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Stimulants Help!? Crazy depression/crying after meth

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Apr 4, 2011
I did Crystal Methamphetamine for about a week. smoked larged amounts during the day and also snorted a couple times during that week.

This is the only time I've done it and unfortunally I did it for a week.

Problem is... Im now SO FUCKING depressed! while high on meth I was social, happy, and nothing really bothered me.

Now that I'm not high I feel like a piece of shit!!! I was somewhat depressed or maybe insecure before I did this meth, but now it's crazy! I go into the bathroom and cry like a little fuckin' girl.

I feel worthless and its SO SO bad. I have no happiness in my soul right now

I've researched and read the same fuckin' things you should do when coming off a stimulant ....eat,sleep, drink lots of water, and 5htp.

I've ate a shit load the past 8 hours, and drank literally like 1.5 gallons of water

WTF is going to get me out of this depression!? I want to feel normal and have my energy/happiness back.

This is literally the most severe depression can get IMO.
sound like a bad come down, if its sunny where you are sit out in the sun for as long as u can, its proven that the rays help with severe depression

watch some films or do things to distract ur self , be around friends etc

you have just been on a crazy high so some sort of down feeling is expected, what goes up must come down

it will pass
The sleep is a must, 5-htp should work pretty well for this

Hard exercise is also a MUST; I cant say this enough.

talk to a good friend or family member that you're close to

stay busy for gods sake

know that this will pass if you stay busy long enough

and finally: accept anything that you feel in any given moment
This happens a lot with d-amp and d-methamp. Just ride it out - you'll feel better soon.
The sleep is a must...

My thoughts, exactly. You probably just need to recover from lack of sleep. I feel the same way if I haven't been getting enough sleep. Sometimes I think sleep deprivation is one the primary causes of depression. Just try to sleep as much as possible. You'll be feeling like your old self again soon.
This is why I'm into depressants over stimulants I'm already squirmy enough.
Simple solution. Don't binge. It's pretty simple. I've never understood the point in binging. Binging will only cause cases like the one you're experiencing, rapid tolerance, etc...

I've done my fair share of Amphetamines to know from experience. I never did street Methamphetamine, but I was prescribed Adderall for the longest time, Vyvanse for a while, Dexedrine for a very short time, and recently Desoxyn and I never liked binging. Even doing it two days in a row I can already feel Tachyphylaxis taking place and the comedown obviously is more harsh. I always spaced my use out.

Just get a lot of rest, eat nutritional meals, get essential vitamins, workout, and drop the Methamphetamine until you feel you've recovered.

Just my 2 cents.
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i feel you. after i was using hardcore for awhile, i'd have these moments of incredible sadness. like couldn't keep the tears from flowing moments. would just come and hit me outta nowhere.

when i stopped using and allowed my body to recover, it got better. prolly took a good 30 days before i felt like i was emotionally healthy.
Get some mirtazapine for 'depression'. If you're not used to it, it'll make you sleep an awful lot, and you need that now. When I was non-tolerant, I slept 12 hours a day on 15mg. I recommend gabapentin during the day to deal with anxiety - another easy one to get prescribed. Good luck :(
- time and sleep are the keys. If you can get some benzos, anything to sleep and relax. Robo-tripping may also help.
- also, regular exercise.
Get some mirtazapine for 'depression'. If you're not used to it, it'll make you sleep an awful lot, and you need that now. When I was non-tolerant, I slept 12 hours a day on 15mg. I recommend gabapentin during the day to deal with anxiety - another easy one to get prescribed. Good luck :(

I obtained a gabapentin(Neurontin) prescription, and wow! How is this stuff not scheduled like some prescription amphetamines? This stuff is interesting...It's similar to a benzo, but also has small qualitys of an amphetamine itself... give's you a relaxed feeling that totally kills any anxiety, but doesn't leave you druged, it actually has a stimulant/desire to accomplish things and chat to random people, feeling to it.

I've researched this drug the past 2 days streight almost, and learned a lot...I forgot what scientist said this, (wish i saved the link) I'll probably find it again....But this scientist guy said the Gabapentin is chemically similar to GHB..(which anybody decent at chemesty can tell you that.) ..Also, he said that the LD50 is so high that you have a better chance on dying from choking on a pill then the actual OD.

1. Stop thinking about it
2. Eat healthy and sleep
3. Repeat

also if youre gonna complain of comedowns from speed you should move on since you already tried it.

there is also a mega-thread for amphetamines that is full of information, something you should check before binging etc on a substance new to you.
If you really can't stand to eat enough without nausea, you could always try those meal replacement drinks like Boost or Ensure. Then go to bed no matter how fast your heart is beating or rapidly you're breathing. It's quite possible to fall asleep despite that as long as you convince yourself it is. There is a tendency to procrastinate when coming down so I'd just immediately stop doing things like hanging out on the computer and the like and immediately follow those sort of steps recommended in this thread.
smoking is addictive regardless of what the drug is, so try not to smoke to much of anything. i have been taking meth for years no problems, not addicted. its a really nice drug but not for every day use and not for people that dont know when to stop because you can just keep going day after day. i normally stay awake 2 nights in a row and then stop. at the end of the day meth is a good drug that's been used by many people sensibly for years. you can give a man a set of knives and he will make you a meal, but if you look hard enough you will always find the guy that injures, kills himself or others with them. lets not blame the tools.
You should take way less methamphetamine, the rebound depression can be severe to the point of suicidal idealization and hospitalization if you abuse the shit out of it and binge, you probably feel lack of motivation too. Just try and stay positive I know it's hard but these are the consequences of your actions. You can control your future and reduce this depression by not binging for a week and lowering your dosing.
If you only did it for a week the depression and shitty feeling shouldn't last long at all. If you want to feel normal again you have 2 options. You can either just ride it out until you are normal and sober again, if you choose to do this (which would be the best option by far) then I really recommend staying away from meth and if you can, forget about the high completely and the fact that you even tried it and move on with your life. The other option you have is to smoke meth again see what happens next. This is taking a high risk of becoming a full blown addict and meth will become a huge part of your life if not take over your life. This is the road I went down and as much as I enjoy getting high, I really regret ever trying the drug in the first place because even though I'm doing ok at the moment, I honestly don't have much going for me in terms of a career and success. If you keep doing meth, you will be completely oblivious while the addiction process is hitting you, it just sneaks up on you and you will keep using more and more. The more you use, the more fucked up you will feel when you stop and the craving to use more will get more intense. This is called withdrawal and it hella sucks. I'm not trying to sound like a party pooper or anything, but addiction is no joke, if you love doing the drug and how it makes you feel, you will for sure become an addict and your life will definitely change forever. I've been addicted to crystal for 7 years now and I never thought I would end up smoking it everyday just to feel normal and get through each day without crashing out. I still feel high and get a rush from my hits but if I go 1 day without smoking, I will be way too exhausted and sick to even get out of bed and my body will be so weak it's a challenge just walk to the bathroom. I have to smoke atleast a couple good sized bowls to achieve a good high unlike back in the day when just a few hits got me the same results. I've tried many times to quit but haven't been successful longer then a few months because of the horrible withdrawal symptoms and severe depression. It lasts a long fucking time and even after 2 months clean I was still depressed and fatigued most of the time. I heard it takes atleast a whole YEAR to recover from long term meth addiction. You only done meth for a week and you already feel horrible, imagine how horrible you would feel if you quit after using daily for several years.
First, please take into consideration that what works for some, may not work for you. It's up to you to find out what works for you. It just takes time. For me: 5 htp, Stress-B Complex, potasssium, vitamin D3, probiotics, and electrolytes. Works wonders. Keep in mind that a majority of your come down is from not taking proper care of yourself while partying. Sleep, dehydration and not eating will just make things work. If you're like me and you have trouble eating, drink your food and eat sweet fruits. It's easier to get down. I drink protein shakes. You can chug it down and it's over. Always stock up on coconut water and Gatorade. Coconut water contains waaaay more potassium than a banana and electrolytes. I find that I can also get by with one night sleep for every two nights up. If I do 3+ nights that's when you start to disconnect or lose your mental stability. Just eat a big meal, eat a few bananas, some ice cream, smoke some weed, or in some cases drink some NyQuil. I'm out for 8-9 hours in a deep sleep. I feel awesome the following day. Finally, EXERCISE. It helps probably more than anything when that depression starts to hit. Endorphins are your best friend. Some other things to keep in mind: brush and gargle mouth wash like 3-4 times a night while partying, shower at least a couple times a day, and wash your face every few hours and moisturize. Aveeno moisturizer and any kind of charcoal face scrub and nobody will be able to see your drug use. I actually have better skin now. Hope this helps :)
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