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Stimulants How often can I smoke meth ? What should I consider - combination of 5 htp with meth is safe ?


May 9, 2020
Ok so first of all i smoked meth before. one year ago i did a lot of meth binging for 3 or 4 months and then i suddenly stopped because I overdone it and on wednesday I smoked it again.
And now I can handle it better I dont know why but the comedown is not so hard for me, the days after are not so hard.
Maybe because Im using 5 htp on daily basis ? hm i dont know

i was 2 nights awake although I havent smoked so much and althouh I was 2 night awake my mood was not so fucked up and actually I felt not so bad.
I mean dont get me wrong oft course i felt after 2 nights not sleeping and watching porn not very very good but its wasnt so bad and the porn and wanking was fun and next time i consider zto meet someone and fuck.
I would not mix 5-HTP and meth because of the risk of serotonin syndrome. Suboxone mdma and 5-htp + L dopa from mucina pruriens gave me a week of near death serotonin syndrome.

My brain felt like it was being electrocuted and my entire body wasn’t working right
I would not mix 5-HTP and meth because of the risk of serotonin syndrome. Suboxone mdma and 5-htp + L dopa from mucina pruriens gave me a week of near death serotonin syndrome.

My brain felt like it was being electrocuted and my entire body wasn’t working right
Mixing metj with 5hzp felz great awesome
I mixed so muchvstuff with meth last year i dont habe that 5 htp wilö have an big impact
I would not mix 5-HTP and meth because of the risk of serotonin syndrome. Suboxone mdma and 5-htp + L dopa from mucina pruriens gave me a week of near death serotonin syndrome.

My brain felt like it was being electrocuted and my entire body wasn’t working right
Wait. You said mixing suboxone with meth is bad? Oh no..
Wait. You said mixing suboxone with meth is bad? Oh no..

Where did I say that can you point it out for me? I said MDMA and Suboxone combined with other serotonin influencing agents lead me to SS, a potentially life threatening condition.

Read please
If I’m not mistaken OP made a bunch of threads raving about the wonders of 5-HTP last time he got on the meth. Quite a few people commented then on it’s risks as he was using it then.

Also wasn’t OP deciding meth was pointless and no fun a few days ago?

Sorry if I’m confused with different member. I’m too lazy to go look up the old threads I’m thinking of and my memory is pretty fucked by meth myself anyway?
Where did I say that can you point it out for me? I said MDMA and Suboxone combined with other serotonin influencing agents lead me to SS, a potentially life threatening condition.

Read please
I’m sorry I misread what you wrote. I took ecstasy and I’m on suboxone. It felt like I was on speed. No roll. I stopped taking my Prozac 3 days prior and I thought it was the Prozac that made it feel that way. I’ll really have to look into what ans how to take stuff recreationally especially since I have panic disorder and depression. Thank you for your experience
If I’m not mistaken OP made a bunch of threads raving about the wonders of 5-HTP last time he got on the meth. Quite a few people commented then on it’s risks as he was using it then.

Also wasn’t OP deciding meth was pointless and no fun a few days ago?

Sorry if I’m confused with different member. I’m too lazy to go look up the old threads I’m thinking of and my memory is pretty fucked by meth myself anyway?

No you’re correct he did. Hopefully he’s ok

I’m sorry I misread what you wrote. I took ecstasy and I’m on suboxone. It felt like I was on speed. No roll. I stopped taking my Prozac 3 days prior and I thought it was the Prozac that made it feel that way. I’ll really have to look into what ans how to take stuff recreationally especially since I have panic disorder and depression. Thank you for your experience

I’m sorry too it’s all good. It happens. Prozac is an SSRI and while it’s good you stopped to use MDMA this combination can be deadly and very dangerous.

Suboxone itself actually has risks of causing serotonin syndrome in its own.

It was a incredibly scary experience for me in which I injected MDMA and about 4 hours later I honestly believed for a few days I had perma fried my brain. I considered suicide I was so distraught.

Be safe best wishes
Prozac is the last antidepressant you wanna be combing recreational drugs with. It has a particularly nasty set of side effects when taken while DA-targeting drugs are in your system.
There was a thread on that not long ago
Hey there OP! Actually this is not an uncommon request. The use of stimulants in general has a huge cost to the body and mind and it's not often apparent to users when they are actually usin. Methamphetamine is a long-lasting drug and we all know that. I was a daily IV Heroin user from age 15-25. I've seen and done shit. Methamphetamine is a drug that I respect and stay away from entirely because I cannot handle it. It is an extremely powerful, potent experience and there was an undeniable craving to use more and I've only used it a few times in my life.

The truth is that stimulants like Methamphetamine are best used occasionally. I don't believe that there is a truly effective way to use this drug compulsively/frequently without serious consequence to the body and mind. It is best used as a "Friday Night" type of thing with recovery through the weekend and hopefully, normalcy come Monday. When you start using it more frequently, it undoubtedly will affect your life and most likely in a negative way.

I don't believe that you're doing anything seriously dangerous by taking the Tryptophan with your other drugs. The risk of Serotonin Syndrome is almost always present, but I don't think you're asking for trouble by using the supplement and using Methamphetamine as well. In short, I utterly advise against consistent Methamphetamine usage because I believe it to be significantly more destructive than say, Opioids. It destroys people and I dare say it has robbed people I know of their souls. I can't recommend consistent use from a stance of Harm Reduction as I believe chronic Methamphetamine usage is almost always an extremely negative thing.