Homicidal anger

Da Mothershp

Nov 17, 2016
I have developed over a lifetime of abuse neglect and Gods Smite a pure anger to which no man nor woman should ever see... I believe that a Demon is imprisoned n me and he escapes thru my anger.... over taking my body mind and Being and when i am withdrawn and he is lose people,, animals,, innocence itself is below me ... My wife bears the brunt of all and for fucks sake she does not deserve it.... Its a shame to say i can't control my Anger just my environment and those I interact with are given the knowledge to decide who they see me or the Demon... Still some true morons test it and to those poor lost Souls i can only Say i'm sorry for what the Demon has done and i Shall never get to heaven to be with all I have ever loved... As such deeds that can never be forgiven.... So eye for an eye tooth for a tooth please FORGIVE ME GOD HAS TAKEN EVERYONE I'VE EVER LOVED MY SON MOM DAD BROTHER FRIENDS WOMEN PETS AND SANITY AND I AM TRULY SORRY
If it helps you to talk about it and express how you feel we are here to listen.