you 100% require a set of scales that weigh to the mg. They're not hard to find nor expensive, so purchase one. From there, I'd recommend anywhere from 80-100mg MDMA for a light, but still effective, experience. Higher doses of MDMA can actually be more suited to a chill-at-home kind of experiences, because it becomes rather relaxing and less energetic. When I rave, I prefer to take doses ranging between 120-150mg so i'm still able to have energy to dance, as opposed to just melting into the floor. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean you can't relax on lower doses, it just means that lower doses are also easier to dance on. It's an interesting stimulant because when it is pure, it certainly is not 'stimulating' by the psychological definition. I've had nights on high doses (150-200mg) where I've felt unable to move from the couch. The set & setting play a large role here too. Whatever dose you take at home is more likely to be more relaxing than the same dose taken in a rave environment. One key consideration is that I've also found higher doses to become less social and more introverted and psychedelic.

If you just want a taster of what MDMA does, try 80-100mg. If you want a full experience, try 120-150mg (this would be my personal recommendation). If you want a powerful experience that is pretty chilled out, try 150-180mg. Assuming that you have tested MDMA - that is crucial.
To add on top of what everyone is saying more sure you CALIBRATE THE SCALE. If you don't the reading might be far off what you intend. I once had a 140 mg dose report to be 70 due to a uncalibrated scale. Once calibrated it will give you a accurate weight that might very by 1-4 mg depending on your scale