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Opioids Help with Oxycodone WD


Jun 14, 2016
Hey all.

I've stupidly ran out of my oxy script early. Will Pregabalin and Clonazepam help with the WD? I have plenty of those 2 drugs. I've got 100 Dihydrocodeine tablets on their way to me hopefully they will arrive tomorrow. Cheers guys.
Hey all.

I've stupidly ran out of my oxy script early. Will Pregabalin and Clonazepam help with the WD? I have plenty of those 2 drugs. I've got 100 Dihydrocodeine tablets on their way to me hopefully they will arrive tomorrow. Cheers guys.

From my understanding, DHC is a true opioid although semi-synthetic so it will take your withdrawals away entirely. I too am on Clonazepam and today Gabapentin but only experience with Clonaz. It helps a lot. I usually take my last dose an hour and a half ago of my Oxycodone but sublingually took 2MG Clonaz and it made the wait not bad. It takes away many of my withdrawls symptoms. Mostly mental but cold chills at doses between 1-3MG. Wishing you the best man!