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Help me understand what happened last time


Jun 2, 2013
I would appreciate anybodies thoughts on what happened on my previous experience so I can plan what to do for my next experience in a few weeks. My threads always turn out to be monsters, I will try to keep it as brief as possible.

about my previous experience

- Prior to this I had used MDMA 4x, all at single doses of around 150mg - 180mg from crystal mdma.
- Always left minimum 1 month between rolls, sometimes 2-3. I had a 3 month break before this one
- This time I used pills for the first time. They were meant to .15 but very high quality according to people far more experienced than me.
- Took first one. Had a nice high but very short lived. I thought that was it and I had developed a tolerance or something. I was grateful though it was a nice experience.
- 80-90 minutes after this dose I begin to comedown. I decide to take the other pill I had even though I didnt expect much from it as I had heard that the first dose is always strongest and that your 1st/2nd experiences with mdma are meant to be the greatest.
- I was very very wrong. Cannot really put the experience into words but 20 mins later it was the hardest, longest most mindexploding experience of my life. Cant really explain but it made my previous best experience look average when they were incredible.
- I had clearly overdone it though. I wont get into it, nothing bad, just some interesting/unusual things which are associated with high doses. I was too fucked to remember most of my favorite DJs set and I couldnt really move for atleast 40 minutes because I was too overwhelmed.
- I treasure this experience. I dont want to go there again anytime soon (even though it was amazing)
- No comedown as usual (although no afterglow which is unusual for me)

- For some relativity. I thought my 1st mdma experience was 7-8/10, my second 10/10 and this meant my 5th (last) was like 14/10 because it was greater than I could imagine. The first peak on that night was maybe 6/10 and it was the redose that was 14/10. I hope this doesnt sound too stupid I am just trying to explain.

1) So I was wondering if anybody could explain how it was that I actually peaked twice with my second peak being unbelievably strong and lengthy. I had a great normal high (it was short though, i was coming down 70-80mins after initial dose), redosed and had the most intense experience of my life (very long too). what went on here? All my reading about redosing and I dont see people mentioning 2 peaks, or the second peak being much better. What do you think happened here?

2) I am wondering what I should do next time. I am really unsure about redosing and whether I want to make it the norm (with harm reduction in mind, I want to stay healthy). I am going back to crystal so I can weigh out my dose better. I want to have a really good night because I am not touching MDMA again (cant even if I wanted) for 6 months after this. This means I am more open to taking a slightly higher dose than usual. I would prefer to not make 300mg a habit and I do not want to exceed that ever really. I would prefer not to go over 250mg total for this next experience and that is a maximum I have set for myself.

Hypothetically do you think a 250mg single dose would be safer than a 150mg+100mg redose within 60-90 minutes? (I have no intention of taking a 250mg single dose). I am just wondering whether the act of redosing is actually a risk or whether it is to do with the total amount of MDMA taken. Previously I have found 170mg to be great. I am torn between taking a slightly higher single dose or taking a "normal" dose (160/170) and adding in a small redose? This way I would be keeping below my 250mg limit but still take a bit more than usual. I originally thought 150mg + 100mg but that then seemed a bit much.

I am concerned that my previous experience has messed up my own judgement because I have lost a base. I am also concerned with having a great experience because I am taking at least 6 months off after this. I will be pretty annoyed if the experience proves to be underwhelming. Do you think my previous 300mg 2+months ago would have an affect on my tolerance now?

Appreciate any comments
You have some very good questions. I'll do my best to provide a theory but it is only a guess. Assuming your product was tested and properly dosed....

1) What did you eat previously ? If you had a medium to heavy meal your stomach contents maybe slowed down the absorption of mdma making a bit of the substance go in your blood yet the big majority of it still be in your stomach providing a small shorter lasting high. So when you took the 2nd dose it combined with your first dose that was still not absorbed so when it ALL hit you it punched you in the face pretty hard making you have one hell of a ride.

2)If you plan on not touching mdma for 6 + months for SURE then I guess you can get away with doing a little more since you will have a long break. 250 mg will be very intense and last less longer than 150 mg + 100. Mind you someone with little tolerance 150 mg will be pretty strong. I'd stick with 170 starting dose + 100 mg if it's your last time with mdma for a while.

HOWEVER these doses are pretty strong so I highly advise against doing them with just 1 month break if you ever plan on doing it again in the future. Your 300 mg experience shouldn't have created that much of a tolerance. Tolerance is developed when you constantly abused a substance which doesn't appear to be your case. You seem smart enough to take an educated response.

Good luck and stay safe :)