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Heart Palpitations/Skipped Beat


Jun 7, 2018
So, for about the last three weeks, I've had intermittent issues with palpitations. I feel what seems like a skipped heart beat in my throat/chest. Some days once, some days as much as several times an hour for parts of the day.

After about two weeks, I rememberd that I had issues in the past with low blood pressure due to low sodium intake because of my diet which is overwhelmingly clean food/non-processed food. Booze notwithstanding, of course. ;)

So I started chucking a bit of sodium into my diet. This seems to have helped a bit in the last week but I'm still getting the rare skipped beat, or what feels like one anyway.

I'm not stressed, my diet is fine otherwise (and I'm not even sure it's the sodium), I'm not drinking more than normal. Less than normal, in fact. I haven't felt lightheaded.

Anyone know what might cause intermittent palpitations lasting weeks?
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i have no idea what could have caused that, and i think its best discussed with your doctor as none of us can diagnose you over the internet, or even be sure whether the symptoms you are experiencing are indeed missed heart beats or a cause for concern.

one note though- adjusting sodium intake alone may throw your system out of whack. to maintain homeostasis you need an appropriate balance of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium as they are all electrolytes (affect the way charge travels through a liquid), so if you are concerned that something in your diet is affecting electrical signalling in your body then you should look at your intake of these minerals collectively.
Like the above stated you need to ensure you’re speaking to the dr if you think something is really not normal. Have you anyway of checking your blood pressure or heart rate? I have my Apple Watch which checks for irregular heart beat and I’ve a wrist bp cuff but I’ve health issues so I’m a bit crazy with stuff like that.

If the sodium helped though id be looking into ensuring you’re getting all the electrolytes you need. I know when I’m low on potassium for example I have issues but I’ve an eating disorder so I’m super crazy about making sure I take what I need. If you’re into your clean eating just make sure you’re not missing out on essential vitamins and minerals it really is easy to cut a whole food group and lose benefits that come with it. Do you take supplements?
I will deffo book a session with my doctor. I was just wondering if anyone knew of possible causes for intermittent palpitations over a longer period of time.

I'm fairly certain I get everything I need, save for maybe the sodium.

My diet is overwhelmingly fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fresh vegetables and the only water I drink has rocks in it, so to speak....mineral water of various levels of essential mineral content. Like Gerolsteiner, for example which is fairly laden with potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

It's just weird because I've been put on a holter monitor before when this happened to me five years ago and that came back boring as all hell.
That, and when I go for full check up where they take blood to measure levels of all manner of thing and blood pressure, an EKG, etc, I'm always told to not change a thing as everything is perfect!
I used to joke about this when I still smoked: "Who am I to argue with a doctor?" :D

I'm wondering if maybe I'm hyper-sensitive to minor metabolic or dietary changes as when the plague hit, I was off work for two weeks and so suddenly sitting on my arse all day for two weeks as well as I discontinued my almost daily work lunch of eating nut butter sandwiches (sunflower, peanut, or pumpkin).

I will go see my doctor then. She's right fit so any reason to see her is a good time. hahaha
