• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

How Do You Spend Your Free Time vers. Hardcore Stamp Collecting

I usually read when i have nothing to do or i just hang out with my friends and go explore the forest like the gangsters we are haha.
having sex
writing fan fiction
working for one of my volunteer jobs
reading the economist
working in our garden
Shit besides using drugs:?, well...

I collect drugs for my rainy day stash box
Making art
Going out on nature walks
I collect rocks from time to time
Taking photos
Having sex with my s/o
How to keep busy?

I am a 25 year old male living in in a maj or city, but all I do is sleep all the time and just play online. Does anyone know of anyways to stay busy and meet people? I haven't been able to do much for the past year b/c I was getting back on track to sobriety, but I'm ready to jump out there and do something. I'm on disability so I don't work. Any ideas?
Have you tried learning a musical instrument?

I started playing guitar when I was around your age and it has turned out to be an anchor in my life. When all else went to shit and I was homeless, I still had a guitar. It has not only been a good time waster, it has been a method of journaling my thoughts in words that rhyme.....ya know......songs. You'd be amazed at what you can accomplish with three chords and the truth.
Download some free graphics software and start creating whatever comes to mind... Start your own mini-garden and propagate any plants you happen to come across... Talk to people in forums that specialize in whatever hobby you pick up...
YMCA, Gym, a course or two in community college class, karate lessons, learn to play a musical instrument, museums, get a new hair-cut or new wardrobe to try something different, volunteer, comedy shows or you can keep pwning noobs in StarCraft 2.

Youre welcome.
I go to the GYM. I have been looking into community college classess but most have already started for the fall semester. THanks though. I need something to keep busy and to meet people. Especially chicks.
I live in the Galapagos Islands as a research Naturalist uncovering clues about evolution by taking in the fecal matter of the animal habitants. Currently I have about 300+ jars in my house awaiting official sampling, but I cant get rid of them until the Post Office can mass ship flammable contents out of the country. Id rather still be working at my old job, "Galopalos Biotech", as the night janitor.