HOw Long Can U Saty Off X??


Dec 10, 1999
Just wanna know .. i neber tried it b4 but do intend to see how long i can lay off it.. hoW abT u RolleRs out theRE?
[This message has been edited by trippin (edited 25 January 2000).]
Until last night I was on a three week lay off. Wanted to wait it out till my B-day next weekend but decided to do a little sampling to make sure the pills where worthy of partying on my B-day with. Gald I tested them though they where alright just not what im looking for.
Anyway back to the topic. I actually was able to stay away from E for 4 years. My live in girlfriend wasnt cool with it and I loved and respected her. Kinda gald I did. E is so different to me know. I would like to think that it is because Im older and wiser and understand myself more.
Woo I kinda total got off topic twice there. Sorry.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same"
i would say i could stay of infinitely if i needed to/ wanted to....the longest so far i've gone wihtout, though, is about 6 months...PLUR
the longest time I've stayed off E before was about 2½ months.. And Right now I havent dropped any pills for, about 6 or 7 weeks.. I'm sooooo Proud of myself!!!

Hope This will reduce my tolerace a bit.. but a normaly don't take more than 2 or 2½ pills a night!!
I'd like to be able to say "as long as I want to" but I know that's not the case...
Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)
Kewl Guys Keep It up me plan to stay off till after me birthday which is mid-feb .
nothing but P`L~u~r~n~E~s~S
im stayin sober till my bday which is only about 3 weeks away...yay~!! but before that i stayed off for about a month~!! *pattin myself on the back* so proud~!! =)
i can stay off as long as i the rest of you...BUT...i have been having these wierd PANIC attacks when i get around the E...they last about a half hour, and by then everyone i am with has popped their pills,and i end up swallowing my inhibitions along with a pill myself. is that super-psycho or what?