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RCs Help badly needed - best way to use minimum dose of Brorphine to eliminate methadone withdrawals?


Nov 26, 2011
I sometimes get sick from that disgusting liquid I have to drink in the morning, and promptly puke it up - requiring a dose at home later in the day. Sometimes I take more than I should simply because I can't help it. Anyway, in an amnesic moment of stupidity, I actually bought 0.250g of the stuff (Brorphine). Yes, I've heard the horror stories about it - strength similar to fentanyl, cardiotoxic from hERG binding (I've frequently taken up to 100 mg Loperamide to help the WD hell without any serious problems other than stomachache. A decade ago when I was even dumber, I went up to 196 mg Lope. Methadone itself supposedly has the same property as well). If it turns out to be NEUROTOXIC, that's a different story; I'm not permanently frying my opioid or dopamine cells/receptors for anything.

What I need is a safe way to take just enough to combat WD. In truth, I don't even own a milligram scale. I'm guessing that should be step 1.

How much to take? I'm a beast when it comes to opiates. I'm also careful. When I was banging dillys, oxy and actual heroin, I never once overdosed (in any sense; no feeling of having taken too much, no blacking out, and of course no dying). This substance is different. While not fentanyl, it's too new and untested and has poor recreational qualities. I just want it for the physical and mental anguish of methadone withdrawal (cold turkey dose of 155 mg at the moment, down from 180 several months ago; I've been tapering at a rare of 5 mg every 2 weeks. Been taking the substance since late 2013 when my dose was 220 mg! Through most of that time, my dose was near 180-200 mg). Hardly a newbie, yet I'm not dumb enough to swallow half the bag and kill myself, which I almost certainly would at a dose of ~ 125 mg Brorphine).

How much should I take? Is the most salient question - closely followed by HOW? I have a vape, and I've heard it dissolves in PG/glycerin to at least some extent. Could I buy a scale, measure the required amount, and just dump it in to my vape's tank and shake it? In my research, this method supposedly provides more euphoria; I don't (necessarily want that. Only to be free of all WD symptoms. Is it therefore best to simply eat it? As a powder, I could either parachute or put into an empty capsule. The biggest problem is knowing how much to take. I plan on flushing this shit afterwards, so it's unlikely to experience any serious issued from a single dose no matter which route used, right? Obviously, parenteral is out of the question - at least IV. If IM or SubQ are options, the rapid uptake it certainly an advantage. I haven't read anything about using these methods though.

So if someone has used this RC before and knows what to do, help is GREATLY APPRECIATED. In addition to my tolerance, I'm a big guy; I weigh around 245 lbs (200 before taking methadone, grrrrrrr). Thanks a lot, you guys. See, this is the reason people should have the right to put what they want in their own bodies. Humans have been using poppies for pain and pleasure modification for thousands of years or more. This is where your crackdowns, so to speak, have led society, DEA; people putting untested and potentially dangerous unknown shit into their bodies and dying by the thousands. Heroin was studies extensively and released by Bayer in the 1800s for God sake. It's use in UK medicine is due it fewer side effects than morphine. Though all drugs are of course poisons given a high enough dosage, safe injection clinics and drug testing have brought OD deaths in Vancouver Canada to ZERO (at the clinic). But hey, it worked so well in the Prohibition era! *eye roll*. As we ALL KNOW, AN ADDICT WILL FIND A WAY TO GET WHAT HE OR SHE NEEDS. Stop considering us trash useless to society. Recognize addiction for what it is - a disorder of the brain's reward system, not a weakness of character. Again, much of this came from religion (though wine is fine for some reason). Don't put heroin on supermarket shelves, obviously, as it's not something to fuck around with. I think a new drug user should be required to speak to a nurse, then doctor - learning what addiction is and does. Both to yourself and others. Explain how the drug works in full, including side effects, WD, PAWS etc. then let them sign a waiver confirming they had medical professionals explain the risks. Then let them do what they want.

No, none of this is new or [particularly insightful. It just boggles my mind how uncommon common sense is these days. And yes, decades ago most drugs (first pot, then crack) were banned as an excuse to arrest black people and resubmit them to slavery - literally. The 13th Amendment requires only non-convicts be free. Many states still throw their citizens in jail - sometimes for years, for personal possession. Much like I don't care if two consenting men decide to fuck behind closed doors, I don't care what someone chooses to smoke, inject etc.

But what I DO know is that it shouldn't be this.

COPS, DEA, ETC: Many of you agree with this too, I know that or a fact. Petition your local government and end this madness. SOME progress has been made with weed only, and it's true I never thought I'd live to see it. Pot is now fully legal, albeit produced and regulated by the government at shit quality and high prices (though you are allowed to grow your own - up to 4 plants in most provinces, I believe), yet if I accidentally bring a tiny piece of it over the border, I can be banned from the US for life or worse. I'm not just bashing US drug law either. Duterte is a fucking lunatic, even Singapore, a highly advanced country, has some of the most draconian drug laws in the world, the Middle East.....yeah. The issues there go far beyond using drugs. Even Northern Europe still has weed illegal despite de facto tolerance in most cases.

So yeah, sorry I got a little off topic with my rant there, but is still amazes me people are needlessly dying over something so stupid. Legal pharma of course is fine, and the entire world is now on antidepressant SSRIs, while doctors' free golf clubs and bags have never been higher. There MUST be a financial reason for this. Why give the billions to the cartels when studies show that maybe 2% of society, if that, would decide to use if their drug of choice became legal? We had a spike of pot use here in Canada after prohibition ended. Hardly surprising. It has since receded dramatically - not to the level of a country where pot is illegal, but surprisingly low nonetheless.

But yes, please, PLEASE tell me what to do about the Brorphine.

But by all means, let's keep playing these legal loophole games where much, MUCH stronger and less euphoric opioids are taken by newbies who die for not wanting to suffer after their doctor abruptly but cut them off cold turkey after prescribing them 3500 Percocets (yup, this really happened to me).
Lets talk after you buy a milligram scale homie 🤔. I don't know the answer off-hand having no experience with brorphine. Someone here does though from my recollection.

The question that really tearing at my question is the throwing up methadone bit? You actually throw up your methadone??

I once took 900 something milligrams and didn't feel sick on methadone. I've never felt much nausea from methadone. Actually that isn't quite true, I have gotten some definite nausea years later from taking it recreationally while non tolerant. Still im curious about how your vomiting of it and what the origins are. Then again I've never thrown up from IV heroin and some people throw up ever shot.

As far as the brorphine maybe someone can chime (looks like we have some time since you dont even have a scale yet 😳).
Lets talk after you buy a milligram scale homie 🤔. I don't know the answer off-hand having no experience with brorphine. Someone here does though from my recollection.

The question that really tearing at my question is the throwing up methadone bit? You actually throw up your methadone??

I once took 900 something milligrams and didn't feel sick on methadone. I've never felt much nausea from methadone. Actually that isn't quite true, I have gotten some definite nausea years later from taking it recreationally while non tolerant. Still im curious about how your vomiting of it and what the origins are. Then again I've never thrown up from IV heroin and some people throw up ever shot.

As far as the brorphine maybe someone can chime (looks like we have some time since you dont even have a scale yet 😳).
Sorry if I wasn't clear. The vomiting is not from the methadone, but from opioid withdrawal.

I'm trying to use the Brorphine as safely as possible to eliminate this upcoming WD as I'm out of methadone now until Friday morning - last dose taken this morning. I know I'm a moron, but I just don't seem to have the self-control to take only what I'm supposed to if there are powerful drugs around. I usually double up on my carries (7 days) twice per week, leaving me 2 days without anything by Wednesday since pickup is Friday. Brorphine must have the power to completely eliminate this WD.

I agree that a mg scale is essential; eyeballing is too risky with this compound. I've actually been REDUCING my methadone (155 now down from 180 only a couple months ago) and given my inability to control myself, the Brorphine MUST GO as soon as Friday arrives - unless it's not as dangerous as initially claimed. Still, I want to go back to once-a-day-dosing of my methadone. Would be nice to do it from home, but if I have to go back daily again, so be it. It's probably better for me anyway given my personality.

So I'd REALLY APPRECIATE IF ANYONE CAN TELL ME HOW TO SAFELY USE BRORPHINE, EATING, VAPING, PLUGGING EVEN, BY MORNING OR AFTERNOON Wednesday. The worst day however if always Thursday. I can usually get through a full day without a methadone dose fairly easy minus the anxiety. I STILL DO get physical WD but early - yawning, tearing, anxiety, then later ones like puking and excessive sneezing by Thursday.

I can pick up a mg scale tomorrow morning.

Also it must be safer to use this cautiously with a mg scale than to swallow 100 mg Lope every week, right? Thank you so much for your help.
You might consider a more concise version where your query is stated succinctly with minimal erroneous opinion based matter. I say that genuinely, not to be a dick but instead increase the volume and quality of responses.

There is no empirical anything on brorphine. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. It ranges from truthful, generally accurate and mostly objective to ridiculous subjective nonsense. Since no valid info exists regarding potency of a specific ester, neither does any template to use as a guideline for dosing. So I'm not going to try and spit out a number. With shit like this man you either approach the situation and treat like it's... I don't know... Carfentanil, or you walk away. You can't even be sure what you have is brorphine, so what we might say could be inapplicable either way. Just be safe and begin by aiming towards a median along the purported threshold dose range. Having naloxone (Narcan) on hand is also advisable.
Hey Doggie, before i went back on program in November after being off Methadone since 2017 i was doing a fuck load of these shady 8's(fake dilly 8's) that first floated my way in like june of 2020 and were i guess supposedly were ISO but quickly they seemed to change and i would need to use vinegar or Vit C to break em down for iv and just from my gatherings and understandings it was prolly brorophine in them as from what i have seen posted on reddit is that Brorphine can be dissolved into slightly acidc aqueous solutions Soo i know u stated u didnt want to IV which i dont recommend anyone do anyways..
Oh and hey bro I dont judge and i hope this dosent come across in the wrong way and i dont know about anyone elses situation except my own but as someone whos had an issues with opiates for half their life i know how hard it can be, self control and addiction is a goddamn oxymoron if we could show self control in our usage we wouldnt be addicts bro. But its ok self control can be learned but more importantly i dont think u can force it on yourself or at least i couldnt as much i would tell my self i wanted to stop or limit my using it would always end in me using and usualy more so then normaly and i would end up hating myself even worse, another thing with my self personally i now feel as if a higher doseage of methadone may not necessarily be beneficial. As i stated i started back on program in november i had been off of methadone since 2017 but my journey with Methadone maintenance started back in 2010 and have been on and off program half a dozen times have tried suboxone was getting a supply from a friend but the first time i expeienced precipitated wd i swore never again.(i also swore id never go back on methadone lol) and my Methadone doc was really pushing it on me back in november but its double the cost of methadone here in canada and i dont have insurance which is the only reason she prescribed the methadone(apparently in my area they are trying not to perscibe new patient to MMT and putting them on suboxone instead and also trying to get methadone patient to switch to suboxone) I fucking wish we had a Heroin maintenance program, i had read the dr's in vancouver were trying it out and im ptretty sure they had good results but alas it never reacheched the other side of the country.
i gotta bit off course there... So whaty im trying to get at is in the past i experienced a lot a lot of stomach problems while on methadone and i would experience what i equate to full on withdrawals seemingly for no reason because i would take me drink everyday or nearly everyday and if i did miss a drink for a day or two i never really had any withdrawl issues related to skipped drinks but would regularly experience days of complete horror. Needles to say i was weary of going back on the program this time for thoes reasons but my using was out of my control at that point so i had to do it. and this time around i am keeping it low and never increased more then 5mg a week i am only at 65mg methadone daily which is what i porbably in the past would have said was a baby dose the higest i have been was 160mg/daily ..i do supplement this with 50mg CBD 2x daily and copious cannabis. and for me this somehow seems to be working for me, the only thing new that has been introduced that was not part of my daily regimen in the past when i was on methadone is the CBD. and im not saying that the CBD is everything cuz since my last time on MMT i have come to several epiphanies about myself and my addictions and look at things with a different perspective then i did in the past, but i do think it is playing a key role in mental health as of lately my anxiety is down alot, which has allowed me to stay away from benzos for the most part minus the once a month my buddy comes around looking to trade his ativan for weed but i dont seem compelled to eat the whole bottle and actually thers still a few left from last month. But i do feel like i should probably avoid the risk all together and avoid the benzos completely as i cannot trust that i will not eat the entire Rx.

But yeah basiclly bro i dont know if brorphine is going to be the answer you are looking for or not. deff grab a decent scale that weighs out 0.000g you can get good ones on amazon for decent $$ mine came with a 50g calibration weight and was only $30cdn.. I was thinking of ordering a 1/4g of this stuff for use as a possible addition to my methadone as lobster season opens on the may 1st and i go back to work i am anticipating that i will feel the need to increase my dosage due to added aches and pains of hard physical labor. but i am absolutely dreading the thought of increasing my methadone and possibly agitating my "guts" as i call them, leading to the nightmare of stomach problems i expeienced in the past. my thoughts were to if needed get the brorphine into a vape able state for a quick blast or two while on lunch break. as i dose my methadone later in the day usualy between 5-7pm i know it can be a bit dificult to wait so late to dose but i prefer this as i find this allows me a better sleep and its like my night sweats are non existent becuase of it.