• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

How different *really* is parachuting a substance as opposed to simply swallowing the individual capsules?

> If you gave me a listing of bond lengths I could provide rough pKa on the fly. You know, with a pen and a bar napkin.
I dunno how you'd do that, but OK:

> So in other words the implied pKb of the diene bonds is to low to present a reasonable reaction target in the stomach. Got it. If you'd wanted to save ink, a listing of the pkB for the structure would have accomplished the same thing.
Diene bonds? There is no diene in MDMA. The aromatic phenyl ring has delocalized bonds that are by convention drawn as alternating single and double bonds, but in reality they are all the same length.
The pKa of the conjugate acid of the molecule is going to be determined by its most easily deprotonated group which will be the amine. The predicted pKa of benzodioxole's conjugate acid is like -4.7, meaning the ring is basically never going to accept a proton, especially compared to the basic nitrogen in an MDA analogue.

Safrole is stable enough to react with hydrogen bromide without opening the MD ring [ref], in fact that was how MDMA was originally made.

> I'm an outsider to your field but I'm not sure that someone in your field would document a thing just because it happened.
MDMA is not a new substance, and if it were acid sensitive, that would be a notable enough observation that at least someone would have noticed it. Also, it is successfully administered in acidic drinks like cola, juice, etc.

> At any rate MDMA is at least stable enough with HCL that they can form a salt together, right?
Exactly. It can form a salt from HCl gas or any source. You can form MDMA.HCl even by adding liquid 37% concentrated HCl to the freebase and boil the water off or add a countersolvent to crystallize it.

> Typically when I set out to change someone's mind, I ask them to see what I would accept as proof rather than tell them what they should accept as proof. Unless you'd take the Bible as proof because I say you should? People keep telling me not to do that.
Among scientists worldwide, the scientific literature is usually considered to be reliable proof. Especially from peer-reviewed, well-established journals.
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I dunno how you'd do that, but OK:

I felt really bad not following up on this, but here you go. So the way that a pchemist would calculate pKa using a bar napkin, is that he would (and I certainly did when I was in the game) have bond lengths for things like phenyl and benzene memorized, as well as approximate pKa memorised.

So if we were at a bar and you handed me a napkin and a pen, I'd ask you, "What common structures does this compound most closely resemble?" ....something that as you can see you are good at, and I am not. That satisfied, I could produce a graph (or a pair of graphs since a napkin has two sides, right?) that relates bond length to pKa. ...these sorts of relationships will be most relevant vis-a-vis similiar structures.

Next I'd ask you to read me off the bond lengths, and so I could index my litle graph and give you rough pKa. In fact, isn't pKa logarthmic? That property would greatly aid my back-of-the-napkin math. Cheers!
after having ppl tell me to try it, i parachuted mdma a couple times and noticed no difference - so im not sure i see the point of it
