Hello Everyone! (Question Inside)!


Jan 31, 2016
Hello everyone, I hope you"re doing well. I"m currently in rehab. Outpatient Methadone. I take 70mg daily, but want to top it off around 80mg. I took around 40-60 Norco a day, might as well do Heroin, you know? haha. I helped my MILF neighbor today to put her cat back in her house because it ran out when I knocked. I asked for Triple A Batteries. Well I took 1000mg of Amoxicillin, just wondering if that's safe cause it's puffy. I deduced anti-biotics would work. Cats mouth has bacteria, anti-biotics are used to treat bacterial infections, so I'd use the Amoxicillian I have. If anyone has an input, holler!
What in the hell are you talking about? Your post makes no sense.

That's too much methadone for such a small norco habit (unless you meant 40-60 pills not mg).
Amoxicillin doesn't work like that (and seems unnecessary in this situation). If you think it's infected see a doctor.
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Did you get scratched or bit by the cat? I think you skipped a part.
Bit. Also 40-60 'Pills' per day. Also I Knocked on her door to ask her to see if she had any triple A batteries. Cat ran out, I grabbed the cat, it bit my hand, mouths carry bacteria, so amoxicillian will work because it treats bacterial infections. Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about
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You're fine, wash it with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and bandage the wound. If it doesn't heal in a week or looks infected, see a Doctor. It's just a cat.