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Horrendous Dreams (murder, death, ect.) Guided Meditation isnt helping


Bluelight Crew
Apr 5, 2018
I have had very bad and sick dreams for years now. Either I do not dream at all, or my dreams are very disturbing. Usually involving death, murder, infidelity against me, paranoia, ect.
I have severe insomnia as well, so I tried guided meditations to help sleep. I've used many different types such as relaxation, positive affirmations, anxiety relief. I still get the bad dreams though.
I want them to stop so I can have a nice positive enjoyable dream for once. Any ideas?
Sounds like dreams that are based in trauma. Sometimes we have nightmares because the consciousness is trying to engage in conflict resolution.

Have you ever considered therapy?
Yeah I have seen many therapists, not specifically for the dreams, but for other things such as a major car accident I got into in February. I am afraid to bring up the dreams. They are terrifying to think about, let alone talk about them.
practice and train lucid dreaming. But a psychologist will be able to analyse your dreams and the symbols.
In Chinese medicine, we associate frequent, vivid dreaming with the liver organ. When the body's detox systems (like lymphatic) are overloaded and stagnated, it can affect deep sleep. We know this to be scientifically true with kidney disease. When uric acid and urea build in the blood, it can affect cognition and other functions... but that's a more overt example. In the ancient world, people didn't suffer from the toxic burdens that we do today, so "toxicity" was detected in medical systems at a much lower level, through various signs. One such manifestation is frequent, tortured dreaming. You might sleep many hours but wake up feeling like you've done a day's hard work. The dream quality feels like you've been around the world and back.

So sometimes treating the liver and biliary system can help calm it down.

With trauma, it's complex. I find that when I neglect my diet and don't take my detoxing supplements, my body gets stressed; stress triggers traumatic memory, and traumatic memory triggers insane-o dreaming.

Because of my complex history of trauma, when something goes wrong in my body, my wounded mind will immediately try to make an association in order to try and fix it, and this calls on traumatic memory.

Either way, whether it starts in the body or in the mind, it's the whole being's way of trying to find resolution and rest.
I don't believe in people's ideas of excessively convoluted and symbolic messages in dreams. This idea that our subconscious has a mind of its own. It doesn't, it's just another facet of our mind. It's simply your subconscious, instinctive thoughts. It doesn't play games.

I believe that dreams are our minds exploring fears and thoughts we have to help prepare ourselves in reality. For someone who doesn't have many worries, they will tend to be very random, but otherwise dreams tend to reflect concerns,fears and anxieties you have. So of course trauma will result in repetitive dreams of going over the traumatic event. It's our mind rehearsing situations that you have strong emotions about.

So to get to your question, since dreams reflect your waking fears and such, trying to get a handle on the things that stress you when you're awake will likely help reduce dreams about them. Of course that's easier said than done.

The other option that someone else suggested and I agree with is trying to learn how to lucid dream. With time you can learn to take control of distressing dreams and change them.
I have always wanted to try any manner of white noise machine and now you can get sleep machines that make other soothing sounds such as ocean waves or falling rain. I wonder if listening to those sounds as you drift off would help. Maybe take a relaxing shower or bath before bed, or exercise before bed so you are really fatigued. And do you know whether you have sleep apnea? Maybe get that checked out. Hope that helps!
I do have sleep apnea. I'm not diagnosed but my wife says I have it because she has to listen to my horrible snoring all night and that sometimes it's like I forget to breath for long periods of time while sleeping. I didn't know that sleep apnea had such a big influence on dreams. I just did a little research and found that many people with sleep apnea have nightmares as well. Hmm...
Mr Deeds you into "majick" or been around people that may be into dark stuff?

I dont know what 'majick' is. I will look into it though. I dont know anybody that is especially into dark stuff such as voodoo or satanism. Although my family is Catholic and that gets pretty damn weird haha. But in all seriousness, no I don't believe I do. Why do you ask?