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Opioids Hells Bells!


Jan 12, 2010
Naltrexone's duration of action

I've just read a report which suggests that after 168 hours 30% of the opiate receptors are still blocked. Now i've just gone through precipitated withdrawals and I am a cold grey orb of depression after having gone through what can only be described as a veritable hell on Earth - its getting better already though and i'm starting to feel brighter! Will I have to endure this for the best part of a week??? until I can use again or will my tolerance have reduced to the point where after 48 hours I will be able to use as I did before?
The report conflicts with the experiences of nltx users who skip a dosage day on 50mg per day and use the following day. If 90% of receptors are still blocked after 48 hours, how is this possible unless a massive tolerance reduction has occurred which again doesn't correlate with reality.

NOTE: Precipitated withdrawals can kill the user either through complications resulting from massive trauma or from returning to one's original dose after the receptor blockade.
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"Based upon three methods for quantifying changes
in mu-opiate receptor occupancy, we estimated the
effective half-time for return to baseline opiate receptor
occupancy after 50 mg of oral naltrexone to be 72 to
108 hr."

This study was aided by US Public Health Service Grants
No. 15080 and CA 09199.

This is the final conclusion of the report which although not amazing is more acceptable - what are your experiences of naltrexone precipitated withdrawals/prescribed use?

We need some actual information, dude.
What were you on?
What was your dose?
How long were you using?
What dose of Suboxone are you on?
What ROA are you using?

Come on man, how can we answer this at all without any of those answers?
^ Yeah, without information, we can't provide any answers. I'll give you a couple days to cough up some info, otherwise this thread will be closed.

It needs a new title too, but I don't know what you're asking so have no idea what to change it to. For future reference, be descriptive in your thread title. Vague shit like "Hells Bells!" isn't going to attract anyone, limiting the number of replies you get. That, plus the lack of info in your post, means you aren't going to have much luck at all.
*Smiles ruefully,yeah sorry about that - amendments as follows:
Put simply how soon after taking 12.5mg of NLTX oral can one resume consuming opiates without any blockade effects. I dont think any more info is needed, as the question is really about the NLTX and its duration of action
What this guys talking about is naltrexone, I think? Anyways this drug is marketed in an oxygon shaped pill kinnda like a suboxone, its 50mgs a pill witch may or may not be alot.....seems like alot though. So, OP says he took 12mg. of naltrexone? what are you doing?... crumbling the pills up? I think you would need to wait atleast two full days, more is probley better.... and you may want to change the name of this thread to something like natrexones effectiveness at blocking opiate receptors.
^ Yeah, without information, we can't provide any answers. I'll give you a couple days to cough up some info, otherwise this thread will be closed.

It needs a new title too, but I don't know what you're asking so have no idea what to change it to. For future reference, be descriptive in your thread title. Vague shit like "Hells Bells!" isn't going to attract anyone, limiting the number of replies you get. That, plus the lack of info in your post, means you aren't going to have much luck at all.

SECONDED! Hells bells doesnt tell anyone shit, dont get me wrong, were here to help you but we need more info. Be a bit more...no, be a hell of a lot more descriptive.
Im clueless as to how im supposed to change the thread title, but i've managed to add some more particulars.
p.s. 24 hours since naltrexone dose consumed 120mg Dihydro. upon waking withdrawal symptoms were alleviated although there was no perceptible analgesia immediately after using.