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Bupe Help bupe taper please!


May 17, 2024
Hi im newish to this site. I've been on it for years but just made a profile cause I'm in serious need of some help. I've seen the other similar questions but mine is slightly different. I've been on 24mg buprenorphine day for over 6 years. Prior to that I was downing opioids like nobody's business. When I quit the pain pills I withdrawled for a good 2-3 weeks and finally couldn't handle it anymore so I made a sub appt and have been on them since. I'm basically being forced to quit because of financial issues which I'm fine with but I need to know how bad it will be. Last few months I haven't talked the full 24mg a day ( I know that's extremely high dose) I have around 30 8mg saved up to taper with. I hope to speak with someone who has experience with the long duration and also the high dose and was able to quit. Im so terrified. I already suffer from severe depression and that's what I'm most afraid of is how far im going to fall mentally and physically too I guess. Thank you to anyone who has read this far and I appreciate any help!
Hi im newish to this site. I've been on it for years but just made a profile cause I'm in serious need of some help. I've seen the other similar questions but mine is slightly different. I've been on 24mg buprenorphine day for over 6 years. Prior to that I was downing opioids like nobody's business. When I quit the pain pills I withdrawled for a good 2-3 weeks and finally couldn't handle it anymore so I made a sub appt and have been on them since. I'm basically being forced to quit because of financial issues which I'm fine with but I need to know how bad it will be. Last few months I haven't talked the full 24mg a day ( I know that's extremely high dose) I have around 30 8mg saved up to taper with. I hope to speak with someone who has experience with the long duration and also the high dose and was able to quit. Im so terrified. I already suffer from severe depression and that's what I'm most afraid of is how far im going to fall mentally and physically too I guess. Thank you to anyone who has read this far and I appreciate any help!
When I had to quit a long time ago I got withdrawals for about one week but it wasn’t near as bad as I expected. What I did was drank tons of Gatorade to counter the sweating and I did do a little self medicating with DXM (common cough medication), just if you go that route I want you to be really careful and make sure you find a product with ONLY Dextromethorphan in it. Some of the other ingredients can kill you if taken too much.

If you did want to go the DXM route please don’t go above 300 mg of it. And it will get you high so if you don’t want that don’t do it above the recommended doses on the bottle. But yes DXM can help you come off Suboxone. Just please be careful always.
When I had to quit a long time ago I got withdrawals for about one week but it wasn’t near as bad as I expected. What I did was drank tons of Gatorade to counter the sweating and I did do a little self medicating with DXM (common cough medication), just if you go that route I want you to be really careful and make sure you find a product with ONLY Dextromethorphan in it. Some of the other ingredients can kill you if taken too much.

If you did want to go the DXM route please don’t go above 300 mg of it. And it will get you high so if you don’t want that don’t do it above the recommended doses on the bottle. But yes DXM can help you come off Suboxone. Just please be careful always.
Thank you so much for your reply and your tips. Can I ask how long you were prescribed and at what dosage? Just to get an idea of your situation. I'm really glad you found something to help you through it. I've seen alot of people say kratom and other things and I'm happy it helps people but my personality would just trade one for the other. This cough medicine does it effect you similar to benadryl? I can promise you if I go that route it won't be abused. Although I'm having to quit for financial reasons in my mind I'm ready for it. I think I've just been waiting for an excuse to do it. 1 more question if you dont mind how long did the mental symptoms last for you? Either way I want you to know how much I appreciate the response I've been going crazy over here at just the thought of what's to come. I feel slightly eased that you got through it without too much pain.