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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

How LSD and the people who take it saved my life.


Aug 4, 2008
I didn’t get the perfect upbringing a lot of kids do.

My home life was perfect, my family was loving and supportive but socially I was an outcast. I was diagnosed with extremely severe ADHD at the very late age of 17; subsequently I lived the majority of my childhood as a social outcaste due to my impulsive nature. This impulsiveness led me into all sorts of trouble. I was spawned into this world proper fucked.

At the age of 11 my family moved to the country for my mothers work. One of the conditions of this meant I was sent to a private boarding school. Now I’m a mix of Chinese, kiwi, Scottish and English, but I have olive skin. I wasn’t into torturing the local wildlife like most of my peers; instead I was into pyrotechnics, not explosives but proper rockets and anything that sparkled. To a bunch of hicks after the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, the new kid with olive skin who to them looked middle eastern, who was into pyrotechnics and was a bit odd due to his impulsiveness lead to me being bulled, both physically and emotionally to the point of suicide for 4 years. I fought back, all up I’ve almost done a decade of martial arts, just so I could fight back. Those years left a gaping mental scar on my brain, leaving me with severe depression, anxiety and a lack of social skills. I spent those 4 years preparing my self for war, with a ruthless sense of hatred for the world I had grown up in.

When I moved back to Sydney at the age of 15, I discovered cannabis. The ability to stop myself from thinking, as I’m naturally a very anxious person was too good to be true. I fell into very hard-core drug use, trying everything under the sun except for Heroin, Crack and Methamphetamine. I used the drugs to escape from my own horrific reality of depression and self-loathing. The only drug class i can honestly say that has helped me has been psychedelics. My first blotter of LSD made me realize i was actually a good person, and my self loathing was a product of imagery set in by being bullied and told I was that way. Saying that, it took me a long time to come to terms with that.

In 2009, I was raving quite a bit. I had met this guy at a rave, and within 2 weeks he offered to take me to a Doof. I went to a Doof. The love and the people I discovered there was the only thing I held onto for the 2 years I lost my mind.
It kept me sane.
They opened me up to the possibility that all the opinions I had formed about the world, the ideals of hatred and self-loathing I had developed from being bullied were wrong. That Doof showed me love, a concept so alien yet so beautiful to me at that time that it saved me from suicide.

In February of 2010, I was dropping large amounts of LSD with 2 people i thought i had grown close to (or, thought i had). One of them was a very angry person, much like myself but to a greater level. Ever heard of the expression ‘he’s a man who just wants to watch the world burn’? That is what this person was; hatred in its purest form.

One night we dropped 4 of the strongest tabs. He had a bad trip and during the course of his trip he tried to rape and kill both of us. The other friend of mine didn’t have a violent background and subsequently was unable to defend himself. I did what any decent person would do. I saved both of our lives that night; I ended up calling the police. I restrained him to the point where the nurses in the hospital thought I had broken my forearm and the knuckle of my index finger through attempting to restrain him. I got pepper sprayed on 4 tabs of acid and lost my mind for almost 2 years to trauma. I look at that night as the best night of my life, and the worst, it destroyed my mind yet woke me up to myself.

I put my nose to the grindstone after that traumatic night and studied my heart out. As a result I’m currently in my second year in one of the highest-level generalised Graphic Design degrees in the country, A Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication with a credit plus average.

I got my mind back about 6 weeks ago.
Through my own efforts, and the beautiful hippies who knew what I went through and subsequently guided me to the best of their abilities, i found the light. Those people have raised me, shown me that love and light is the way to a better future, being the best person you can be.

I’m not even 20 years old. Love and light to all.
were you ever on an ADHD medication growing up?
My missus sent me this the other day, she found it on tumblr.
That is one hell of a story, I also know what you mean man. Doofs are beautiful in so many ways that go so far beyond the drugs.

Also, that sounds like the most insanely horrific night. Where abouts was this doof?
My missus sent me this the other day, she found it on tumblr.
That is one hell of a story, I also know what you mean man. Doofs are beautiful in so many ways that go so far beyond the drugs.

this. ^

i agree though. i'm glad you made it out okay, OP. i went through similar trauma a year ago and i know how it's hell to lose your mind
Hey mate, just thought I'd say that I seriously identified with your post in alot of ways :)
The childhood, social outcast etc, realising I was a good person.
I however was almost destroyed by LSD, instead of using a bad experience to propel me into a positive mindset I let it drive me mad.
Ive sane since about January.

Thanks for sharing your story, its always great to be reminded that you are not the only one etc.

I wish you the best of luck mate. :)

God bless LSD!

Yeah SONN, I've got really quite severe ADHD. I was diagnosed at age 17 though, so i was a very 'late bloomer' if you know what i mean. I didn't have medication up until that age. The night the guy flipped out was at a home trip. The two doofs that kept me going was Sounds Psylly Number 1, and Back To The Future (snooowwww doof!) in sydney.

I was wondering why i suddenly had a bunch of people start following me on tumblr... I didn't even post it on the main page, it was in my about me! Good missus you've got there! :)

Lundimusic, hold onto the light! It's one of the few things that can guide you against anything, and knowing about the dark and loving the dark as much as the light is part of existance! <3 <3 <3
Lundimusic, hold onto the light! It's one of the few things that can guide you against anything, and knowing about the dark and loving the dark as much as the light is part of existance! <3 <3 <3

Funny man, I actually seem to have some similarities with you too. Also diagnosed with severe ADHD but when I was a kid, although I've been medicated since I was really young and I've got some lasting side effects from that, mainly sleeping and eating issues.

I was also diagnosed with ASD (Autism), and I'm really interested in seeing some scientific studies of LSD being used with autistic people as I feel it's had an infinitely positive effect on my life.
Very interesting man, we should talk, there may be some reason my girlfriend tells me this story, and then I just happen to stumble across you literally the next day on bluelight and find I actually identify with you quite well.
I'd also be interested to hear how your school days were, as my early days at school were really bad because of my condition, so to speak.

Anyway I do ramble, my main point was that I have adapted a similar approach to your quote based on some rather rough trips I had recently, where I sort of was forced to face the idea that darkness does indeed exist in the world, but it needs to so that good can co-exist. More or less that the darkness is a fact of reality, and you can't pretend it's not, you just have to focus on being positive.

Thank you Albert for LSD and the countless minds you've helped open.
Ah TangerinO!

We should talk, hit me up! My early to mid school days were more or less horrific... Until i discovered drugs (isn't that ironic...). Bullies, excessive violence, alienation, all the usual crap that squares deliver in the worst way possible. The way i view it is the yin and yang, can't have one without the other. I still have sleep issues and my appetite really changes quite often but i probably can't relate it to you in the same fashion you do.
Yeah SONN, I've got really quite severe ADHD. I was diagnosed at age 17 though, so i was a very 'late bloomer' if you know what i mean. I didn't have medication up until that age.

I only got diagnosed recently (I'm 19) and it's surprising how many self-esteem issues can actually come from un-diagnosed ADHD, sounds like you had it a lot worse though. Kids are cunts. I couldn't imagine having to deal with all that while you're still growing up.

Good to hear you're doing good now mate.
The light even more beautiful than i remember it... It's almost like because i know how much it's worth it's worth that much more? Bliss.

Shit happens to people, some people are way more unlucky than i was socially. Really, I'm nothing special, i just understand the love and what drives people.
And shit, i didn't even touch the sides when i mentioned my drug use, i had a LOT of research chems at one stage.

LOL, I'm only 19 and I'm looking back at my life and I'm going, what the hell, i was a wild child... THE WILD TIMES ARE JUST BEGINNING :D