Technical Problem How can i change my username? not my email


May 17, 2011
I want to change my username but i cant figure out how to do it all i can find is how to change my emal address and password. Any help would be wonderful!!!
You can't.

If you want to abandon this account and register a new username you can do that though. But please don't use both accounts as its againt the BLUA.
You can't.

If you want to abandon this account and register a new username you can do that though. But please don't use both accounts as its againt the BLUA.

is their anyway to delete my current account? i dont have another email address and would have to create a new one in order to do this...????
You can change the email in the current address to a nonsense value that has the form of an email address like [email protected] and then you will be able to use the old address in the new account. We don't delete accounts.
thank you enki for actually answering my question. some people like to beat around the bushes and tell u to look at other threads when that thread actually didnt have the answer to my problem. once again i thank you
Uhh... I believe it is actually in that thread that TLB linked to... right near the top in fact. Unless this just magically appeared there? :p
Thread TLB linked to said:
Can I change my username?

You can't. Unless you are a current or ex member of staff. You will have to create a new username. Sorry.

How do I delete my account & posts?

You can't delete your account. But you can delete your own posts... one at a time. Use the search engine to show all posts created by yourself, open each one, and click the 'edit' button next to each one. The delete option is there, and from that point onwards you'll know what to do. You're awesome enough to be reading this FAQ, so I have every faith in you.

Also, note the link in my signature.

...just sayin'.

thank you enki for actually answering my question. some people like to beat around the bushes and tell u to look at other threads when that thread actually didnt have the answer to my problem. once again i thank you
awesome attitude. if you had bothered to read the link, you would have found:
Can I change my username?

You can't. Unless you are a current or ex member of staff. You will have to create a new username. Sorry.

perhaps you should apologise to tlb and thank him for actually answering your question?


that wasnt the problem. the problem was the correct answer wouldve been change your email under your current account to somethin random and then use your actual email for new account.
I am so glad TLB doesn't hold grudges cause I have also ignored some of his really good advice and gotten snippy with him. He treats me OK anyways. You spat at one of the guys who taught a huge number of us how to be helpful while trying to increase member's own resourcefulness. He has sort of saved BL and sown peace & relative prosperity dozens upon dozens of times.

Anywhere, not just Bluelight know the players before you call someone out. You are OK, just a word to the wise.
wasn't trying to seem snippy...i guess you the attitude of what someone says when just in plain text may be misinterpreted sometimes. I was simply giving you thanks for the help you gave me not trying to put him down. Sorry if it seemed that way though
No worries. Gamecocks or Tigers? If neither, I'm not talking to you anymore.